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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Probably inb4 Interscope commission for a whole Cedric Gervais album. Looooord give me Emile
  2. If it doesn't, I'm finding a way to blame you.
  3. Sitar


    Now this is what I was expecting from the cover when she first posted the text. If only. Love it. OMG that's a good comparison! Really perfect kinda indie crossover hit and those earworm beats have serious longevity. I'm now skeptical about that Team audio...I think it's actually a LQ recording of the studio version, maybe from the album listening session, and not live from iHeartRadio JFC the one Lorde stream I miss and all this new stuff happens. Like she fucking performed Glory & Gore and no one's talking about it! EDIT: OH WAIT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaWueno_d54 DOUBLE EDIT: Oh it was a performance and everyone is confident that it's "Team" despite being called "Good Fights" on the setlist... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dJSj4jzaBk
  4. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    How is this 8000x better than the snoozy original? Honestly since Azealia has me more skeptical than stanning at the moment I can say that ATM Jam is sooooo boring without the laugh sample and just sounds empty as fuck. And the chorus shouldn't repeat as much as it does. But this remix is so varied and good, will use.
  5. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Flopping ass community. I will choose Mess even though that's sacrificing a fictional opportunity for a rare studio (like, will we ever hear Gravity? I'm not optimistic). And I predict a single announcement based on the timeline she proposed with her Paramore tour! Shiiiit if it happens right around Sky's single all will be well.
  6. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    Okay so Soda will be the next BWET single, released in December if her label is finally pushing a real date And she's supposed to release a song from Fantasea II, which is now an album due in July 2014, this weekend?!?!?! And Bizarra has been booted from the album but she might leak it, though she says everything is better (I find it hard to believe that BBD is better). This is the Azealia I'm here for. The one who posts info and follows through with shit. We shall see come this weekend.
  7. Sitar

    OMG does she do this stuff? I live for less popular artists who give me shoutouts to feel special Here is the first one, with everything but the Mor stuff (so @@liam works for you, too, but it has a few that you already have): http://www68.zippyshare.com/v/38616266/file.html I'll upload the rest after school.
  8. No I've been inside the Troubadour, they make you throw away packets of gum in your pocket Sighhh if I were a CL fan I might've seen Lana that night...I just need to think two steps ahead of her.
  9. Sitar

    Britney Spears

    I'm kinda in love with the idea but if anyone else did this it would be corny and pandering Godney tho, I'll buy it if only to outsell Dark Horse
  10. You'll have to post the songs you want on it!
  11. Like at least do a shitty remix of a song she hasn't pushed as a single yet so she's forced to leave the streets of Beverly Hills with her hat and shoot a video or something. "Body Electric" is suitably repetitive.
  12. Sitar


    Ordered Billboard magazine bc my nearest Barnes & Noble fucking blooooooows when it comes to carrying anything I want Slaying all Lorde merch EDIT: OMG she confirmed that "Team" is the next single and then this audio of her performing it happened http://buzzcut-season.tumblr.com/post/60910638416/lordenation-lorde-team
  13. Yeah that's @@Rebel credit, not Naomi And now a bitch has added a cowboy. Is she shooting more? Like...? Lorde is accepting fans
  14. So there's no question that we're in a bit of a news drought lately. Tropico is rumored to be out later this month but damn if Lana will breathe a word about it. So here, we make up Lana Del Rey headlines that sound like they could be plausible! I'll start: Lana to Record a Duet With Elvis "Whether or Not Science or Logic Backs Me Up" Lana to Write a Metaphysical Interpretation of Lolita, Sparks Outrage Lana to Release a Line of Fresh2Death Ballcaps Play along
  15. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Daily Topic: Would you rather see a studio version for Mess, Gravity, or Atomic?
  16. Sitar

    FKA twigs

    EFF-KAY-AY Twigs imo Which sucks because just plain Twigs is a great name, other band be damned As for EP2: hopefully a grower. It's a bit samey and I wish there were some "Ache" or "Weak Spot" type jams. "Water Me" is the only one that stands out when played together.
  17. Sitar


    Every pre-order is signed but I don't think every one comes with The Love Club vinyl. And I'm in the USA and ordered it just fine!
  18. Sitar

    Argh thanks you da one I downloaded a lot of the older songs, I will upload them if you can send me Glass, Maiden, and Off We Go (Especially Off We Go, it's the only one I didn't know how to rip, fucking MySpace) What I got from the links you provided and further searching: Also I'm loving XXX 88, she just gets better.
  19. Sitar

    Feeling her a lot more with every day tbhhhh, I even found the Mor stuff on Bandcamp and bought it. Anyone have good quality files of her released songs like Waste of Time, Pilgrim, etc? @@liam?
  20. Sitar


    LMAO Tropico teas with that release date
  21. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

    IKR!!! I think "Bizarra" might have turned into "Ice Princess"...both sound druggy and Lil Internet-y. And there's a deluxe edition because she said on Twitter that's where "No Problems" is gonna be And "Black Cherry" got demoted to the title "Wallace" And "Luxury" and "Gimme a Chance" are completely re-done. Let's just hope it stays January I'm sooooo hyped But you know, still mad at ha But closer to buying ATM Jam than I was yesterday
  22. Sitar

    Azealia Banks

  23. Sitar


    Yes I did yes I did Somebody please tell him who the F I is
  24. Sitar

    FKA twigs

    Thanks this is really helpful! I love it, too, I was considering changing it but it just puts a smile on my face and the feedback is top notch
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