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Everything posted by DUKE

  1. As a matter of fact I am, just like you.
  2. Yes! (And no, you didn't. Sorry if I was too blunt.)
  3. But the juicy spree was short-lived since a drought was just ahead which would leave women and children, men and animals high and dry... [i like that thread, actually... ]
  4. UK audiences seem tough when it comes lining up. I'm actually glad everything is relatively calm and quiet in Germany... With all due respect, I am well-aware that she is totally new to the forum, but still: how urgent can such a question be that you create a thread this informal with nothing but 'I want?' Don't get me wrong, I will shut up after this, but it almost seems to me as if she signed up only for this one purpose of asking this particular question. Besides, I don't see where I could have been nicer. This is not an introduction thread, therefore I neutrally replied.
  5. There's nothing wrong with being new and not knowing how things work over here. But making an account and two minutes after creating a thread without even looking around is something which I can hardly tolerate. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a bunch of questions and to look for answers, that's why this is a discussion board, but even that needs some kind of friendly shape. Especially when you expect something from others.
  6. I have to admit that I find this random information (rumored album news) thrown in this even more random article about nothing absolutely hilarious.
  7. First of all, you may look around the forum and notice the Shows section in which every show has its own thread. You may also say something like 'thanks in advance' instead of just putting your request out there without even checking if your impulsively-created thread is in the right section. In other words: welcome to the forum.
  8. Simple probably because the label doesn't want to pay for a big production...
  9. You have no idea how much I can relate to her right now. Me and my late night grocery shopping trips...
  10. Victor from Nowhere - "Volatile"
  11. Great. Two days ago I was in Paris. Dammit.
  12. Thanks for sharing your story! I'm happy to hear everything is alright. Maybe she was also filming visuals for the tour performance of "Gods and Monsters?"
  13. What an interesting thread idea. That being said, I have to admit that I have no idea what everybody is talking about besides a little bit of terminology here and there. However, I find Lana's vocals to be extremely interesting and by lengths more colourful than those of fellow other pop musicians. She uses her singing voice in so many different ways. Yes, especially during live performances this sometimes may sound odd, but I enjoy hearing her wide timbre and seemingly endless vocal possibilities. She has a distinctive way of conveying emotion since she does not have a typically trained voice. Really looking forward to see that in concert.
  14. Here you go! http://www.thedent.com/charms.html
  15. Thrilled to know which pewter charm you'll have...
  16. But you do know that European musicians have evolved these sounds and genres... not to mention all the European (and British) masterminds of electronic music.
  17. Doesn't all this apply more to America itself other than the United Kingdom? I really don't want to get into a cultural scientific discussion where people end up being offended because their patriotism kicks in, BUT the points you make sound very biased, and extremely typical of what the American stereotype thinks of the UK. Quick reminder: war time is over, rock'n'roll and chewing gum is now international and not exclusively American. Malicious tongues might even claim that the US is a little behind culturally... which is why it imports British music acts into their rather homogeneous and charmless repertoire of popstars. But only malicious tongues, you know... When you say that "there's no creative energy in the UK" I can only shake my head. Forgive my bluntness but who are you to say that? The overall sense I get from your posts is not the worry of a fan, but rather total misconception, prejudice misjudgment of and about three entire nations (four if you include Northern Ireland).
  18. My love and admiration for the artists whose releases I would collect will never go away. However, the intensity with which I madly collected everything over the course of the past ten years, spending thousands of euros on that, has faded. When I started collecting, I was - as I see now - filling some void and I didn't know exactly what it was that was being replaced. Music, or art in general, has given me so much more in its pure essence other than its physical manifestations. This probably sounds extremely ridiculous, but that's the way I feel about all of that. At some point, I did only collect for the sake of collecting, and not because I was fundamentally enjoying it. I enjoyed the music, but my OCD mind kind of tricked me into having all those things complete. I can now say that after meeting one of my idols who has helped trough... well, quite some really dark times, all this focusing on material things is nothing but gone. I have grown up, but I have not grown out of my passion which is nothing but music. I got rid of all those little distractions around the simple enjoyment of music, though. I will not sell any of what I've collected through the years, among that are a couple of rarities that are sold for ridiculously high prices on eBay that make me shake my head. And trust me, I am far away from being normal, nor will I ever get there - ever.
  19. I guess so, but every case is individual. And for me it was a process of growing up, not growing out of a hobby. Didn't intend to offend all the collectors out there. Problem?
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