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About JizzyLizzy

  • Rank
    nasty boy
  • Birthday 05/08/1999

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  1. JizzyLizzy


    I think she's trying to say that she will always love hot baths or something
  2. Paradise was really fun when she performed it didn’t feel messy at all. But no one around me knew the lyrics I was like the only one LoL
  3. I have a feeling she’s gonna perform Paradise the song in this show idk why... my mind Oh and I got VIP silver tickets
  4. I’m going to this one tomorrow I’m so excited it’s also my first concert aahhhh
  5. JizzyLizzy

    Taylor Swift

    This album reminds me of Gone Girl the movie ~thematically~ I Love it so much wow this all I wanted from her in this era
  6. JizzyLizzy


    I really want to get into him! I love Adorn and his song with Mariah but don’t know where to start with his music, I need recommendations
  7. LFL video >>>>>> MTWBT video Actually MTWBT is her worst video ever. Worse than White Mustang and Freak ahhh
  8. This album is still so fresh and excellent wow I feel so bad for those who disagree
  9. JizzyLizzy

    Taylor Swift

    Ready For It >>> Gorgeous
  10. JizzyLizzy

    Demi Lovato

    Excellent album omg Crybaby and Ruin The Friendship are the best
  11. Question what does it mean when the tickets are on 'Will Call'
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