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Everything posted by bigspender

  1. i mean wouldn’t lana basically agree tho? she makes 100% different music than she used to and i think the reasoning could be similar to this.
  2. mmm it’s a secret but it could be a few seconds longer or shorter if she’s changed anything atp
  3. yep waco, the full song is 20:26
  4. we already have 7 minutes of it
  5. if yall near one of the amphitheater shows just sit out in the parking lot and have fun :-)
  6. well that was ass. no ticket for me!
  7. can someone link me? i go to her facebook and don’t see it lol
  8. bigspender


    edit: changed my mind abt saying this
  9. bigspender


    did starfucker l*ak?
  10. i think that’s an old american teenager demo
  11. are you sure? it sounds slightly different to me in the mixing but maybe it’s been a minute since i’ve heard the song
  12. she casually just released the final version of which witch on a compilation album
  13. use context clues buddy
  14. not trying to gatekeep, y’all just know she doesn’t want things spread, the least we can do is be respectful 🙃
  15. girl you KNOW you’re not supposed to be posting about this 💀
  16. she calls herself “not not a feminist” so she doesn’t have to be included in categories of idiots like this
  17. (hate to ruin b sides fun but i’m pretty sure this is just a promotional single for a fashion brand, she’s said for a while b sides late summer so im assuming august/september is when things will gain traction)
  18. https://ibb.co/ZMkxzCp song is so pretty <3 she’s still signed with them for 3 more years i can’t remember how tho
  19. going there this saturday for an event i wonder if i’ll bump in!
  20. go to apple music, click the lyrics and there’s a microphone icon on the right near the play head
  21. has anyone else noticed the new apple music sing feature? it’s only available on iphones and ipads but it uses AI to take out the vocal of a song. doesn’t sound exceptionally good but it’s the closest we’ve got to blue banisters instrumentals rn lol
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