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Everything posted by Escapism

  1. I think it's going to be like HM where we get both of them. Considering there's the video Lana posted on insta about Chuck photographing her and she's still in close contact with Neil,as he's still photographing her and he was over at her house when she did the instagram live before the love video premiered. I'm just hoping they do better than HM, because it definitely was not Neil's best work imo, especially compared to UV which was able to really capture the era. I mean some of the photos were really nice-I think the ones where she's holding the rose are beautiful but others... not so much and I expected quite a bit from Chuck but that was an unfortunate mistake because she is definitely able to do so much better compared to other photos she's taken (like the shirt you posted). Sorry for the rant lmao.
  2. Escapism


    I thought I had I'm a Ruin playing somewhere and I was looking for the source like an idiot
  3. I really miss Nicole's work, I suppose she doesn't fit Lana's aesthetic anymore, but it'd be really nice to have another photoshoot for a magazine or something. It's actually kinda weird though, I mean Lana used Nicole quite often, she's done plenty of photoshoots all the way from 2010-2013, 2 album covers, various single covers and then all of a sudden nothing (again it may have to just do with the aesthetic of the album and era itself, especially with something like UV). But, perhaps with this era, she could do something as in my opinion, she's one of the people that really know how to bring out some of Lana's best photos. Also, I really hope she goes back to her side part.
  4. Escapism


    Honestly though the font, the red background, the colors of the images- blue, gold, red, white (similar shades too), the arrangement... Oh well, the arguments on instagram and twitter will be funny, glad I don't stan her!
  5. I'm not sure what she's going to do in terms of releasing information/the record. I mean, we already got the album trailer which was different from UV and HM considering it didn't preview the songs or any upcoming videos. So, what's happening next? Based on the previous albums it could be either a single, a billboard (like with UV/HM), album art + tracklist. We're going to get something within the next few weeks-hopefully days. But I'm hoping for either a billboard or the album art/tracklist. As much as I want another song, I really want to see what visuals and color scheme we're going to get as the only thing for certain is some kind of space theme.
  6. I woke up to this and I was dismantled! It's very different from her previous album trailers, but I like this a lot, as we get to see her take on the album. Plus, she looked super cute with the bow in her hair. Reminds me a lot of the National Anthem (demo) video. As for the coverart, I highly doubt that'd be it. I mean, wasn't that thing with Chuck she posted on insta for the album? I don't think she'd use some stills from the album trailer. Speaking of coverart, my hope is we get a Lana moonbathing on the beach and her smiling- It looks really nice in my head. I'm actually excited to see what her, Chuck who I've forgiven but still not entirely let go with HM, and Neil, possibly? She's obviously kept in close contact with him and they're still working together, so I wouldn't be surprised if he works on the album shoot as well again (also, I hope he does better than he did with HM too, some of his photos were really good and others ) . Still excited to see what comes out of the shoot, though. poor nicole left behind, still posting photos she did with lana back in lana's gangsta nancy sinatra days
  7. This reminds me so much of the blue jeans/paradise cover photoshoot Her lips look a little weird to me though, but it could just be the angle and the really defined cupids bow, but she looks gorgeous and I'm super excited for this shoot.
  8. i saw a couple of fanmade ones on instagram, but if we get a phsyical single release of love on a picture disc i'd cry
  9. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    I I assumed this was about the Mad Hatter video But if it is about music then - also when I was reading the comments someone said the album's coming out in December when I thought fall I thought like September- November
  10. I really miss her 1950's/60's beauty queen look. The waves, the beehive hair, the eyeliner, the nude or red lip, truly beautiful. Also she should have done a 5th anniversary special of BTD, like if did some cool re release boxset with different coverart and added songs (serial killer ) or did some b-side release... only in my dreams
  11. when you cringe when someone writes 'lana del ray' or when someone pronounces it like "lan-ah" you've watched like 30 different videos on hair and makeup tutorials to get her look you have the ability to look through hours on end of her photoshoots to witness her beauty (and have trouble choosing which ones to use for fanmade coverart because she looks good in so many)
  12. Escapism

    Melanie Martinez

    Honestly, though, when CB first came out I adored the album, it was new, fresh, and something different. However, I did overplay it and most of the songs got tiring, however, I still respected the album and was one of my favorite releases of 2015. But over time, the whole thing became stale. The videos became disappointing and repetitive:The Pre-CB release videos are my favorites of hers. I don't know what it is about them that does it, but it just pleases me to watch them. But after that: it's just like eat sum baby food, smile really weirdly into the camera for dramatic effect, im crazy!!! (even in scenes where it doesnt make lots of sense???), and this goes for songs too but the thing she does with swearing makes it seem really tryhard like in alphabet boy and crybaby 'woah im using the f word!!!' idk. those are some of the things that erk me... The fandom has also gotten really...yikes... I mean, I'm not sure if it's because I didn't pay lots of attention to the fanbase pre-CB release but it's become really noticeable. I don't know how to explain it, because I'd be generalizing, but it's basically those people who are like "im so emo i listen to melanie martinez and TOP, real music!!!!!" or those tryhard tumblr tots who are doing their best to be "aesthetic" and "pastel grunge". Of course, that's not the entire fanbase, but it's the part that I've seen standout the most during the past year and it kinda causes me to wanna just avoid being associated with the fanbase. Anyways, sorry for the messy rant it's just some thoughts. I know it probably seems like I hate her, I don't, I just want the CB era to be over at this point.
  13. songs that were supposed to or highly speculated to get videos
  14. Is it possible this could be for the album trailer?
  15. I don't know if it's just me but the new image reminds me a lot of some scenes from Twin Peaks, specifically:
  16. i like how people are freaking out over the witchcraft thing and im just sitting here like
  17. holy this is beautiful chuck and neil need to take notes
  18. Honestly I love Neil and Chuck, but based on what Lana said about the album, I'm a little worried about the photoshoot I actually love a lot of Chuck's work- Tropico, National Anthem, etc. and now come to think of it, she may actually be one of my favorite Lana photographers Neil's work was amazing during the UV era in terms of fitting with the albums theme (honestly just thinking about it, makes my heart melt). Honeymoon on the other hand... I just don't know what's wrong, I don't know why I dislike it, but I just do. I think one issue is, is Chuck's work, it's some of her worst that I've seen. I don't think all the photos are bad, but a good portion of them just aren't the best. I actually like Neil's stuff, but I feel as if it was all over the place and a couple of the photos looked like they could be UV outtakes. I don't know there's just something about his work that just wasn't as good as UV. Then combining them together was just a mess. I mean, I guess we get two different perspectives, but it's just odd looking at the entire photoshoot side by side. I don't know I'm sure someone else could explain it better.
  19. the leather jacket and boots are givin' me some UV era vibes
  20. Does anybody remember that Lana record player contest/raffle that was on instagram for the HM era over a year ago??? I remember seeing it and I forgot to like it, so when instagram refreshed I never saw it again. I'm pretty sure it was real and it was a Crosley record player, it had one of Neil's photos I think it was this one
  21. Well that sucks. But, thank you for the information- it's nice to know that they at least considered doing a pressing.
  22. ok but why hasn't ghost been pressed on vinyl or gotten a bootleg vinyl, like i'd be ready to spend my coins on that
  23. I honestly am kinda hoping Lana is smiling for the cover of this album, she has such a gorgeous smile. Plus it'd be such a nice change from the pout.
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