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Everything posted by Escapism

  1. Bubblegum Bitch - 18 Lies - 52 Homewrecker - 42 Starring Role - 43 State Of Dreaming - 1 Teen Idle - 17 Fear & Loathing - 17 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 16 Lonely Hearts Club - 15 Buy The Stars - 19 E.V.O.L. - 30 Electra Heart - 31
  2. Bubblegum Bitch - 18 Lies - 45 Homewrecker - 43 Starring Role - 41 State Of Dreaming - 5 Teen Idle - 18 Fear & Loathing - 18 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 16 Lonely Hearts Club - 15 Buy The Stars - 21 E.V.O.L. - 30 Electra Heart - 31
  3. This is so much better imo it doesn't feel super cluttered.
  4. I have a feeling Neil's going to do the UO exclusive vinyl cover again (if we get one), I truly hope his work is more in the aesthetic of LFL's trailer.
  5. I really like the cover, my only issues are: -Her eyebrows, they're really not that big of a deal but I just think thinner, straight eyebrows suit her better. - I feel like the image is just squished together since the car takes up such a huge amount of space. - I was really hoping to get a mix of the LFL trailer and the Love video. -And probably the worst thing for me is the lighting. It makes it look like a fanmade manip where someone just pasted her onto an image with a truck, it's kinda off putting. Overall, I still love the cover these are just small things that erk me. I'm super excited to see the photoshoot though, considering from the previous album shoots, they never pick the best picture for the cover lmao.
  6. So now that I have calmed down- I think the cover is really nice. I'm so glad to finally be able to have a cover where she smiles. However, this looks more like it's for the love video- I wish she would have combined it more with the LFL trailers aesthetic. I am excited to see how the boxset will turn out as well as what the UO exclusive cover is going to be- assuming she's doing it again, as well as the rest of the photoshoot. Speaking of the photoshoot, I wonder what the one she posted about a while back was for (the one with the blue sweater)
  8. Bubblegum Bitch - 15 Lies - 36 Homewrecker - 31 Starring Role - 32 State Of Dreaming - 16 Power & Control - 3 Teen Idle - 17 Valley Of The Dolls - 13 Fear & Loathing - 30 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 16 Lonely Hearts Club - 15 Buy The Stars - 20 E.V.O.L. - 25 Electra Heart - 25
  9. Bubblegum Bitch - 16 Lies - 36 Homewrecker - 31 Starring Role - 30 State Of Dreaming - 16 Power & Control - 5 Teen Idle - 17 Valley Of The Dolls - 14 Fear & Loathing - 30 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 16 Lonely Hearts Club - 15 Buy The Stars - 20 E.V.O.L. - 24 Electra Heart - 24
  10. Born to Die - 33 Blue Jeans - 13 Summertime Sadness - 24 National Anthem - 28 Ride - 33 Tropico - 34 West Coast - 7 Shades of Cool - 38 Love - 12
  11. Born to Die - 33 Blue Jeans - 16 Summertime Sadness - 24 National Anthem - 28 Ride - 32 Tropico - 32 West Coast - 9 Shades of Cool - 35 Love - 14
  12. Born to Die - 34 Blue Jeans - 17 Summertime Sadness - 23 National Anthem - 28 Ride - 32 Tropico - 32 West Coast - 8 Shades of Cool - 34 Love - 15
  13. Ride - 13 American - 9 Cola - 12 Body Electric - 7 Blue Velvet - 8 Gods & Monsters - 11 Yayo - 11 Bel Air - 10 Burning Desire - 9
  14. Bubblegum Bitch - 15 Lies - 33 Homewrecker - 29 Starring Role - 29 State Of Dreaming - 16 Power & Control - 12 Teen Idle - 17 Valley Of The Dolls - 20 Fear & Loathing - 32 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 15 Lonely Hearts Club - 14 Buy The Stars - 19 E.V.O.L. - 21 Electra Heart - 22
  15. Bubblegum Bitch - 15 Lies - 35 Homewrecker - 29 Starring Role - 29 State Of Dreaming - 16 Power & Control - 12 Teen Idle - 17 Valley Of The Dolls - 20 Fear & Loathing - 30 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 16 Lonely Hearts Club - 13 Buy The Stars - 19 E.V.O.L. - 21 Electra Heart - 22
  16. Ride - 10 American - 10 Cola - 10 Body Electric - 10 Blue Velvet - 10 Gods & Monsters - 11 Yayo - 10 Bel Air - 10 Burning Desire - 9
  17. Bubblegum Bitch - 15 Lies - 34 Homewrecker - 30 Starring Role - 29 State Of Dreaming - 16 Power & Control - 12 Teen Idle - 17 Valley Of The Dolls - 20 Fear & Loathing - 30 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 16 Lonely Hearts Club - 13 Buy The Stars - 19 E.V.O.L. - 21 Electra Heart - 22 lmao bye htbah
  18. Bubblegum Bitch - 15 Lies - 34 Homewrecker - 30 Starring Role - 27 State Of Dreaming - 16 Power & Control - 12 Teen Idle - 17 Valley Of The Dolls - 21 Fear & Loathing - 29 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 16 Lonely Hearts Club - 13 Buy The Stars - 19 How To Be A Heartbreaker - 2 E.V.O.L. - 21 Electra Heart - 22
  19. Cruel World - 181 Shades of Cool - 30 Brooklyn Baby - 34
  20. Bubblegum Bitch - 15 Lies - 34 Homewrecker - 31 Starring Role - 27 State Of Dreaming - 16 Power & Control - 12 Teen Idle - 17 Valley Of The Dolls - 21 Fear & Loathing - 28 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 16 Lonely Hearts Club - 13 Buy The Stars - 18 How To Be A Heartbreaker - 4 E.V.O.L. - 21 Electra Heart - 21
  21. Born to Die - 31 Blue Jeans - 16 Summertime Sadness - 25 National Anthem - 26 Ride - 31 Tropico - 30 West Coast - 15 Shades of Cool - 32 Love - 17
  22. Born to Die - 27 Blue Jeans - 17 Summertime Sadness - 23 National Anthem - 26 Ride - 31 Tropico - 30 West Coast - 16 Shades of Cool - 33 Love - 20
  23. Bubblegum Bitch - 15 Lies - 34 Homewrecker - 31 Starring Role - 27 State Of Dreaming - 16 Power & Control - 12 Teen Idle - 16 Valley Of The Dolls - 22 Fear & Loathing - 29 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 16 Lonely Hearts Club - 13 Buy The Stars - 17 How To Be A Heartbreaker - 5 E.V.O.L. - 21 Electra Heart - 20
  24. Bubblegum Bitch - 15 Lies - 33 Homewrecker - 31 Starring Role - 27 State Of Dreaming - 16 Power & Control - 12 Teen Idle - 14 Valley Of The Dolls - 24 Fear & Loathing - 30 Radioactive - 20 Sex Yeah - 16 Lonely Hearts Club - 13 Buy The Stars - 16 How To Be A Heartbreaker - 9 E.V.O.L. - 18 Electra Heart - 20
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