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Everything posted by konnichiwalski

  1. I guess it was the last song recorded, cause the other 2 titles don't really relate to Forget.
  2. Yeah, it was the track # before it was cut from the tracklist.
  3. If INHA is an indicator, the other 2 scrapped songs are better and would fit the album better than some of the duds that made the final cut
  4. She's somewhat popular, so good for Allie for the free promo lol
  5. It's a web zine thingy, fkatwigsfans posted about a launch party but deleted shortly after.
  6. So I was searching through things and found some interesting stuff. There is a second twigs x Nike collab supposed to come soon, as well as a twigs x Shiseido collab and the Rooms film. The info was found on her collaborator Rina Yang's website.
  7. why does this live version of Casanova goes AWF, allie sis fix the album version right now.
  8. Miss Tahliah stay stesting us. Btw, she re-wrote the verses of Youth. I kinda like the original better. Starts at 28:50
  9. Pretty sure it was mentioned when it was leaked. I can't seem to find the original post, must be on the original thread that was closed/deleted.
  10. TSU is a demo from 2013/2014 isnt it? So it's likely to be another song.
  11. The squeal I just let out was not human
  12. That was cancelled along with the unsolved songs
  13. https://www.instagram.com/p/BYnq-upnLl6/ !!!
  14. konnichiwalski

    Charli XCX

    Idk if it's already posted, but MusicMafia is selling a song called Pop The Balloons.
  15. Does she? I didn't knew about that
  16. Lbr we all know she's not finishing this song ever.
  17. Other than Hell Yeah Baby and Hard 2 Love, there's only Candyland and it's not even HQ. I think the full song didn't even, just a loop.
  18. https://twitter.com/alliex/status/899764332799590400 Will she ever stop teasing Sculpture and actually release it?
  19. https://soundcloud.com/heartofdiamondss/leak-allie-hughes-catch-my-breath-concept-demo There's more stuff on their profile.
  20. Queen of thinking Tongue Tied is a special song yet not releasing it.
  21. Paper Love rough demo!
  22. konnichiwalski

    Aly & AJ

    Can you/anyone re-up this please?
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