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Everything posted by DUKE

  1. Did I hear somebody say Anthology? I have yet to discover what's inside of the two ZIP files you posted, Madrigal, but thank you very much in advance.
  2. I so imagine some group of actors go "Lana, are you alright if we vine this... or can we take a picture?" And she just goes "shhhuuurre" in her typical manner.
  3. DUKE

    It's Canada Day!

    You really beat me to it, @@maru! I was about to say Céline Dion, too. Happy Canada Day everybody!
  4. And I thought painting the strings out of the frames of that flying angle scene would take a lot of time...
  5. The only one I really dislike is n°33 from Warsaw.
  6. All I'm going to say is that I feel sorry for the poor guy/girl that will paint those strings out of each frame...
  7. Never. I haven't even heard of it until now.
  8. Why is everybody freaking out over this? What about those hundreds of fans that get the very same tattoo? My God, this "my mommy is better than your mommy" stuff is going on my nerves... Also, why does this turn into an Adele discussion thread? Basically, if I was getting 'trust no-one' tattooed on my hand, I would be ripping off the Del Rey? Hmm... as an X-Phile, I disagree...
  9. That sounds pretty harsh, I think.
  10. What is that thing around her right wrist? Is she staying at a hotel? Looks like an all-inclusive-wristband...
  11. Who knew this would suit her so well...
  12. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1162g1_madonna-the-mdna-tour-love-spent_music#.Ucsq9BYUJC4
  13. DUKE

    Gogo Dancer

    Shouldn't it be titled "Go-Go Dancer"?
  14. I think what @@Monicker said about her not understanding a lot of concepts she's talking about really applies here. I can't say if she has an extremely eccentric definition of those concepts, like feminism in this case, or if she's indeed horribly misinformed. I would like to hear a more elaborate statement on this issue, but I kind of doubt she's devoted a lot of time thinking about it. Her reply seemed kind of... spontaneous and ill-conceived.
  15. Wow, who knew 'stanning' is a serious occupation that entails a post like this. Don't you think you take this a little bit too far? Reading that post gives me the impression that everyone who has not been with the artist since the very beginning is supposed to kill themselves because their (pseudo-)stanning practices are too mediocre to be worthy. That sense of elitism in fan bases is extremely repulsive. Like, no. I'm not ranting at you, but I just think that post was pretty out of line... and obsessed, not in a good way.
  16. DUKE

    Charli XCX

    The temptation to demonstrate @@Rafael's actual comedic talents... #SetMeFree On a side note, I hope Charli will do another solo tour around the end of the year...
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