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Sweet Pea

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  1. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by Sitar in My "Ride" Premiere Experience   
    I've been asked to talk about this experience by several people, and I'm deliriously tired from having just gotten home, but I'll try, although other people on the forum actually have, like, photographic evidence.
    I made it into the first showing, and I was one of the last people. She was playing "Ride", which seemed like standard procedure for it's premiere, so I wasn't paying much attention. And then a new song starts and I hear the words "crystal meth", so I'm flailing and demanding how this can be happening. It was "American", and it's my understanding that before I arrived they played a lot more of the songs. I did record it, but you can clearly hear me talking at parts where I thought I was being quiet...I'll upload it anyway, if it won't get snatched off YouTube. Plus, I don't want to be ridiculed by desperate YouTube stans Distinct lyric: "Drive fast, I can almost taste it now."
    So after "American", they introduced Lana Del Rey. She got onstage and laughed, you know the laugh. She said how grateful she was that she had all these fans who'd show up to an event that wasn't even a concert, and basically alluded to how the fans make it so much better in light of the backlash she's experienced. We all had a moment.
    She then introduced the video with Anthony Mandler. She started making her way to the very back--where she sat watching it--but in the process was swarmed. Not even gonna lie, I made my way right into that cluster. She's so much more delicate than I ever imagined. Just how tiny her body is and how doll-like her face is. Mostly I kinda went "BLAGH LANA" and side-hugged her and caressed her hair. She's beyond stunning in person, even in jeans. Especially in jeans.
    I'll tell you now so you don't get excited that all my attempts to get some personal Lana on Chance time were pretty much dashed--I asked for a signature twice and she only said that she couldn't, which was understandable because she was walking but DAMN. I'm such a dork, I just kinda reached out and touched her arm as she was walking by and she looked back at me. That's not the extent of our conversing, but I don't have any signatures or pictures.
    The video. THE VIDEO. It's nearly indescribable, but I'll try. The whole time she's with a lot of skeezy men--like, three or four on different occasions. All older, rugged, ugly, and bikers. I really need you guys to see it because it's so good. Of course I have some bias, having seen it projected in a theater, but cinematically I think it's her best. NO INSTAGRAM FILTERS ON THIS ONE, THANK GOD. In short, she's partying in the desert with some bikers, straddling several dudes in the sand and pointing guns at them, indeed swinging on this mysterious tire swing, hanging out at a gas station, playing pinball with a biker sort of spooning her, getting into a car like a prostitute. It's Americana, it's trash, it's beautiful. It's Lana. What can I say? It's exquisite. She's on all fours for the ending monologue--by memory, I really loved that part, and also one part in the desert where she's wearing an Indian headdress. Bits of the video keep rushing back to me. The part where she is holding the flag, like in the promo photo, is so beautiful. I need to watch it again. There's so much to love about this video, I wish I could eloquently describe it all. It'll be all of ours to enjoy soon enough, but if you can--get that shit HD projected somewhere I cried. I cried my fucking eyes out.
    Afterwards came the Q&A. I'll try to pick out the meaningful stuff. Someone asked what inspired the song "Ride", and she said that she was a lot more excited at the beginning of her career than she she was in the middle or even now--a clear reference to her backlash and trying to deal with fame, if you ask me. She said that's what she loved and preferred in her downtime--"riding motorcycles...and men :haha: "
    She's touring early next year, although she expressed her hatred for the idea and said she'd rather take us all to hang out on the boardwalk on Sunday. GODDAMN SHE IS SO CUTE.
    I can finally answer the question "what would you say if you met Lana?" Anthony Mandler chose me, seeing my desperation clear across the room, and I said, "Can you talk about why you re-recorded 'Yayo'...and some other songs from the album?" There was a general "ooh" of agreement, I noticed, but NO--I didn't ask about Jimmy Gnecco. NO--I didn't ask about unreleased material. Still, it wasn't THE shittiest question, right? Anyway, she said she liked the song because she considers it something of a jazz standard and it can go all in one take, but she didn't like how it turned out originally. So, yeah, stans...we're all WRONG in loving that song :creepy: And then I thanked her very much and sat down, although I was hoping she'd talk about an emotional connection to the song and give me some discreet Lanalysis material, not gonna lie. Please be happy with me, forum.
    Someone asked if she had any plans for "Never Let Me Go" and she said, "It'll probably live on YouTube, like all the other leaked material!"
    Someone asked if she is dating anyone, and she said yes.
    She said she was misinterpreted when asked about quitting music and the Vogue Australia interview. She said she meant doing music for films, not acting in them. When pressed, she said that she thought the Paradise Edition was much better than Born to Die and was basically really happy with it. I'm hoping that means she's optimistic, not that she's said what she had to say.
    Someone asked if she had any advice for budding singers, and she basically said that your expectations will never live up to your imagination. I thought that was kinda sad.
    She said she is best at being a passenger on a motorcycle
    After that, I went and waited in an alleyway to meet her. Other folks saw the video multiple times (damn I wish, I could've heard some more Paradise tracks) and spent their time wisely. Me, I waited and waited for her for hours. I met some pretty cool people, but at the end of the day her management wouldn't allow her to do a meet-and-greet, according to the staff of the theater. (CURSE YOU, BEN MAWSON!) That said, I waited until the very end. Me, my driver, and our three new friends were the last five people waiting in front of the theater in case she came back, not exaggerating. But she didn't. I'm pretty bummed about that, but not as much as I anticipated...like, I touched her, and she recognized my stan worship for "Yayo", and I saw the most amazing video ever on a giant screen, and I have the monologue printed out all pretty and I'll for sure frame it.
    It was a great night. I can't wait for you guys to see the video. I don't think anyone will be disappointed. I truly don't.
  2. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Member of the Week #5: TrailerParkDarling   
    Hey guys! As we all know, Maru is busy with school this week so I've taken up the awesome responsibility of getting to interview our 5th member of the week, TrailerParkDarling! She was awesome with the questions and answered a lot of the millions that I sent her. I hope you guys enjoy this interview as much as I did, she's got some really awesome answers to our questions. Also, let's thank the heavens that she came back after leaving the forum! I was so.... DEVASTATED when she left, I... I didn't know what I was going to do with my life! Anyway, on with the interview!

