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High Princess

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About High Princess

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  • Birthday October 1

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  1. It's time to clock the tea. Your Girl should've stayed unleaked and we should've gotten both versions of Yes To Heaven instead. Case closed, the gavel has what? Slammed.
  2. It was edited using the stems. Honestly Your Girl is awful i still bop to it tho
  3. Well you have to think about it, it's not their fault if they have an upcoming releases info on their website (just hidden ((which is what most people do so they can just publicize it - its easier))) and that Lana fans are sneaky as fck and find it out before they can announce it. It's really not anyones fault but ours at the end of the day for getting so damn wrapped up
  4. tea.... the girls are actually getting pressed over a single that's coming out tomorrow because it didnt come out today like a leak instagram account said
  5. It's an edit I made but never posted, I wasn't fully happy with itttttt yes it was the face from Elle UK
  6. we love a good depression nap. night ladies .
  7. Its been 5 minutes the devastation is truly kicking in
  8. hello who worked with the chainsmokers
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