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Everything posted by DUKE

  1. I don't think so. I'm sure this will make her smile.
  2. DUKE

    Daft Punk

    I'm really not going for the "I don't speak German but I can if you like" thing right now.
  3. Funny, 'Dear Lana' is exactly how my letter to her starts. The letter I will hopefully be able to give to her. Sounds like a really sweet idea, might submit something if things don't work out the way I pray to.
  4. DUKE

    Daft Punk

    Why are lying about your name in a foreign language?
  5. DUKE

    Daft Punk

    Knowing you, you probably did. I am beyond excited for this.
  6. Stop judging me. There's nothing I can do about it.
  7. It doesn't get more ata-ish than that. I second this. I have no use of a bra. The reason why might be fairly obvious.
  8. Consider this like a million times.
  9. Why do I always miss these semi-announcements? I just saw a tweet saying that some exclusive content might be released before the tour starts. Thanks again, Sitar.
  10. Hold the world from spinning. What?
  11. DUKE

    The Paradise Tour Thread

    Exactly why did my post get deleted?
  12. Although not serious, I agree. Comic Sans is... Happy for the fans that can go, by the way. Hopefully this will mark the first of more US dates...
  13. I'm attending the shows in Hamburg and Berlin. And yes, we do know who's going to be opening for her. It's Kassidy, the band whose member Barrie, Lana's boyfriend, is.
  14. All in all, I'm just pretty excited because I have no idea what to expect. In the end, I'm just happy I get to see her.
  15. Actually, I have found the tickets quite pricey for someone of her level of fame. I have paid €160+ for some tickets already, but those prices have always been justified as you could see where the money went to. I kind of doubt this will be the case with the Paradise Tour, but we shall see. Maybe she'll surprise us all... didn't she want to show the Tropico film at the tour? As far as I'm concerned, this does at least require some screen... Oh, and here's something else: I think we really don't have to worry about a news-drought the day the tour starts...
  16. DUKE

    Daft Punk

    He's probably busy dancing around in his room right now...
  17. DUKE

    Daft Punk

    Oh, you should talk to Jordan about sexy Daft Punk songs. He might give you a lap dance...
  18. DUKE

    Daft Punk

    I really have none...
  19. DUKE

    Daft Punk

    I just cannot wait for the new album, the snippets sounds...
  20. My aunt Madonna told me that she'll be featured, too. To boost sales.
  21. I hope so, too! Oh, is it? My bad... I didn't know that photo. Frankly, I never really looked through Chuck's Tumblr. I edited the post, hope it pleases you.
  22. Don't mean to be negative, but I have the feeling she won't be on longer than 60 minutes... but I'm all for surprises in that area.
  23. Beemo, I hope you forgive me for viciously screen caping your wonderful theme and butchering it. I figured a separate thread to discuss setlist changes, costume changes, tour news, anticipations, rumors, fan meetings and whatnot might be a good idea. I might start with Lana's recent tweet from the tour rehearsals... with a photo that's old as hell. Thanks, Ata. Looks a lot like one of the outfits worn for the Born to Die gigs in New York and LA last year...
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