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Everything posted by Constantine

  1. The production on OTTR is not the best imo. Her vocals are extremely overproduced.
  2. Can someone ban that absolute imbecile from this thread? Thanks.
  3. I hate Young& Beautiful. Million Dollar Man along with Flipside are her best songs ever. I wish she would ditch the whole cinematic sound with strings and shit and go full grunge/acoustic. I love Guns &Roses so much. She should use her high register more. Dark Paradise is a piece of shit and so is This Is What Makes Us Girls ( album version). I want Lana to go back to her trailer trash look. Her home-made MVs really are her best work. I wish she would go back to the simplicity of Sirens in terms of lyrics. Serial Killer is awful. I hate the National Anthem demo(s). Ultraviolence is one of her most sonically interesting songs ever ( the random sample of FMWUTTT during the last chorus always gets me).
  4. ready for Lana to become a b-horror actress/ hardcore porno star
  5. Little Girls (GOD), Yayo, Million Dollar Man, Mermaid Motel, Gramma
  6. Tom Waits & Nick Cave would be just glorious.
  7. Definitely Million Dollar GOD ( aka her best song ever), Radio, the whole Sirens album ( pls lord forgive me)
  8. Flipside is probably her best song ever
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