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Everything posted by Honeybear

  1. 1. Ship to Wreck 2. What Kind of Man 3. How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful 4. Queen of Peace 5. Various Storms & Saints 6. Delilah 7. Long & Lost - This isn't that bad, but it's not that good, either. 8. Caught 9. Third Eye 10. St. Jude 11. Mother I am a little bit quite biased because I like Florence, but the album is so good The songs in cursive are my personal favourites.
  2. https://www.periscope.tv/w/aGF2tDYzODY2NDN8MzA4NzcyNjXwnddn45XK1z-aFicdh11XwusYiIBXw6RvQpMd5diG9g== https://www.periscope.tv/w/aGF_ZzYzODY2NDN8MzA4OTI3OTa1YI5mIaN14ydzNJL0Z7evjuctDMuula0pJnqaqC_AZA== BY GOLLY, MAKE SURE YOU HOLD YOUR WEAVES TIGHT
  3. Honeybear


    https://instagram.com/p/4gbBvkrL01/ Are they working on something together? If that happens, I'll legit die
  4. I recently started The Divine Comedy by Dante, and I learned so many archaic words and phrases
  5. LMAO, look what I found on Twitter https://vid.me/e/d0ID?card=1
  6. Honeybear

    Charli XCX

    It's my first time listening to the Super Ultra mixtape, and I can say that's her best body of work, followed by the True Romance album
  7. A part of the said choreography video is available on Apple's website, even though it's muted. I think there's a high chance we get the EP on the 30th as well.
  8. https://instagram.com/p/4dELpmHDGZ/
  9. Honeybear

    Ryn Weaver

    It is!? My desires will be fulfilled
  10. Honeybear

    Ryn Weaver

    I want Pierre to be a single, ugh
  11. Isn't anyone willing to review My Love is Cool by Wolf Alice
  12. Honeybear


    In my opinion, it's about the relationship with herself, but I see where you're getting that idea from
  13. The instrumental sounds okay to me when I have headphones on. I do hope she releases it alongside the launch of Apple Music
  14. 1. Vegas - This song had me chanting the chorus whole day today. 2. Make a Scene 3. On the Regular - This is definitely the highlight of the album. 4. Call It Off 5. Hot Mess 6. Demon 7. In for the Kill 8. Youth - Worst one. 9. Darker 10. Hard in the Clouds - An epic closing track for the record, one of my favourites. Overall, Ratchet is an okay album, which will probably sound better live, but I don't like a lot of the tracks featured on it (mostly because of Shamir's voice). There are few jams on the record, however (Tracks #1, #3, and #10)
  15. Honeybear


    Idk why but I find Geidi Primes completely unlistenable, but I'm starting to like Halfaxa quite a lot. Can anyone explain the name of the latter?
  16. Honeybear


    I think that Blood Diamonds is her boyfriend, I remember reading it in her MTV interview, but I might as well be wrong
  17. Honeybear

    Song vs. Song

    Black Beauty vs. Driving in Cars with Boys
  18. If your life was a TV show, this would be the theme song: The Other Woman Will you ever get to heaven?: Ultraviolence Song you dance to at your wedding: Million Dollar Man This song contains the name of your first-born: Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkle Trailer Heaven) Song played at your funeral: Gods & Monsters What do you want right now?: Axl Rose Husband Song that describes your sex life: Summertime Sadness How will you die?: National Anthem Your life motto: Without You What do you look for in a girl/guy?: Cola Song that plays in your head when you see someone attractive: Sad Girl What people think of you: Put Me In A Movie Where will you live?: Money Power Glory What is your vice?: I Can Fly What is the most important thing in your life?: Radio Who do you look up to?: Video Games
  19. I had heard of him before but today was the first time I watched one of his videos It was a poor life choice
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