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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. This is exactly what she would sing if she were actually motel lounge singin'
  2. Well that's wrooooong, Summer of Sam and Ridin' are beyond. But it'd probably just be Kanye beats under her sadcore like Born to Die. I think I read that that was completed. Or that dude was clearing a sample, so maybe he just used a bit of one of her older songs. GG ain't a new theory Although it seems more plausible if this guy is tied to Jay-Z, who in turn is tied to GG.
  3. Sitar


  4. Girl there will be soundtracks and a Western studio album with a cappella (hey Monicker ) tracks because she is a GODDESS.
  5. Sitar

    Lady Gaga Hate

    Six pages of this thread thoroughly fooled me into thinking otherwise
  6. Better not be another As If, i.e. selected tracks from a pushed back album :pressed:
  7. Sitar


    What Andrew said, I stanned for all of their first albums (even Katy ) Yeah, looks like her lead singles are invariably going to do the best. I'm saying she will have longevity, if she continues to grow. I'm beginning to realize that pop isn't even the genre she's the best at, which is very interesting.
  8. Sitar

    Lady Gaga Hate

    Shutting bitches down since 2012
  9. Sitar

    Lady Gaga Hate

    Would you look at that LanaBoards is known for being unnecessarily pressed to the max about a celebrity who doesn't affect any of our lives? Potentially active members flee at the high concentration of hatred? Relentlessly active Gaga fans like myself feel uncomfortable and upset as fuck when this shit keeps cropping up? The reasonable and welcoming voices are too easily drowned out by shady emoticons and endless cries of "BRITNEY >>> UR FAV TBH GAGA IS HORRID SHIT" and mob mentality and hideously off-topic threads? I can't imagine No one's asking for Gaga praise. Just less fucking hatred.
  10. Sitar


    Well to be fair, Ke$ha, Katy, and Gaga's lead singles all came out within a year of each other. Rihanna's the only one who has been in the industry for a notably longer time. Though I certainly consider ol' K$ above Katy and Rih Talking about being a global star: I think "party girl" has no longevity at all, which is one of the reasons I'm really pleased with her soemwhat ditching that on Warrior. Hope she keeps going down that road and has more freedom on her next album. Sadly, it looks like Warrior isn't doing any amazing sales or revolutionizing, but she has the potential to with less Dr. Luke.
  11. *reads thread title" "Probably another cover with that goddamn lip-liner." *clicks* *cackles* *kills self*
  12. Sitar

    Lana Del Banks

    I wonder why Lana considers Azealia the only person she can relate to nowadays. She's secretly sadcore I would love to see Lana as a chorus girl on an Azealia song, or even rapping alongside her. I don't think a collab would work on one of Lana's releases, though. But I'm here for it. Even more remixes.
  13. Sitar

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs

    "Heads Will Roll" and the album It's Blitz! are the Yeah Yeah Yeahs at their danciest. They change directions for each album, dance being their furthest departure from the normal. Even the next album is supposed to be a lo-fi affair. If you liked HWR then I'd recommend listening to the album it's from--it's very good. Call it a good commercial introduction to them. The spirit, songwriting, style, and vocals are common threads throughout all the releases, so if you like those you're set. "Dragon Queen" and "Zero" are particularly good for dancing
  14. Oh At this point in my life it's Lana, for her versatility. Luckily I don't have to choose. Like a country having two monarchs :dorothy5:
  15. Aw, thanks. No one's against you posting the thread, a lot of people just don't like that photo shoot. Don't worry. Another interview would be cool Although it's a German magazine, so there'd deffy be mad America bashing.
  16. These remind me of all of GagaOopsy's sets. In a...good way. Really, so gorgeous. Loving the actual modelling. Perfect bitch, perfect fringe. Would rep this all day if it weren't pink.
  17. Are we the only Golden Girls-loving Lana Del Rey fans? Are there any LDR lovers in the Golden Girls fandom? Well we had a small amount to begin with, so now it's a good place to build or subtract from, slowly. I think
  18. Unless Lady Gaga fucked her boyfriend or beat the shit out of her mom, this comment seems just jealous. Settled. Understandable. Separate careers. Shut the fuck up.
  19. Oh yeah! Everyone come back and add your Paradise songs! Born to Die: Blue Jeans Paradise: Burning Desire (I deffy played it like 50 times the day it came out) AKA: Queen of the Gas Station/Kill Kill Sirens: For K Unreleased: Every Man Has His Wish Demos: Lolita (Demo I) Collabs: Ridin' (feat. A$AP Rocky) Not much change
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