    Member of the Week: TrailerParkDarling

    My god, that's a lot of questions.
    Congrats TPD, I totally don't expect you to vote for me in the Mod of the Week segment coming up. I did vote for you, after all! (No really, I did!)
  3. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Premiering Ride Video on Wednesday!   
    Ride Premiere, Aero Theater: (pics in fan photos, I will not post spoilers)
    Some lucky fans said they gave lana their # and are getting coffee w/ her after
    She told a fan she was "worried no one would come"
    Attendees got free snacks awww red bull
    They played FULL songs from Paradise while they were waiting.. Including Blue Velvet + the new Yayo + COLA + GOD AND MONSTERS
    A fan said Lana said "I love Gaga, maybe sooner than you think" to a fan when asked about a collab... @DelReyLane backs this up so... HOWEVER someone else (who I trust) said Lana basically shaded Gaga..
    Apparently, one of her people or she herself (?) said it was her best video yet
    A lot of people were crying at the end
    Someone said hundreds of people, other thousands. Either way the theater is so small so I hope everyone that came gets to see it!!!
    Q&A - Lana said she is touring next year, recorded "Yayo" for Paradise edition in one take to give it a jazz vibe, she said "I'd just ride motorcycles... and men" OMG, someone asked about collabs and she said that SHE HAS 2 VERY TALENTED PPL AT THE MOMENT

