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motel six

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Everything posted by motel six

  1. motel six

    Kali Uchis

    the visuals are so gorgeous, she’s announced the release date as 9th may
  2. motel six

    Ethel Cain

    wait i got them ignore me being dramatic earlier
  3. motel six

    Ethel Cain

    how the actual hell did anyone get through that? seriously, didn’t have a fighting chance. fuck ticketmaster so hard. the only couple times i’ve had to crash out like this on lanaboards has been over ticketmaster
  4. motel six

    Ethel Cain

    ticketmaster sucks SO BAD. i’m on my mobile data not uni wifi and it’s saying i can’t log in for suspicious activity and now presale is all gone
  5. really hoping the visuals are similar to the outfits she wore on the 2023 US tour, those outfits were GORGEOUS
  6. circa the last supper, 33 A.D. when was the last time you wrote an essay?
  7. happy birthday to ocean blvd (the day after) release day, i went to the mall to pick her up it was so exciting! craving this excitement again soon
  8. motel six

    Song vs. Song

    gods & monsters vs afraid
  9. how does she know if the right person has stayed yet? will the concept be like a statement telling us that the right person will stay, based on her experience and this relationship, or for herself to be hoping the right person does stay? and knowing if this person is right? they will stay
  10. super iconic i’m pretty sure it was in new look, a clothes shop (idk if it exists outside the UK), and M&S are known for playing it too from what i’ve heard!
  11. i heard queen of disaster in a store too, before i was a big fan as well!
  12. a lot of don’t call me angel on UK radio in 2019
  13. the way my university blocked this webpage earlier when i tried to open it, no other thread just this one😭
  14. she ate with this idc, how it’s got me feeling^
  15. this will be on repeattt 21st feb…. 21st march… she knows lana isn’t dropping a thing on 21st may
  16. keeping my expectations low. no singles soon, and no album in may, newport folk festival style setlist at stagecoach maybe teasing 1 new song, rehashed 2023/24 setlist for UK tour, no news on the album until later in the year, news will be it’s changed
  17. 13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 11 The Siren - 31 lustforlife - 33 lanaswildflowers - 16 sparklejumpropenoose - 11 Acid - 30 Prettiest Boy In Country Music - 18 Eugene - 13 Cake Bush - 13 Tartoes - 10 Lemonade Motorcycle Heaven - 10 Ivory Almond - 10 the creator of the banned members survivor has been added to the list
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