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Crimson and Clover

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Everything posted by Crimson and Clover

  1. I always imagine the music video to Lucky would be her as a robot literally just singing and crying while crouched down in a small corner in a dark room and the only light is like a glow from her skin ughhhh she could have really done that!!
  2. I thought it was obvious that the 1999 video was supposed to be cheesy lol
  3. Ok but Azealia bringing up Lana’s race AND her upbringing is so stupid. I feel like she is the prime example of “They made me feel bad about myself, imma call them racist now” card, which is absolutely dismal and defeats the point of actually pointing out real racism. And it’s even worse that her stans buy into that shit. Angry gays on Twitter say that I’ll never understand what POC go through cause I’m white, even though I’m Filipino? Like thanks to invalidate my experience in life? Like I’m upset with Lana said about mental health, but Azealia really should have seen it coming after calling her ugly like 20 times within a hour. Not only that, but saying the “white woman is making fun of mental illness” is also really stupid. I feel like more than often, white people are always made fun for mental illness (school shooters, Britney, etc). Never heard the trope that white people are specifically ableist lol especially from what I’ve seen her stand are the ones saying the r word without any shame.
  4. my heart literally dropped when I saw Lana's tweet that just calls her Banks.
  5. not even high school, this is some middle school shit
  6. https://twitter.com/SHOPCHEAPYXO/status/1049822634375024642 AZEALIA IS GOING SO WILD IM LAUGHING SO HARD
  7. This is a mess when it really doesn't need to be...
  8. Lmao I feel like I’ve listened to too many remasters of taxi to care about it anymore (same thing happened with No Angel)
  9. Grins Lock You Up Vroom Vroom Paradise Lucky and that's the tea
  10. Venice Bitch is a song that I can relate to when I'm happy or when I'm sad wow Lana's mind her only other songs that really make me feel this way are Video Games and Old Money
  11. imagine this album being actually gapless/really good in flow like the first half of HM
  12. what i really want to know is what nothony meatano would think about AKA
  13. the melon will bless us wow he actually tweeted a Lana song
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