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Everything posted by DUKE

  1. I think the current live version draws on the song's early live arrangement.
  2. I believe that many people don't want to see the side of her that's in charge. She doesn't really make the impression of someone who makes decisions as she's very modest, relatively quiet in interviews and generally reserved. But we have plenty of sources confirming that she's an artist, and a business woman, with precise ideas and goals whose realization she's uncompromisingly pursuing. Those sources reach from current associates, to people she worked with yeas ago. I'm not saying that being that focussed is bad, in fact, it is what will enable her to go very far with her career, but in the end, I am convinced that Ben is the one executing what he was told by his client, Lana.
  3. You know, I'm not saying that making a harmless joke about it once in a while is bad, because in context it is pretty funny sometimes. But I am so annoyed to see him blamed for everything which is supposedly is not working out the way it should.
  4. I agree, this joke is not even funny anymore. I've been debating with myself if I should say something, and I would like to officially thank you for saying all the things I wanted to say. Thank you, Monicker, thank you, thank you.
  5. I don't know if I said this already, but when I first heard of Lana Del Rey, I was convinced that Universal Music España was heavily promoting one of their latest exports. She did looks somewhat exotic to me, and I was amazed by her accent-free pronunciation. Little did I know that Summer/Fall of 2011.
  6. Ben negotiated the H&M campaign for her which I think was a very smart move.
  7. DUKE

    Paradise Tour Programme

    How would this be a joke if I may ask you that?
  8. DUKE

    Last thing you bought

    Let me rephrase then: Apple is the real deal and I want to be buried with my MacBook.
  9. DUKE

    Last thing you bought

    It's not. When I accidentally double-click, it's not Apple's fault. You are trying way too hard here... Microsoft is no longer happening for me.
  10. That was an interesting read, thank you very much for posting!
  11. DUKE

    Last thing you bought

    Safari is driving me crazy. Excuse the double double post.
  12. What has this to do with her manager? He manages her. What Ben does is being responsible for communication between Lana, the record label, various agencies, publishers, producers and whatnot. He and his team organize basically everything that needs to be organized: hotel bookings, transport, he fixes appointments, he makes sure she gets paid for what she does, along with all the other people involved. All in all, Ben is responsible for making sure that Lana gets to do what she does. The record label decides what is coming out and when. Lana and Ben hold little power here, they may be able to negotiate, but they are bound to the contract they have with the record label.
  13. DUKE

    Last thing you bought

    That's fancy. That's fancy.
  14. I just noticed that she messed up the first verse of "Gods and Monsters" in Munich... 0:09
  15. DUKE

    Paradise Tour Programme

    Thanks for posting, I'll be updating the original post!
  16. Now that's colourful! I like it, actually.
  17. DUKE

    Last thing you bought

    Who do you think I am?
  18. DUKE

    Last thing you bought

    What else am I supposed to fill that void within me with?
  19. DUKE

    Last thing you bought

    Not gonna lie, that ice cream at McDonald's is to die for. In fact, I just had one yesterday.
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