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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. BOZ never said Trans Am wasn’t a song, iirc he only said he doesn’t know anything abt that
  2. If that info abt the interlude w the pastor is legit, I’m sure that was not her intention but it’ll be like she’s making fun of wtv he’s saying lmao I like that
  3. The day that leaks will be the day I’ll die
  4. But it wasn’t just a dream We were just Happy
  5. @BlackoutZone do you know if the song Malibu (Get Free’s OG version) is truly deleted - as Lana said she did - or is it in the hands of someone/still existing?
  6. @BlackoutZone I’m sorry if you’ve already replied to this, I’m only halfway through the thread, but can you confirm if Malibu (Get Free OG version) has been really deleted - like Lana - said or is it in the hands of someone/out somewhere?
  7. It's been said many times that we already have pretty much RBFY in all its entirety. Granted it's a recording of her on the studio, but still
  8. Who cares abt this? Leak Fine China — Dan Auerbach Demo
  9. Yeah, don't even know, but w her accent, it could be anything
  10. Don't think it's that, it definitely ends in -ina, but I can't tell what's the word(s)
  11. Me to everyone who's getting in the way of a Crazy For You leak:
  12. Currently: 1. Chemtrails Over the Country Club (+1) 2. White Dress (+3) 3. Let Me Love You Like A Woman (+6) 4. Dark But Just A Game (-1) 5. Yosemite (-4) 6. Tulsa Jesus Freak (-2) 7. Dance Till We Die (-1) 8. Breaking Up Slowly (+2) 9. Wild At Heart (-2) 10. Not All Who Wander Are Lost (-2) 11. For Free (=)
  13. Pretty sure it won’t be that rare. It’s being sold at target, HMV & Fnac. My best guess is either white or Amazon tbh
  14. Green vinyl confirmed to be up for sale on UO soon - most likely being their UO “exclusive”
  15. Lmao never trust Fnac w/ info tbh either they won't have the green vinyl AT ALL - and it being on their website is just an error - or they will but the preorder is coming in a few days. Even though I can only talk abt Fnac PT, they're all the same. Their info is never 100% reliable, & most of the time they'll tell you they just don't know. You just gotta wait
  16. Any info on more variants/pic discs? I hope there's not more coming
  17. It's unavailable bc it's still not up for preorder. But it will be soon
  18. I preordered from Amazon.fr and I haven't paid anything yet, so ig you're safe
  19. Concept from 2017, from LFL era. A snippet leaked a while ago, but I doubt it since BOZ said it's all 100% new content
  20. The green one isn't up for sale yet - at least it wasn't when I was looking up. It's just the banner, the only one up for preorder is the pinkish one.
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