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Everything posted by KillForLove

  1. KillForLove


    Was it? I thought they were both pre-release tracks and they just switched them because she wants Miss Belladonna to have it's shine as a "single" and then ILH right before the album. I guess I'm bias because I love EE and I think pre-release track/promo single is the perfect place for it.
  2. KillForLove


    who said it's a single? its just a pre-release promo track.
  3. KillForLove

    Charli XCX

    Is it possible that Spring Breakers isn't for her album but is for one of the movie projects (not Mother Mary) that she's working on. Maybe dont leak it.
  4. Miami show allegedly cancelled
  5. KillForLove

    Charli XCX

    This probably makes me a bad fan but Speed Drive gaining momentum makes me nervous. I don't really love the song (personal opinion, i know this isn't the general opinion) and I'm nervous if it starts to get big we might have her label back to finger f*cking her albums/releases to death.
  6. KillForLove

    Charli XCX

    I love Charli but she's nowhere near the insane amount of fans (specifically in eastern europe/western asia, where those those unofficial presses originate) as Lana and Kanye.
  7. We don't know lmao, thats whats so insane about you idiots. Legal discovery in the Kesha case showed she signed that deal in 2005, almost half a decade before Luke even had Kemosabe set up at RCA. Aaron was signed to Rx and was working with Luke as early as 2013 and was bringing Kim (a friend) around.
  8. Are you guys still really complaining about her working with Dr. Luke in the year 2023? You would think after the discovery portion of the Kesha lawsuit it would be obvious what kind of deal she's in.
  9. That Apple Music interview was...interesting. The two big revelations I saw were the substance abuse problems around winter 21/spring 22 and the fact that she knows someone close to her was ultimately the one who leaked the album (and that she knows who it is) as it was made in an airbnb in quarantine with a limited number of people. So that pretty much makes me assume that Aaron was ultimately the one who leaked Problematique, given that they seem to have little to no relationship anymore and the only places he's credited on the album are the old songs that were brought over. As far as the scrapped pre or post the album leaking thing, I think that really sits in the murky water of the difference between a shelved and a scrapped album. Technically Problematique in the version that Aaron posted the tracklist was probably "scrapped" in the sense that Republic wanted her to record more songs (and probably planned to rename the album & its "concept" as it hadn't been announced) but also were fumbling the rollout of said new songs (Coconuts). Kim said that around the time of Slut Pop (this would have been the time she was making that) she was having substance abuse problems and treating people close to her badly, and then shortly after, we know her and Aaron had a falling out and unfollowed each other on IG around April 2022. Aaron probably saw the writing on the wall that Problematique would not be released in the manner he and Kim created (and I do think a lot of that project was also "his" vision as he was allegedly executive producing it & Kim Petras as a project something he said in an old PAPER interview), realized that Kim was now rewriting the album at Republic's request, doing it without him since they were on bad terms, leaked the album in Summer 2022, and tried to cover when it was apparent it was him.
  10. KillForLove

    Charli XCX

    idk i think lil nas x on baby would sound very whack, no shade to anyone
  11. KillForLove

    Charli XCX

    yes but this was like an event that she was hosting for them and it was pre-the song leaking so it was clear she was the one who played it
  12. KillForLove

    Troye Sivan

    Probably going to end up in my top 5 songs of the year. Truly feels so cool as a gay guy to have a gay guy making pop music of this caliber and the visuals with the choreo are like so cool it really like "inspired" me to like make sure i went out this weekend and danced and just like had fun. Its a shame it seems like he had trouble getting Capitol to release this given how major it is. Idk I've never been a Troye die-hard fan but like I truly can't get over how well done the song/video are, it gives me hope for pop music in the modern tiktok age
  13. KillForLove

    Troye Sivan

    I agree, I hope the album sounds like it. He doesn't have anything as intense but Bloom has My My My, Lucky Strike, and Plum which are fairly "big" pop songs about having sex with dudes.
  14. KillForLove

    Troye Sivan

    You keep using the term "woke" like there's any kind of real definition to that term. Even the people who histrionically whine about it can't actually define it. So I ask that you don't put words in my mouth. I was saying that I interpreted Charli's tweet as a commentary that a small sect of people disingenuously bring up social issues to justify their simple displeasure. Again, you know saying "It wouldn't be better with an overweight person" is inflammatory and agitating, inviting (overweight) people to challenge you. If thats truly what you believe, that's your opinion that you are entitled to, but people are always going to react negatively to you. I guess im saying there's more nuanced, articulate ways of wording that which wont cause so much backlash.
  15. KillForLove

    Troye Sivan

    Well I for one, love the song and video and am excited that all this drama has people at least talking about it!
  16. KillForLove

    Troye Sivan

    Not to be a d*ck, but even if this was true, why do you feel the need to keep saying it over and over? I don't want to be put you on the spot (be confrontational) because its just a music forum, and I understand the point you are making, but like how hard is it to just be like slightly sensitive? It feels unnecessarily inflammatory and (frankly) reactionary, like you want someone to argue with you about it?
  17. KillForLove


    All of the Barbie soundtrack stuff has made me really sad missing her. I just feel like she would have been so perfect working on that.
  18. KillForLove

    Troye Sivan

    I get that! But, as a fan on the admittedly older end of engaging online (in my late 20s) this does seem to kind of be a "chicken before the egg" issue. I do think there was an overcorrection in the late 2010s as a response to the historical marginalization across all fields (commerce, art, etc) that saw a lot of really bad, hollow representation in a lot of (frankly) bad, hollow art. I guess im at least sympathetic to the modern artist who is trying to balance respecting these past marginalization and right the wrongs, while still making art that is true to their vision and personal experience. I can definitely see how that can feel like a Catch22 no matter what you do.
  19. KillForLove

    Troye Sivan

    Idk I think Charli made a decent point. I really do think that a lot of online stans (which is actually not representative of a general, real opinion) do seem to critique art against the binary she described and I do think it leads to repetitive, "boring" discourse from pop music stans who simply don't like a song/artist and are being disingenuous when using certain social/political/moral concerns to justify their dislike of it. I think where she (and a lot of artists) are wrong are that social media (specifically Twitter) aren't actually indicative of the general public's actual feelings and are seeing to an actually microscopic % of their actual fans/consumers. I dont see this as some kind of grand statement against "wokeness" (whatever that means now) like some people are saying, but maybe that's just how I read it.
  20. KillForLove

    Charli XCX

    If I remember correctly, they broke up before a second album could materialize. It was technically "finished" just not like mixed and mastered for release. Wasnt Rrring played (on speakers, not performed) at some grindr pride event in like 2017 in the background of an instagram video or something?
  21. KillForLove

    Troye Sivan

    Great song, great video, great album cover. Finally some god fucking food.
  22. Need this released NEEEEEOW
  23. i dont really enjoy it as an album but theres plenty of songs from it on my general summer playlist that i just add on to and put on whenever.
  24. Lol it was probably a placeholder verse for an actual feature verse and they just wanted to get the melodic math down so the featured rapper could write to that melody. Who knows, Luke may have been trying to get Saweetie since he was loosely working with her around that time.
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