  4. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by Hey Lucas Hey in Lana Premiering Ride Video on Wednesday!   
    Come see the short film we've made for 'Ride' at the Aero Theater in Santa Monica, CA on Wednesday Oct 10 from 7 to 11pm
    Ill be there all night showing it every half hour. Check website tomorrow for more details.
  5. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by HunterAshlyn in HUNTER HOOLIGAN   
    Hey guys! I had a thread going on LDRFM and have been waiting until I could provide you guys with something new before I created a new thread here.
    Well, the day has come!
    I have finally released my remix to "Let's Have A Kiki" by the Scissor Sisters. I completely produced it on my own- track and all, so I hope you guys enjoy it.
    In other news, I'm delighted to tell you that this is merely a single from an entire mixtape I have coming out on 10/31/2012 this year.
    Just for you guys, there will be a BRAND NEW Lana Del Rey remix, but I'm staying very tight lipped about it.
    Anyway! Please, please, please...
    Blue Jean Bambino (21206 Remix):
    So far, these are the songs available from the mixtape. Check out my general soundcloud for more music that will not be featured on the mixtape (but is just as good, hopefully).
    Those of you specially interested in my LANA DEL REY remixes/covers, here they are:
    Blue Jean Bambino
    Video Games
    Second Floor Heaven (Motel Trash Magic)
  6. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    Well, you asked for it...
    Naw, it just comes down to personal preferences like most everything else in life. I think mono and stereo each have their place and i like them both for different reasons. I'm happy that they both exist, i wouldn't want to do without either one. I am definitely not one of those people who fetishize mono. I know exactly what you mean when you say that it sounds "confined," that's true in a sense. People talk about stereo "opening up" the music and allowing it to "breathe," how it has more space. All true things. Mono is tighter, punchier, more compact. There are two main things about mono: it tends to sound really powerful, there's this great energy to it that stereo often lacks. The other thing is that it's good for creating more of a blend with the overall sound, if that's what's desired. Sure, you lose clarity and openness with mono but you make up for it with the way the music just hits you stronger. A good mono mix smacks you right in the middle of your chest and it just feels great. You usually have to turn it up louder than you would a stereo recording to get the full effect though.
    Some music is more suited for mono while other music is more suited for stereo. For me personally, i like mono for music with a sparse arrangement because if there are such few instruments, why do you really need to have all that separation? A lot of stuff that’s intended to "rock" tends to sound better in mono. What's really great is when you have the luxury of having both a stereo mix and a (true) mono mix of the same song. That's REALLY fun because you can experience the same song very differently. For me, mono is more for enjoying without thinking too much about it, and stereo is more for really paying attention, studying the music and production, scrutinizing it.
    Also though, i said that i would like it if those songs on Paradise were in mono because it would be unheard of for a mainstream pop artist today to release music in mono. That would totally shit on industry standards and i think that would be refreshing, funny, and cute, sincerely. I can see Lana being a badass and doing something like that.
    I remember when the Blue Jeans video leaked a few days early, the audio in the video was in mono (granted, not true mono, but a "fold down") but i thought it sounded fantastic. It had so much energy to it that really suited that song, and the blending that happens naturally with mono really, really helped with the BTD production, it smoothed it out and kind of obscured a lot of the overproduced, glossy aspects. I was BLASTING that leaked video all day for those few days. I have since folded down Blue Jeans, Lolita, and a few other BTD songs and will listen to them like that from time to time when i just want to blast some of those songs and feel them in a more visceral way.
  7. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey performs with Bobby Womack at Le Grand Journal   
    Video here: http://www.canalplus...nd-journal.html
    During a brief interview following "Dayglo Reflection" with Womack, Damon Albarn, and Del Rey, It was revealed that it was actually Lana who approached Bobby for a collaboration. Of France, she said "I love being in France, I feel at home."
    1) Dayglo Reflection ft. Lana Del Rey
    She did amazing.
  8. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic in Member of the Week #3 (PrettyBaby)   
    I'm happy to announce that the phenomenal PrettyBaby is the Member of the Week! I hope everyone enjoys reading her thoughtful answers as much as I did. :3 You can also post any follow-up questions, or anything you'd like to have seen PrettyBaby asked this in this thread.
    With that said, let's start!

    PrettyBaby: Member of the Week #3

  9. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by WilleoSoeurs in Lana To Perform At The Itunes Festival, London   
    HD ya'll
  10. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   


  11. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    What we need now is for someone to make blatantly racist remarks and then get a lot of heat for it and then try to make up for it by jumping through hoops to buy an iTunes download from another country and then share it with everyone.
    Though i'm not really advocating one person supplying us all with the song. PATIENCE, guys.
  12. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    Yayo~.. GO!
    Yayu~.. SHAW!
    Yayo~.. YEA YEAH!
    How now~... HOW NOW!
  13. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by Matt in My Lana Videos   
    New Video - BOARDING SCHOOL : http://vimeo.com/49950587
  14. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Buy 'Blue Velvet' on iTunes now   
  15. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic in Lana Del Rey Invades   
    Shave Beard

    Fix tables
    ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
    Get rid of damn cats

