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Everything posted by DUKE

  1. Why do people always have to scream like a bunch of complete idiots whenever a celebrity arrives? It's just stressful for everybody else and the artist, plus it makes it all more hectic and everybody's chance to get a photo and an autograph goes down the drain.
  2. Yes, I think so, too. First of all, I never wanted my voice to be shaped by a vocal teacher because usually there is strong tendency it will end up sounding like one of those professional but "soulless" musical star voices. Also, recording yourself and massively cringing, redoing the recording and so on and so on is very helpful, too. I found Lana due to her vocal range probably the best vocalist to "learn with." Her timbre is way more colorful than many other popsingers'.
  3. So this is "Miss America?" When will the confusion finally stop?
  4. I preordered this one recently...
  5. I am ashamed to admit it, but when I saw her for the first time and read her name, I thought: "Oh look, another Mediterranean pop export from Spain trying to make it in the UK after her record label booked some shows there and signed her to Polydor Records and Universal Music." My second thought was: "Wow, she's not having an accent. One of her parents must be a native speaker." Then I googled... and well...
  6. She didn't. This rumor started spreading long before the Jonathan Ross interview. This was her response to it, and Glastonbury a few months later was just an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction which added fuel to the fire.
  7. Please tell me you are not serious with this.
  8. I prefer her singing on Paradise but whatever they did to her vocals makes the song sound as if she is hearing herself sing with water in her ears after washing her hair at Chateau Marmont. I'll have to go with the version on Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant, or demo version then.
  9. I am sure she doesn't hate her. Especially now that she got to know what it's like to receive a tremendous amount of hate because of the way you present yourself and your work, she probably changed her mind when it comes to Gaga herself. Gaga is an artist that is very dedicated to her artistry, in charge and active as a philanthropist - these are probably the qualities she respects her for. As for the music I doubt she is very fond of that, but who said that entertainers must like each other's music? I get so tired when fan bases take offense when one of their "faves" (I can't believe I am actually discussing this. Sounds like I am thirteen and bitter because popstar X said something bad about popstar Y while I like both of them) doesn't hold the same admiration towards this very certain artist than they do. Speaking about the comment she posted concerning "Chillin:'" this song is simply flat and really really bad.
  10. Most of my vocal ability is due to Lana.
  11. I am not accusing you of intentionally wanting to violate the copyright law, but you can give it whatever fancy name that comes to your mind and it will still be illegal. eBay is filled with bootlegs, that's why many of those offers are taken down when reported. A ~~mixtape~~ isn't any different: it basically consists of material to which the owner doesn't hold any rights (it's the same case all over again: those songs are unreleased, they are mainly demos...). As Monicker said, the company surely won't accept your order. They won't risk getting themselves in trouble for something like this.
  12. I don't even know what 'swag' is and quite frankly it seems to be one more useless expression without any actual meaning to it.
  13. This is also something I thought about. Those websites that offer custom vinyl pressing... well, this is a service intended for DJs or people that make music themselves. What would be sold on here is nothing but one more commercially sold (let's face it) unauthorized release which is no way different to any other illegally distributed bootleg release. Also, let's think about where the source material comes from... I doubt more than two people on here payed for their digital copy of Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant. I really don't want to be the mood killer, but it can easily be traced back who ordered those vinyls and who sold them as it has been publicly discussed on this forum. Aside from the legal issues, I don't think this forum should be a platform for illegal distribution of copyrighted material (which has been pulled back for a reason and is technically unavailable for the public), despite the good intentions.
  14. Sorry to kill the excitement but there is no way this album fits a 7" vinyl which is used for singles (total of two tracks, one per side) and EPs (with no more than three tracks). Depending on the duration of the recording and the quality you wish to have, you should at least expect one 12" disc. Maybe even two. That's a nice idea and cute for the collection, but please keep in mind that the sound quality of the vinyl will be extremely poor. There is a reason why albums are specially mastered for vinyl releases. The vinyl used for this price (I am talking about the material here, not the album) will also be poor and won't do the sound quality any favors.
  15. What is the price you are willing to pay to get an answer to this question?
  16. I finally finished reading all of this... and I am not so sure anymore that I am who I am. In fact, I am doubting everything about life right now.
  17. I think I haven't been very concrete with what I've been addressing with my post so I'd like to explain that now. I'm sorry if you receive multiple notifications but I prefer to explicitly respond to the paragraphs of your post. I do have, like everybody else, my very own association when I listen to a song. Especially with the early videos she edited to songs recorded for Lana Del Ray my vision is tremendously different to hers. That is why I literally cringe when I see her videos for "Brite Lites" or even "You Can be the Boss." The negative things I generalized about her self-made videos mainly apply to those. I should have distinctly mentioned this beforehand. I am really not doubting this. You are perfectly right with this, but I think it is "Kill Kill," "Video Games" and the first "Blue Jeans" video that reflect this truly original quality. And the oh-so romantic and nostalgic vibe she is always accused of, which I see as a sloppy interpretation of her work, by the way, is what is being expressed in those videos. I'd like to emphasize the "Kill Kill" video in this context which I find absolutely stunning. "Video Games" is, as you said, "perhaps the most telling and obvious example." I cannot but simply applaud this part of your post! But I am still having a hard time to believe that her decisions in editing, or rather shooting footage herself, are of conscious nature. However, this is not what you were referring to. A few of her self-made videos really do make me cringe, I just find them extremely painful to look at. But now that I think about it, this is exactly where the genius lies in: she is challenging the aesthetic and perception. She challenges a cinematographic technique which, I have no shame to admit this, is pretty much hackneyed but still very compelling to me. The fact that she pushes the envelope, pushes my buttons, proves that she is relevant as an artist. Thinking about it now in retrospective, I begin to appreciate the subjective awkwardness of "Brite Lites"... Thank you for correcting me and giving me a new perspective. I am sorry that my post was composed in quite an absolute way and lacked thought and input I should have invested in it.
  18. I love Lana, I really do, but her self-made early music videos including shots of herself are cringeworthy. I'm not even sorry to say this. First of all, the camera she uses (probably the cheapest digicam she could grab or maybe even a phone) doesn't do the video's quality any favor, and it is not helpful to have random furnishing from the 1990s in the background when you try to convince the viewer that the overall odd scene is taking place in an ancient, somehow vintage-ish, setting. Next thing: the hooker wigs. What was she thinking? Also, what's up with the lighting? Since when do desk lamps qualify as appropriate light sources for attempted cinematic productions. Quintessentially, I am glad she's now having people around her knowing what they do.
  19. Why are people so keen on the term 'alter ego?' I just don't understand it. To me it seems like ever since Gaga appeared on the scene, every audience has suddenly become obsessed with labeling any artefact the product of one's alter ego. Separating Lizzy from Lana feels so ridiculous for me. It's the very same person, Elizabeth Grant, that wrote those songs, created those visuals - you name it! It's not even like the music varies that much, the quintessence is the same.
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