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Everything posted by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA


    Maggie Rogers

    i love the new song. i hope she releases it
  2. cape god is the title of the project i guess
  3. Norman fucking Rockwell - 16 Mariners Apartment Complex - 20 Venice Bitch - 20 California - 19 Bartender - 67
  4. i really like this.... this is the SHIT
  5. Norman fucking Rockwell - 15 Mariners Apartment Complex - 20 Venice Bitch - 21 California - 19 Bartender - 67
  6. I have LITEARLLY ZERO idea why people still wanting charli to release 2 years old leaked songs..... LET THEM GO oh my god. charli doesn't want them, we heard them, SO? public won't care about those songs so why you all still saying "I wish charli put X to her next album" "I wish charli would release X" BITCHES STOPPP.
  7. wow.....the user @@TrashMagiq really been making amazing points....i'm speechless
  8. itunes. it's up for preorder
  9. FRESH LAUNDRY THIS FRIDAY there is something on the bottom right side. i can't read it. just read it and it says FIG 2 in cape god. in cape god. we live in between salty sea and sky above. in cape god. in cape god. we live in between a rising high and angry god.
  10. i love the merch so much that first of all i'm gonna buy a credit card then be a whore getting fucked at least 2 times so i can pay 2 tshirt and shipping tax.
  11. does mateo sounds like nightmare by halsey?
  12. omggg this was so funnnyy
  13. Norman fucking Rockwell - 20 Mariners Apartment Complex - 18 Venice Bitch - 26 California - 18 Bartender - 61
  14. Norman fucking Rockwell - 21 Mariners Apartment Complex - 17 Venice Bitch - 24 (+) California - 21 Bartender - 60 (-) HOW CAN BARTENDER HAS 60 POINTS... IT'S THE WORST SONG ON THE ALBUM
  15. ppl think hating on l+f is a personality treat
  16. everything aside the fact that she kinda dedicated this album to huck.......damn bitches i'm crying while listening to white mercedes
  17. I PuLl uP, rOlL Up, FuCk uP FaSt lIkE A NaScAr, NeVeR ToUcH Us gOt vIsIoNs, LeVeLs, ThEy dOn't gEt mE QuIeT, nO DiScUsSiOnS, pLeAsE HuSh
  18. 2099 is the fucking future
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