    Show you some damn respect

    Can I please keep my collection of James Deen porn?
  16. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    I'm trying to imagine a forum dedicated to Monicker and his music in which we discuss him and his eras and music previously available online and our favourite outfits/ensembles of his and we pry into his previous relationships and discuss his nude GQ editorial pics and if his lips are real or not and this whole thing is all very weird. O _ O
    (...I would so join that forum though).
  17. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    Once all this Lana stuff dies down, I'm leaking Monicker's secret acoustic album
  18. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    I feel groggy and i'm in a weird mood and i'm just going to ramble and spout out thoughts related to the direction that this discussion has taken. I should probably drink tea and move my body around, but oh well.
    The subject of leaks is quite complex. There are so many variables and considerations to take into account. I've yet to form a definitive opinion on the matter, and that bothers me because i'd like to neatly wrap my stance on the matter in a pretty little bow, feel certain about it, be done with it and move on to something else. That said, what Baby V Alex said earlier today in another thread is one of the few things i can say i really feel certain about:
    I don't think this point can be overstated. In general, a lot of leaked music isn't really "commercially viable" and we'd be unlikely to hear it otherwise. It's unfortunate how often a popular artist isn't fully represented because of what the label deems marketable. So, why not subvert capitalism, right? Sounds good to me.
    However, that, of course, is not the only thing to consider here. There's the artist's thoughts and feelings about their unreleased material circulating; their financial standing can be a factor (though that can introduce a moral slippery slope); the moral issues of piracy; is intellectual property not property?; should music be free?; a real, tangible, full quality product vs. an inferior copy, and the relative monetary value of each. The list goes on and on, hence why it's so complex.
    The thing is, the subject seems to be pretty elastic, varying from case to case, depending on an artist's own views and their situation. In Lana's case, leaks have certainly helped her develop a greater fan base. But as evilentity reminded us, we don't know her stance on leaks. It would be a different scenario if there was word from her saying that she's actively opposed to leaks (for whatever reason, be it she is embarrassed by her older stuff and doesn't want it circulating; she doesn't consider it finished and doesn't like the idea of people hearing works in progress, etc.) As i said before though, what we do know is that she hasn't exactly shied away from sharing her music throughout the years. Once an artist becomes a public figure though their back catalog, how it gets handled, and who has and should/shouldn't have access to it becomes a pretty hairy situation. But the control is pretty much out of her hands now. You'll recall that there have been times where even her posting a video to her own YouTube channel lead to WMG pulling it.
    Being a professional musician/performer is a weird concept. What a luxury to get paid to make music! And how remarkable that we live in a world where it's even an option. I've never fully known what to make of this, and i say this as someone whose entire life revolves around music, whether it's creating it or appreciating it. Now, would i want my demos to slip out of my fingers and get into the public's hands? Ignoring the fact that most people probably wouldn't give a shit about my music, no, probably not. That's because i am very controlling about how i want myself and my work to be represented and heard. There are others, of course, who have a completely different view of the situation. Should the way that we approach leaks vary from artist to artist? Is that realistic or even possible? Really, at the end of the day, someone's demos and unreleased work is none of our fucking business. It's their or some company's property. But that's also not realistic, it's not the world in which we live. The proverbial can of worms or pandora's box has been opened long ago, and as things stand now, there doesn't really seem to be any going back, no? This is the culture now, it has been for a while, and is only moving more and more in a certain direction. I think the game just needs to be reinvented, and i am curious to see where things go in the next decade or so, because something fundamental in the system has to change. Maybe in the future we'll find ourselves purchasing vials of Lana's sweat in an attempt to have something tangible and personal amidst a cultural sea of sameness, all those 1s and 0s. Of course, that'll only be after some company has convinced us with their advertisements that we want and maybe even need Lana's sweat...
    EDIT: I forgot to mention one very important thing--the one undoubtedly positive thing that has resulted from leaking in the internet age: third parties (bootleggers) hardly, if ever, get to profit from other people's music anymore. And that's a really great thing. Why should anyone profit from something they don't own, had no hand in creating, didn't fund, AND obtained illegally?
  19. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Pretty Baby's Covers -- update MMITPM   
    I posted covers for these songs before (on LDR.FM), but I've redone them.

  20. Sweet Pea liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    Proceed with caution.
    Hey, wouldn't it be great if the producers had taken note of all the BTD criticisms we virulently spouted on LDR.FM and made suitable changes for the re-release?
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