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About FlorenceAndTheMachine

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  1. Ok look, I love Sky’s aesthetic, voice and overall vibe. It feels unique to my synesthesia… BUT her lack of ambition is so irritating as a latino. I know this spanish singer WHO is a garbage man and still manages to record music, even if it’s low quality. I come from a lifestyle where we are taught about not giving up or feeling defeated over things. We search, work hard and make it happen. her idea of perfection is beyond reach at this point and its an unreasonable unrealistic goal because of her budget and way of showing what she does. I know Capital Records was probably catching on to her habits long ago. Her act of rebellion in NTMT helped her and gave her edge, but after that she just high-key blew it with her actions and grace she gave herself for things. i haven't seen anything from her for me to believe her. A single a year and photoshoots is crazy when we have artists like a full time overtime garbage guy releasing music and staying humble with what he is able to provide. Idk
  2. But yeah, my fellow flo’s confirmed that pic was faked lol
  3. “As far as I could get” was eventually released by Florence but as a target exclusive track. The exclusive tracks were more raw and sounded like Demos. “As Far as I Could Get” really sounds like a Hunger Games MockingJay song, or somewhat intended for something else. It always gave me that vibe as it didn’t make the final cut to her concept album. That song is actually forgotten and most don’t even know it exists.
  4. I had my first listen with my headphones on and that song really hits compared to it being played out loud xD
  5. Idgaf about angel numbers- lets normalize not gaf https://youtu.be/YSyRn8iBkvY?si=g8g_mYdqT_4CPytW but that break in Leash reminds me of the break in “Part Time God” by The Bad Dreamers.
  6. https://youtu.be/pUhFA1xVRPc?si=Elr8LiYTBKXPShFD
  7. It’s just rearranged a bit differently and People get songwriting credits for that. They get credits because it’s more tailored towards their style.. which again isn't unusual- but always found a bit unfair when an artists like Jojo Siwa claims it their own. Though, Dev’s involvement was always transparent with this song and Sky talks about it in some articles. Probably sounding a bit distasteful in some, but he’s still given credit in a way. Also, he was pitching that song out to Britney Spears lol im curious to hear ai Brit sing it. It’s obvious that she ended up connecting to this song a little too much though, it kinda became an attachment of her where she believes it as her own in a more sentimental way rather than literal… so much so that she was arguing with Nasty Cherry for taking inspo off of it for “What Do You Like In Me?”
  8. Mila Degray keeps getting a ton of Sky Ferreira comments on her IG ever since she appeared in Charli XCX’s Guess video as a Sky Homage
  9. From my understanding, the demo wasn’t that great. I’m sure she has co writing credits because I remember the demo sounding (a little) different and funny with all of Devs whining. It’s not an unusual thing for artists to shape it into their own and be given writing credits for it… even though the base was someone else's. So.. it’s not really stolen if Dev is given credit everywhere lol.
  10. I defend her to an extent… she could do so much more to promote herself and her music. It’s obvious she lost passion.
  11. This reminds me of pictures with Sky Ferreira, CL and G Dragon. Sky Ferreira was actually supposed to collab with CL too but CL’s debut got highjacked by her label as well i think. She had an american debut planned but it was delayed and never released. She (CL) also had planned collaborations with florence welch and other different artists. There was one instance where they missed florence’s recordings because the producer was working on another project. I remember him saying he got the call and sadly had to turn it down. I remember reading that there were other collabs planned for sky but that was years ago. I’m just so curious to know what could have happened between CL and Sky. I cant find the article as this was years ago, does anyone remember reading this??? i used to listen to kpop back in like 2013 then CL got effed up by this shadow ban and blacklist behavior so it pissed me off xD
  12. I still cant see the countdown >_<
  13. Well.. uploaded a Sky Ferreira AI cover and it got a copyright strike the following day after a request…
  14. I learned to not get excited over anything Sky Ferreira related. It’s more surprising that way xD
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