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Everything posted by Sorrow

  1. If the USA is not here for her - why should she bother?
  2. "I am on Twitter I'm just not ON Twitter" ><
  3. I really want Cola,but something tells me it's gonna be Body Electric.
  4. Sorrow

    Christina Aguilera

    No thread for such a legendary artist? Anyways since I'm a huge fan I decided to open one now ^^ Discuss everything about The Voice Of A Generation. Do you like her? Which is your favourite song/album? Her new album Lotus - in stores now with some great songs in it.Check it out,guys!
  5. I'd say Burning Desire.I still enjoy the song,but I don't think it's something extra ordinary.
  6. Sorrow


    Stop comparing Cola to her other work - it's really original >_>
  7. Born To Die -> Paradise It's pretty logical and I love it. If she was to end her career so early like she was saying she would that would be the perfect way to do it.
  8. I would love her to cover some old sick classic like At Last by Etta James or What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong.It will fit her so well - even more than Blue Velvet.
  9. Bitch isn't kidding though - this is the shit
  10. .______________. Damn it - I'm a sinner.
  11. I did that too out of impatience for the new stuffs (except for Yayo since it's a new re-recording)
  12. I know that lol A friend of mine won 2 from a giveaway and he said it's fine for me to go with him.It would be a dream to come true to see her,but I don't get to decide if I'll be still here >< *suicides*
  13. Still - it doesn't mean she can't make it and that the concerts won't be succesfull.Many people do it for their fanbases. I'm actually currently living in London for a short while so I'm definatly gonna try to go if I'm still here.
  14. The album selling nowadays is corrupted - especially in Europe people will rarely buy an album,but that doesn't mean they won't be crazy to go and see the artist live.Especially someone like Lana who has such a dedicated fanbase and is pretty famous.
  15. I'm not satisfied with that tour - she should go further into Europe.Especially since she's huge in Bulgaria and several other countries.
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