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Everything posted by DUKE

  1. ____ Last thing I ordered was a bunch of 20x30cm Lana photo prints. For future purposes. Never mind. Wrong thread. For the record: I did not put chemically treated photographs in my mouth.
  2. I've even started using it myself... occasionally without even noticing most of the time. Because of her.
  3. That he likes muscular models in tight speedos and stuffed crotches. __________ To quote from your signature:
  4. I'm sorry, but I can't take any conversation seriously when this GIF pops up. I'm too distracted while peeing myself laughing. But yes, it is indeed an interesting conversation.
  5. Something that really annoys me about her is the permanent overuse of the word 'like' as conjunction in a sentence. Whenever I hear an interview, I always wonder... can't she like ( ) form a freaking sentence without 'like' when she thinks about what she's going to say next?
  6. Nah, why should this make you stupid? There are so many different forms of synaesthesia. There are the craziest forms you could never dream of. Some people even have synaesthesia that includes smells. Can you imagine what it must feel like for them when they see a cheese which is yellow, but it evokes the number four which looks green to them while they see the word 'carrousel' written all over it and smell the scent of old and dry cat food? It's not really the lyrics themselves, but the sequences of sounds that certain words, especially those that she uses a million times, include. The word order, syntax and overall structure of verses and choruses is related to it, but it all comes down to the difference phone(me) sequences in words and word groups. I think she has this unconscious way of choosing certain words because they make synaesthetic visual sense to her. Maybe not the same perception I have, but she certainly has one. All the other creative decisions she makes, be it the sonical production and visuals such as artwork, looks, videos or performances... they are all intertwined. I bet that she'd pass a synaesthesia test with an average percentage of 95 to 98%.
  7. She's basically using the same words all over again on this record. I could go into a phonetic analysis of the phones those words incorporate but I'll make it simple: the sequence of vowels and consonants, especially the diphthong phones, play into warm colors such as gold, silver, yellow, orange, beige, brown... but all with a heavy gold wash. What kills me is that "Gods and Monsters" in terms of phonetic content looks and sounds rather steel-blue to me and it kills me since it doesn't fit at all. Lana always referred to her songs as a capturing of moments, atmospheres, landscapes and feelings - they are united in lyrical and sonical ( ) architecture. Therefore, I guess, she uses the same words all over again on Paradise. But it doesn't really bother me since they pretty much translate to one consistent imagery in my head. I know it sounds crazy, and sometimes synaesthesia can really be a burden, but with Lana it's a pleasure to experience the music this way. I think she has some strong synaesthetic tendencies herself, although she may not know about it. The overlapping and blending of sense perceptions (which synaesthesia basically is) is individual for every person, but there certainly is a(n unconscious) structure behind everything she does. It's hard to explain because... gosh, it's just that way. I can't explain it or control it...
  8. Marina and The Cancellations - "E.V.O.L."
  9. As a synaesthete I have to disagree. Numbers, colours, letters and notes - it's all one fucked up mess for me. However, the tracklisting, sounds, words and visuals make Paradise probably the most comforting and fitting album I ever listened to. As a synaesthete. The album viewing mode in iTunes however makes me cringe, vomit and bite off my nails.
  10. Am I the only one who kind of chuckles at Universal's attempt to make this song somewhat light-hearted by remixing it for radio and making some pseudo-melancholic, sunshiny single cover? Looks pretty, though.
  11. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    I just can't believe it...
  12. DUKE

    Semi Precious Weapons

    Their sound has changed, I love this! Except for "Statues of Ourselves," their stuff didn't really do anything for me. But live they were good when I saw them at the Born This Way Ball.
  13. We can never say 'what if' but I am convinced that all those accusations of her being fake and manufactured did her a lot of favors career-wise.
  14. Good luck! Fingers crossed for you...
  15. That he's tired of feeling like he's fucking crazy...
  16. DUKE

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Nah, she's not quitting music... In fact, she's already collecting material for the continuation of Electra Heart... https://twitter.com/MarinasDiamonds/status/301440617697906688
  17. Oh, you're serious with this week's non-swearing policy?
  18. DUKE

    David Bowie

    It has arrived...
  19. I think I'd have to compile a three-disc set.
  20. DUKE

    Book Thread!

    Might start this today...
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