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Everything posted by DUKE

  1. I never mean to insult anybody's creative achievements, but I massively cringed reading those lyrics. And as for the factual matters: . I won't even dare to listen to the song, or maybe I should...
  2. Now I have an actual question that doesn't deserve its own thread, and I promise to not post some creepy clown photo this time. Has the upcoming song "Young and Beautiful" really been written for the Gatsby film? In the thread Bill posted, he also included a quote from he stating that she and Nowels worked on the song for the film. I always thought the song was an outtake from Paradise that didn't make the cut. Thanks in advance.
  3. From what I've heard, this song has "favorite song" potential. Can't wait to hear the full version!
  4. "Nervous Chanting Before the Del Rey Concert Tomorrow" - Me
  5. Oh God, I'm sorry. I actually intended to reply to a PM which I had opened in another tab. But well, hope you enjoy this, though.
  6. At the risk of sounding super-nerdy, yes I agree for one reason in particular. "Will You Still Love Me" is one of those song titles that will end up as WYSLM, and those abbreviations make the veins in my eyes explode every time I see it.
  7. Sirens is included in the Anthology, and frankly, no: I'm not going to upload it anywhere. I spent months researching all kinds of songs and where to get them, plus looking for their original leak quality and then spent days organizing them in iTunes. Excuse my bluntness, but we all had to look for these tracks and we all invested a lot of time to get them.
  8. DUKE

    Lady Gaga

    Her other grandfather passed away last weekend, that's why she doesn't wish to meet fans and looks comparably tired and sad. Poor thing.
  9. I kind of sense this does now belong into the Unpopular Lana Opinions thread, but I'm going to risk it and say that her boobs are perfect.
  10. DUKE

    Daft Punk

    I'm really not going for the "I don't speak German but I can if you like" thing right now.
  11. DUKE

    Daft Punk

    Why are lying about your name in a foreign language?
  12. DUKE

    Daft Punk

    Knowing you, you probably did. I am beyond excited for this.
  13. Stop judging me. There's nothing I can do about it.
  14. It doesn't get more ata-ish than that. I second this. I have no use of a bra. The reason why might be fairly obvious.
  15. Consider this like a million times.
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