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About tombombadil01

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  1. omg unmanifest this? I don’t even know if I want Henry at this point , it’s been a decade hey blue baby and I must be stupid are ancient and prettiest girl sounded more like some light hearted fun song, something I would expect from one of the new girlies , surely not a 40 yo woman idk I don’t want any of these songs on Lasso, not even Country Roads - that song is so stripped down istg I’ll cry if we get any more piano-only songs and I’m a sucker for Lana’s ballads one of my top 3 is Old Money but I just need to get smacked in the face with some grit at this point I’m tired of sleeping
  2. by the time Lasso is out the music business will be circling back to 90s alt rock 💀 ngl I don’t know why she got fixated with this country baloney, it’s been in the air for like 4 years it’s dead and gone, I wish she just let it go and explored new concepts and actually paved the way like she did with btd, uv, hm and Norman instead of chasing after whatever the music business is doing
  3. she’ll be like dOn’T fOrgEt mE 🗣️ and then forgets to release
  4. yep - when she was interviewed she was like “the music business has gone gone country” then she gone gone away ngl atp I think this is a marketing strategy, she’ll string us along with scraps so she can keep our guard up for months on end while she does whatever it is that she’s doing. Tbh it works because look at us clowns
  5. this one might be a runner up we had Henry come on in January and we don’t even know if that’s gonna be part of the album 💀
  6. have you seen his fb reposts? I guarantee there’s a ew waiting for you as well
  7. oh nooo 😭 I’m sorry it probably went out of stock because I spammed the msg everywhere lmao Lana should pay me a percentage off those sales
  8. I know it’s not related as it’s been months now but I’m taking this opportunity to let everyone know Amazon Italy has restocked the boobs vinyl for some reason 😅 I bought it and it’s legit so if some of y’all are still looking well it’s there
  9. Thank you I’ll post there too x as for lasso I’m praying she does something like zach ryan 😭
  10. you mean a picture of the one I bought? Yes it’s 100% legit I literally have it , if you go to Amazon it you can see it’s still there and it’s been for like a few weeks now I legit have no idea how
  11. Y’all I’m trying to make everyone aware of this - I already posted in a different thread I don’t want to get warning points for going off topic but I really just want to share that Amazon italy has the tiddy vinyl in stock at retail price for some reason - I just picked it up at the locker I thought it was a mistake but it’s legit lol - if you can recommend which thread I can post this to or if it’s better to create a new one let me know I hope y’all can snatch it before it goes out of stock 🤍
  12. Y’all idk which thread to use please don’t give me a warning point I just wanted to share that Amazon italy has the tiddy vinyl in stock at retail price for some reason - I just picked it up at the locker I thought it was a mistake but it’s legit lol
  13. OK but what’s the point of having a poll when they will obviously have pop-ups in the same big cities they always do like it’s not trigonometry (hm pun), the majority of requests will be from cities with more people? I’m like 100% sure the request for HM alt cover is through the roof but I won’t be able to get it because I live in fcking south Italy , why can’t they have an online restock? 🧌
  14. y’all this is no good for my mental health 😭 I can’t be living through another round of ticket war, 15+ hours of queuing and fighting for barricades I need rest I am old 😭
  15. I really disagree about the incoherency. Musically yes, but I think the main tunnel theme - going in with The Grants and walking through the darkness to come out on the other side in the light - that runs through it is what keeps the whole thing together. It’s very thematically coherent in my opinion
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