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Everything posted by konnichiwalski

  1. I think it was deleted because of the leaks and drama around that ddd
  2. Most of it was spread throughout the old thread tbh, but I appreciate the compilation <3
  3. I've been tired of CXII since the vinyl rip leaked.
  4. did we miss something? ddd
  5. Did you guys work together after the stuff you played at Mutek?
  6. I'm pretty sure someone posted on the old thread
  7. For some odd reason my posts are not going through when I quote someone lol But yeah, that guy is Benny Blanco.
  8. I rebuke it in the name of Jesus
  9. https://web.archive.org/web/20120328233412/https://youtube.com/watch?v=kSSBkgkZbb4
  10. Tbh, what disturbes me the most on this screen shot is the picture of the bruises. Thank god she let go of that immagery. Omg yes she looked pretty much skin and bones at that time. She probably has an eating disorder, as @@nobreaks mentioned she alludes to that even on her first album. I just hope she's ok now and does not relapse.
  11. Queen of doing everything except releasing her music.
  12. Yeah, it's not deleted. She must've forgotten to pay her domain, which sucks cause you can't even access through the tumblr link, only the dashboard.
  13. Welp. Thanks for trying though!
  14. I don't think you should say yes, just introduce yourself as a twigs fan or fansite owner idk lmao
  15. Omg at Ian Barter responding. And mess at the first one. I don't know much what to say either lmao but introduce yourself as a fan, try asking details about those songs they did together, with Ian you can ask about Lights On because that was released, maybe it's easier. Ask if there's a possibility for you/us to get to listen to something they did together.
  16. Not sure if this has even been posted, but I found the credits to Sculpture Sculpture Alexandra Hughes(NS);BRETT MCLAUGHLIN(ASCAP);Oskar Sikow(NS)
  17. I actually found some people through HFA and ASCAP registered songs. Paul Dolby/Seiji > He produced the original "electropop" version of I'm Your Doll. Soundcloud, twitter and facebook are on his site, but none of them seem to have recent activity. http://www.seiji.studio We Are Shining > She worked with them on Breaks, that is on their album with another vocalist. Again, no activity on the band social media. Morgan Zarate and Acyde are behind the duo and neither are active on social media. https://soundcloud.com/weareshining Fabien Waltmann > Worked with Twigs on a number of songs registered on HFA. Seems to be active on twitter and Facebook. http://fabienwaltmann.com Ian Barter > Worked with Twigs on a number of songs registered on both HFA and ASCAP. Not active on social media. Tried to contact him and got no answer. https://www.ianbarter.com Mihai Ogasanu > Worked with Twigs on Bumper. http://www.centralbpm.com And of course there's Robert Logan. And Mike Chapman who produced Walk Til You're Dead but I can't find any way to get in touch with him.
  18. I wish someone could find a way to talk to Ian Berter. They worked on a lot of music together, some was even on her old myspace. But I have special interest in his version of Lights On. I tried to email him like two times but never got an answer. Btw, Boots said he worked on some stuff for LP2
  19. CXIII concept: all gifs are of her spinning. Make that happen, Alexandra
  20. Ok, my faves: CLXI: Never Enough CLXII: Simon Says CLXU: Misbelieving Unreleased: Sculpture
  21. I'm pretty sure it's been said that 24/7 does not have Alexandra and that the snippet posted was the same one Allie gave to that girl that won some sweepstakes kind of thing she did in 2015.
  22. Yes!! But I don't really like the ALX version, the original is better/more fitting to the lyrics. Omg I completely forgot about that lmao Is there anything related to that note on any of the CXII gifs/visuals?
  23. Yes, she completely missed the mark imo. Tbh, she missed the mark very early on. She had enough good songs to put out CXI in 2014 when she got the attention from the Katy Perry tweet but went the rest of the year into hiding. Then she got a moment going in 2015 with CXI and let it die in 2016 with the whole Unsolved mess. Herself and her team are the ones in the way of stablishing the Allie X project. She could've a Charli or MØ sized fan base by now if she knew how to ride the momentum she created back then.
  24. It's just a diet that Allie herself decided to take to extremes. I actually read the book and it's a pretty reasonable plant based diet. The sugar part is not even crazy, you only cut it for like a month or two and reintroduce it slowly. Allie's just dramatic with it
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