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  1. Lyrically, yes but sonically? I don't think so. However, what you did point out correctly is how Lana tends to pick up stories and further elaborate on them. Like on UV she was grieving the end of the relationship and in BAR she's much more confident and has this F You attitude. I remember her saying that CW represented her mental state when UV dropped. So basically her being on her way to forget about the guy that fucked her over but being crazy and mad as fuck. Then, throughout the album she explains how it got to that point. On Honeymoon she has a very melancholic, dreamy view on their relationship. I'd even go as far to say that Honeymoon is mirroring UV but from a very different perspective. She dreams about their relationship and how it could have went had fame not gotten into the way (Honeymoon, Swan Song, God Knows I Tried, 24). On Lust for Life she has fully recovered and is ready to face the world and instead of looking back, she's looking forward (which could explain the futuristic themes she's been playing with). Her music and her persona is still vintage but she's singing about the present and the future, not the past. It's interesting how she's constantly playing with the concept of time and juxtaposing the future with the past and etc. I think that's why she put Burnt Norton on HM. It's supposed to explain what she does and how she plays with the concept of time and how the past influences the future which is shaped by our actions in the present, etc.
  2. Hard to tell, tbh. Born to Die really hasn't too many "actual" outtakes. She considered a lot of the material she recorded back when she didn't have a record deal for the album. I think the only one we know for sure was among the ones strongly considered for inclusion is "You Can Be the Boss". It was most likely replaced by Diet Mountain Dew. It would be interesting to know whether Emile Haynie also reworked YCBTB and the other songs that are speculated to be outtakes (Driving in Cars with Boys, Roses, Damn You and Hollywood's Dead). I think his remix of You Can Be the Boss would sound very similar to his version of Diet Mountain Dew, if not almost exactly the same (the beat at least). Note these are all speculations though... Another possibility is, that she started recording stuff with Chris Braide after Video games blew up and then picked songs that could match the songs they recorded together before going into a completely different direction with Emile Haynie. Now, Paradise had two outtakes: - Hollywood - JFK - Because of You was recorded in 2012 but we don't know if it was recorded for Paradise in particular. I listed the ones for Ultraviolence in my previous post. Honeymoon...I don't think has any outtakes...at least not any that we know of.
  3. No. It only leaked alongside Hollywood and JFK which were Paradise outtakes. The UV outtakes are: Fine China Yes to Heaven Melancholia Angels Forever Trans Am? Black Beauty (Demo) Sad Girl (Demo) Shades of Cool (Demo) West Coast (Radio Mix) Guns and Roses & Is This Happiness also came from the sessions above but weren't reworked by Dan A. as far as I know.
  4. I don't get why you hate all of her best songs. Anyway, Fine China without a doubt but I'mm very glad that the entire session for this album was abandoned at first and then picked up with Dan A. again. They truly chose the best songs for the album. Your Girl remains the worst out of the four, though.
  5. Hardly. Honeymoon has some of her worst and unimaginative lyrics ever.
  6. A non-event. Some beautiful photoshoots and some okay-good songs. Nothing outstanding. It was nice to see what could have become the Ultraviolence video.
  7. Benvolio


    Which ones do you want exactly? Album bonus tracks? B-Sides? Album outtakes?
  8. Benvolio


  9. Benvolio


    I can't believe we are gonna get this as an extra on the DVD! I am more hyped for this than that shitty tour!
  10. Benvolio


    Hey, guys. I've been working really hard and have spent a lot of money on completing my Madonna collection. A while ago I started uploading a megapost of all her singles (every commercially released version of every song, including all those rare promo edits) with all the b-sides and shit for the media section of another forum. I thought some of you might be interested in obtaining some of those versions. Madonna has some AMAZING remixes for her singles. Unfortunately almost all of her singles are not available digitally or as remix EPs on iTunes for example. Therefore, I decided to create something like that for my personal iTunes collection and I wanna share it with you guys! I know there are two fans of her on here @@Hundred Dollar Bill @@trayertrash. To everyone else, if you want to be updated please quote me. I will add you to my taglist. As of now, I have all her singles from Everybody-Love Profusion uploaded. The rest will follow once I've managed to obtain all versions of those songs. Some tracklists have been slightly modified to avoid b-side repetition or add something that was not available anywhere else or only available as promo single. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByGWA1FoMxaITXBZZFA1RVhLVEE
  11. Yup. That's what I thought! It's weird that they are both related to instrumental music though (a piano theme and the Lolita score). It only seems to further support the theory that they are instrumental compositions she has done with Skarbeck.
  12. Let's imagine she would actually do 1 1/2 - 2 h long shows with sections, interludes, costume changes etc. How do you think they would look at? Let's make fantasy setlists, tour posters, stage design ideas, etc. There are no limits for your creativity! Okay, so imma start with the... BORN TO DIE TOUR Instead of being a small promo tour like the one she did before the album dropped, this would instead be an actual concert tour starting after the release of National Anthem featuring songs from the album and some popular unreleased tracks. ACT I: Queen of NYC - Lana would wear a white baby doll dress or a floral dress for this section. She would also appear on stage wearing heartshaped sunglasses. Intro A video of Lana doing her makeup and getting ready, shot on 8mm and set to Ennio Morricon's "Quilty" from the Lolita movie soundtrack with vocal excerpts and samples from "This Is What Makes Us Girls" 1. Lolita 2. Serial Killer 3. Carmen 4. Diet Mountain Dew 5. Us Against the World Interlude A video of Lana and her lover riding in the car and scenes of them at the beach set to "Lucky Ones" ACT II: On the Run - Lana's look for this section would be more "Americana"/Rockabilly 50's but with a modern twist. Kind of "Gangsta Nancy Sinatra"! 6. Kinda Outta Luck 7. You Can Be the Boss 8. Blue Jeans 9. Video Games 10. Radio ACT III: Opulence - Lana would wear a beautiful long red gown for this section. She would rise on the stage sitting on a big black piano performing Million Dollar Man. Interlude An 8mm video of Lana performing "Why Don't You Do Right?" 11. Million Dollar Man 12. Off to the Races 13. Born to Die 14. Summertime Sadness 15. Without You ACT IV: Encore Interlude Re-edit of Lana's National Anthem video set to the Jackie Kennedy monologue. 16. National Anthem
  13. Does she ever sound consistently good live though? Good riddance!
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