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Everything posted by DUKE

  1. What a lovely interview! Thank you very much for posting and translating.
  2. I have never seen Lana as the "Going for a coffee at @starbucks" kind of celebrity. Why would she disclose these little and pretty irrelevant details about her daily life on social networks? A no-go, as you put it, to me is when these trivial and meaningless things become the centre of one's interaction with fans. I am glad, actually, that Lana keeps quiet. I don't know what there is to expect from her. She obviously doesn't like using Twitter or Facebook as a mouthpiece. And I'm not implying that prominent Twitter faces such as Gaga or Katy Perry do.
  3. Basically, what you get is the following: one alcoholic drink, something to eat, an ~exclusive~ seat which is far from the stage. Also, you get to hang out in some """VIP""" lounge with other people that have too much money. But the most important thing: you get to feel special when entering the venue through a private entry and when parking your car in a reserved parking lot. I mean, how ridiculous is that? There isn't even merch included and all of this crap costs you more than 200 bucks while the most expensive tickets is 50€ only.
  4. I'm hoping to meet Lana this year... and I am still trying to decide which photo I would like her to sign. Frankly, I can't stand when artists scribble over a random photo, so I usually spent hours looking for the perfect picture that does actually say something about the artist and/or their work. I'm happy that I did take the time because my Gaga autograph looks stunning... but back to Lana. I can't really decide between the following two. Still from the "Ride" video This photo kind of says something about loneliness, doesn't it? She somehow looks abandoned in this photo and the red motel sign says a lot about the aesthetic of her work. Performing at the El Rey Theater I absolutely love this photo shot by her sister. Doesn't this say a lot about Lana and her music, her visuals, etc.? In fact, I am so obsessed with these things that I even bought a specific red ink pen for Gaga to sign my picture. I will be getting a white one for Lana, that's why both photos are mainly dark or black. My goal is to have her write the following: 'To Felix. Make your life an art. Love, Lana (Del Rey).' I'd die if this actually happened. Please tell me I am not the only one being this obsessed about... these kind of things. By the way, LLLL, when and how did you meet her? Your photo with her is wonderful.
  5. If we all did what the magazines tell us to do, we'd be pros at everything. The world would be much better. Maaaaan, why did I never realize that all we've got to know to find the meaning of life is written inbetween adverts for beauty lotions and safe sex?
  6. But that has nothing to do with the label in this case. Lana as a mainstream and popular music act noticed by a big audience has been around for how long now? A little more than a good year. Rihanna, on the other hand, has been around for way longer than her.
  7. Universal Music Germany was the first label to sign her with Born to Die and.. well, this is one of the most massive labels, actually.
  8. This girl has life figured out, hasn't she? I see a future Media and Communication scientist.
  9. If you like what you like, may all the others go fuck themselves. If one day I felt like wearing a pink t-shirt that reads "I'm a Straight Glitter Whore" (the world 'Glitter' would be studded with glitter, naturally) I would do it. And if others called me a faggot for it I would give them this look and move on feeling funny and fabulous, knowing that I am not gay and others are biased and judgmental assholes.
  10. Why do people always have to scream like a bunch of complete idiots whenever a celebrity arrives? It's just stressful for everybody else and the artist, plus it makes it all more hectic and everybody's chance to get a photo and an autograph goes down the drain.
  11. Yes, I think so, too. First of all, I never wanted my voice to be shaped by a vocal teacher because usually there is strong tendency it will end up sounding like one of those professional but "soulless" musical star voices. Also, recording yourself and massively cringing, redoing the recording and so on and so on is very helpful, too. I found Lana due to her vocal range probably the best vocalist to "learn with." Her timbre is way more colorful than many other popsingers'.
  12. So this is "Miss America?" When will the confusion finally stop?
  13. I preordered this one recently...
  14. I am ashamed to admit it, but when I saw her for the first time and read her name, I thought: "Oh look, another Mediterranean pop export from Spain trying to make it in the UK after her record label booked some shows there and signed her to Polydor Records and Universal Music." My second thought was: "Wow, she's not having an accent. One of her parents must be a native speaker." Then I googled... and well...
  15. She didn't. This rumor started spreading long before the Jonathan Ross interview. This was her response to it, and Glastonbury a few months later was just an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction which added fuel to the fire.
  16. Please tell me you are not serious with this.
  17. I prefer her singing on Paradise but whatever they did to her vocals makes the song sound as if she is hearing herself sing with water in her ears after washing her hair at Chateau Marmont. I'll have to go with the version on Lana Del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant, or demo version then.
  18. I am sure she doesn't hate her. Especially now that she got to know what it's like to receive a tremendous amount of hate because of the way you present yourself and your work, she probably changed her mind when it comes to Gaga herself. Gaga is an artist that is very dedicated to her artistry, in charge and active as a philanthropist - these are probably the qualities she respects her for. As for the music I doubt she is very fond of that, but who said that entertainers must like each other's music? I get so tired when fan bases take offense when one of their "faves" (I can't believe I am actually discussing this. Sounds like I am thirteen and bitter because popstar X said something bad about popstar Y while I like both of them) doesn't hold the same admiration towards this very certain artist than they do. Speaking about the comment she posted concerning "Chillin:'" this song is simply flat and really really bad.
  19. Most of my vocal ability is due to Lana.
  20. I am not accusing you of intentionally wanting to violate the copyright law, but you can give it whatever fancy name that comes to your mind and it will still be illegal. eBay is filled with bootlegs, that's why many of those offers are taken down when reported. A ~~mixtape~~ isn't any different: it basically consists of material to which the owner doesn't hold any rights (it's the same case all over again: those songs are unreleased, they are mainly demos...). As Monicker said, the company surely won't accept your order. They won't risk getting themselves in trouble for something like this.
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