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Everything posted by konnichiwalski

  1. The theatricality and vocals on this though, Allie Hughes jumped out. Flawfree
  2. She did acknowledge Tongue Tied on that one interview from early this year though
  3. 48H Allie X is shaking http://www.flaunt.com/content/allie-x-super-sunset Also, this might be the first interview that she straight up said she used to perform as Allie Hughes in Toronto and then went through changes that became Allie X Andra and ultimately Allie X???
  4. Ok, I decided to look those people up and Ricky Ducati wrote on both songs. That explains a lot ldksçldklsak https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpm1W0IFWTI/
  5. Does anyone have an explanation to this? Was it done by the same people behind Girl of the Year? Cause there's no way this is coincidental.
  6. Sums up my thoughts on this perfectly. The songs are great, but only as stand-alone songs. It doesn't flow well, although the 1-2 punch of Little Things and Science is appreciated. The intro and the interlude serve no purpose 1. they don't set any mood for the record 2. they don't flow into the songs that follow. Speaking of flowing into other songs, what was the point of slowing down Can't Stop Now in the outro to something that was pretty much the same tempo as Focus to not have they flow into each other? Let me not even get started about the whole campaign leading up to the record. I'm happy that the songs are all killer though. Collxtion II was a major let down with and its only redeeming quality was Simon Says. I just hope she can stay consistent.
  7. I'd swap Focus and NSBILA, but accurate.
  8. But even when you download the song it still sounds like 4 songs at once. If it was a issue with the played that wouldn't happen i suppose. Is this recorded from some discord or something?
  9. There is literally no point in releasing this in album form if all the songs are out before the release date.
  10. Do you have a link to that snippet?
  11. konnichiwalski


    I loved her debut, but since the release of Step 1 I've been getting more and more into Aurora's music. Such a great talent Does anyone have a masterpost/masterfile with unreleased songs and what not in the best quality possible?
  12. What a flop sone I am, I didn't even notice this is Moonlight
  13. This is nice! How did no one knew about it?
  14. Btw, this song was registered recently
  15. Same The production and her vocals seems nice, but that chorus is one of the laziest things she ever wrote.
  16. Also, according to ASCAP, Allie wrote this
  17. I had no idea it was released nnn It works better as a duet tbh (and Allie's version is better too)
  18. I thought the exact same thing on my first listen!
  19. Both Sunflower and Kid Wonder sound like ALX material, I like it.
  20. The mixing on this is a complete mess. The guitar and the drums are drowning her vocals
  21. This. Marina Diamandis would be better than both options tbh.
  22. Same, I lost interest after Unsolved and that whole mess. There's something missing in her music since CXII, it's not as quirky and euphoric like CXI and Unsolved. Everything is very ~chill~ and subdued and kinda bland imo? Focus and Science are kinda good, but still there's something missing.
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