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Everything posted by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA

  1. when you click to time stamp of the post it takes you to the first unread post.
  2. she's getting the cocc, but where is THE cocc?

    Ava Max

    it reminded me of this
  4. people who hate on kpop will always be the biggest losers, but i can understand hating to see fancams under every tweet.
  5. who leaked all of these songs tho? was she hacked?
  6. it'z not noise. i didn't lie and i'm telling again, idk what these f*gs expected from a club remix record.
  7. jk. yeah people have different tastes.
  8. ice cream is a no from me
  9. same. i'm liking this. idk what these f*gs expected from a club remix record.
  10. xcx world leaves these users pressed like how it pressed atlantic records... xcx world's power.....
  11. people in this thread talk about ANYTHING for the millionth time. cry louder
  12. ok but xcx world photoshoot was something else
  13. (and The Diamonds) still sends
  14. points after points were made with this post. 8 out of 8
  15. i was expecting STUD to be that song and it is THAT song
  16. omg bringing this thread BACK irene and seulgi are that BITCH naughty is that BITCH


    i am OBSESSED with the new song
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