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Everything posted by DUKE

  1. DUKE

    Tori Amos

    T O R I A M O S
  2. Maybe she's doing things for the tour...
  3. Who says that this "completely new" version is recent? Just like the radio mix of "Summertime Sadness" sound a lot like the demo version.
  4. Did they play this version (which happens to be an early demo)? I know how radio stations (especially when they are fairly """uncommercial""" as the one you posted about) do their research. Just like us: Google. So, they probably stumbled over this. It's basically one unreliable source taking advantage of another one. They even use a ton of YouTube rips for sound effects and sometimes even music from there. The labels aren't even involved, they don't tell them which song is the new single. If the radio station is being given a song by their music editorial office, they will play it. I wouldn't mind "Dark Paradise" being a single, by the way...
  5. I really don't mean to kill everybody's excitement but there has not been an official confirmation, nor has there been actual evidence it will be single release, and certainly not that it will be given a video treatment. Listen, this website has been posting a lot of false single rumors already. Only because one or two radio stations in Germany played the song, it doesn't mean it will be a single. "Dark Paradise" may only be selected for radio play. Even commercial radio stations, I worked for one, have non-singles in their music library from which they choose, and they play those once in a while. The information this website got probably is nothing but that "Dark Paradise" has been sent to the radio station by their music editorial office. I've seen tons of album tracks in those lists when I worked there. Really, don't get your hopes up. No matter if they play it or not, it means nothing.
  6. DUKE


    I don't have the time right now to do a track-by-track review, but there is one thing I can say: this album just sounds and feels very heartfelt. I don't know but it's very... warm in a way, you know?
  7. Nothing, because a few websites would post it and if she's lucky a couple of printed publications. Face the truth, the world is certainly not as interested in her as many may think. Also, she's far from being the superstar she is sometimes made up to be.
  8. This website has reported a lot of fake releases already. I really wouldn't count on it.
  9. I remember this was taped in Dublin sometime in October and aired in late October, too. It was on some fashion show on the BBC, I think.
  10. DUKE


    Troubled Gaga fans. I just don't understand why it is so bad that this generation's popstars take care of their fans. In terms of empowerment and fighting for equality, tolerance and acceptance, there can never be enough people. And it's beyond retarded to claim anyone doing so is copying somebody else. It's just ridiculous.
  11. DUKE

    Britney Spears

    I haven't got the time to address things explicitly right now, nor do I think it is necessary anymore as everything has been said. I understand where you are coming from now, but I generally have a problem when it comes to dealing with 'sassiness.' Especially when it's written and not voiced/mimed I can hardly distinguish wether someone is being serious or not. Honestly, I don't recall any posts by you in particular, so I didn't know everybody knows that this kind of "how you roll." (Get the reference?) But now that I know it, this should be alright in the future... Nevertheless, I would like to comment on that: I know very well what it's like to see an artist you like belittled and unjustly mocked by people that have a bias. I've experienced this already here on Lana Boards. However, this certainly was not my intention with Britney as I think she is a wonderful and sweet person, as well as a musician and singer that has a lot of potential (which is sadly being repressed from flourishing). Yes, it did piss me off, but I was also being sorry in case that what I said offended you as a fan. Anyways... I'm glad we could sort things out and can move on. I've got to go to bed (it's almost midnight) and get up in six hours to prepare a 15-page text on media and social memory + a lecture on the history of the novel.
  12. DUKE

    Britney Spears

    If that gives you a headache, it is no-one's but your problem. If you like the album, fine. I don't except for a few songs (forgot to mention "Inside Out," though). But "bitchily [shoving] [your] opinion facts in everyone's face" is a little off. Circus was, as you said, by lengths not as electronic as Femme Fatale but the use of electronic elements and organic sounds was by light years in my (subjective) opinion more balanced and more tasteful. First of all, you seem extremely upset about something. I didn't offend the "Queen B" by expressing my dislike of one of her works. I don't know why you are so desperate to excuse, justify and validate her and her legacy (see bolded part below). Second, the reason why I chose the songs I chose IS because they are the farthest from electronic. That's why I like them. Reminder: I don't like how this album is overall electronic. Why are you so persistent with implying that I like the wrong songs? Let me have my opinion, just like you are entitled to have yours and keep your "bitching," as you put it, for yourself. I've had enough from Gaga fans doing that whenever I criticized the slightest aspect of Mo†her Mons†er's work. I haven't implied anywhere that her not writing any songs that made the cut of either the standard or deluxe edition is something negative. In fact, I don't give a fuck about if she writes her own songs, if she sings live or whatever those retarded idiots bring up as long as the music is good. And I don't think that's continuously the case on Femme Fatale. Other than that, I really just don't care. I'm sorry if what I said offended your fan heart, but I could have done just fine without being approached by you like that.
  13. DUKE


    I think Kesha is treated pretty unfairly by the general public. When she first appeared on the scene everybody was kind of writing her off as a Gaga copycat. Back then, when I was very involved in the Gaga fan base I just didn't give her a chance. But last fall I did listen to her albums and guess what? I immediately bought them and pre-ordered Warrior. Animal certainly isn't my favorite album of hers, but Cannibal is despite being an EP an extremely eclectic and concise album in itself - something many 12-track LPs apparently don't manage to be anymore. Warrior. What an amazing album. I'm listening to so many artists, many of them seen as the most influential and important names in music history, but the Warrior album has to be one of my favorite albums of all time. It's brilliant. I'm so annoyed seeing it being compared to Born This Way, as well as her dedication to her fan. As if fan love and good intention in music has now been acquired and branded by Gaga. Kesha is a wonderful artist and I can't wait to see what she's going to do next... meanwhile I'll be listening to Warrior.
  14. DUKE

    Britney Spears

    In my opinion, the Circus album has been her most creative and by far most eclectic effort. This album really has got something, so does In the Zone. Those are two really good pop albums. However, Femme Fatale is an average 2011 electronic dance album which has like four to five good songs on it. Those are: "Drop Dead (Beautiful)," "Gasoline," "Criminal," "Selfish" and "Don't Keep Me Waiting." The rest is rather disappointing... I don't mean to bash her but I can only give her statement of 'pouring her heart and soul into this album' a dry laugh. In between all those vocoder effects and frequency filtering that has been done to her voice, there is barely any heart and soul left. I really hope that the upcoming album continues where Circus ended which is on the, as I think, right musical track. An organic sound really suits her well while all this electronic thumbing doesn't do her any favors.
  15. The album version lacks dynamics, I think. It just sounds so flat and doesn't cohere with the other twelve album tracks - sonically in terms of mixing and mastering.
  16. Are kidding me? Me too. But the live version...
  17. DUKE

    David Bowie

    Go and stan the fuck out of these albums...
  18. Why should this make me feel better? The people selling it are the ones ripping off fans that are willing to pay such ridiculous amounts of money for a scribbled signature. It's only about the money for those selling it.
  19. Well, this has nothing to do with Lana, it's those people wanting to sell autographs and therefore taking time she could actually spent with her fans.
  20. Just a random thought: am I the only one who's totally annoyed by those fuckers with their baseball caps and thousands of photos of the celeb to sign, only to sell them on eBay eventually? I'm so pissed off by these people, seriously.
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