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Everything posted by konnichiwalski

  1. Her fashion and her lack of rhythm nnn
  2. I don't know if I'm more shocked at her song played without permission or Gigi Gorgeous doing reality TV
  3. Made us chose one, released neither
  4. I'm screaming at her laugh on the second video
  5. Better Times Offering All The Rage Too Much To Dream Old Habits Die Hard Cure That's So Us Casanova Purge Misbelieving Alexandra The fact that we have pretty much the whole original CXII project in some form
  6. Honestly I don't know if I want her to finish Sculpture after she ruined True Love Is Violent.
  7. inb4 24/7 comes back from the dead to do it before her.
  8. Same, Moonlight is my favorite track on Seohyun's album.
  9. Pretty sure it's those bangs extentions. It looks off on the first picture.
  10. It'll definetly be for That's So Us, since she got that budget from MuchMusic a couple of months back. - The Casanova video is so good! Sure it's simple but unlike Paper Love it's not trying to have a storyline and failing at making sense. It's just great visuals.
  11. Why You Wanna starts with her singing operatic notes, kinda like the original Oh Chad, but with effects.
  12. Yes, she came to Brazil like two years ago to meet his family during Christmas.
  13. We don't know anything about it other than it was a thing https://twitter.com/FKAtwigs/status/881681976977174532
  14. So basically this is confirmation that the original form of Collxtion II was done early last year but god know why she decided to scrap that and give us a bunch of generic songs instead. Nice.
  15. Yeah it's odd that they didn't put on their site. Although even the Sanctuary video vanished from there. I would be fine with a phone quality, TSU is not even good anyway
  16. So did anyone found That's So Us' video?
  17. She can keep the Casanova video and give me the footage of that church gig tbh.
  18. While I can undestard that, I think everyone should at least wait til next year. Plus we know that she has stuff ready to be released - the radiant me² songs, the cancelled ep and whatnot.
  19. I don't even understand why people are even pressuring and bothering her about new music on social media when she made it very clear late last year that she would not release anything in 2017.
  20. Is that second version real or someone found a way to edit it?
  21. If he gave the song to someone then Marina is probably fine with this leaking or at least knew it would. Which would explain why she tweeted today and completely ignored the leak nnn
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