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  1. Guy liked a post in a topic by Sitar in How Popular Is Lana In Your Area?   
    True talent, now that's a voice, Lana can't sing live lol
  2. Guy liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Lana Del Rey H&m Advertisements   
    I think a better question is: Why not? Why would that specifically need to be questioned? Imagine going to the grocery store to get some apples and seeing a midget in line and asking: Why is there a midget in the grocery store line?
  3. Guy liked a post in a topic by Eulonzo in Lana Live In Warsaw! (9/14/12)   
  4. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Guy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Or is she among us? Beware, Lana stans! Look at what happened to lanadelrey.fm and CG, then Ahmed, that's what the future holds for us all: The curse of Lana's past :creepy:
  5. Guy liked a post in a topic by Davis in Gq Magazine (Interview And Photos)   
    Got me
  6. Guy liked a post in a topic in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    I never have 2 work cus my daddy is rich
    jk if i have xtra money it does not go 2 lana not sry 2 say
  7. Guy liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    Don't misunderstand. If we raise the money, someone would be able to go and listen to the recordings at the US Copyright Office. I highly doubt that person would be able to make a copy. The whole purpose of the office is to protect copyrighted material. But hopefully whoever we send would be allowed to take copious notes. The most we could hope for is for someone to report back with a track listing, full transcriptions of the lyrics, descriptions of the songs, and perhaps some photos. And one lucky person will have been able to hear it.
  8. Guy liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    I don't think Kickstarter is viable for this. This forum has only received $1 in donations so far. I don't think we'll scrape together $165 for this. I do think an online music magazine might agree to this arrangement rather than sending their own writer because they wouldn't have to pay our writer, but just cover the fee.
  9. Guy liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    Pitchfork? Billboard? NME?
    us: Hello, we have a plan...
    them: ..okay we got it, we just gonna send our own writer there, kthx4thetipbai
    Kickstarter sounds more attainable.
    Times like these.. where's my rich daddy?
  10. Guy liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    ZOMG! It looks like there is a way for someone to hear these (they would not be able to copy them), but it would cost $165.

  11. Guy liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i want the return of smiling lana, with that sparkle in her eyes!
  12. Guy liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I’m happy that the topics that came up with the GQ shoot are still being discussed and have now spilled into another thread; it's important and it's nice to see it being discussed. I agree with whoever said that everyone should be a feminist. Why in the world not? What single good reason is there not to be?
    Anyway...about the topic of this thread:
    As some of you may remember, i really hate the National Anthem video.
    I like the Blue Jeans video much more than the Born to Die video.
    TIWMUG is my least favorite song on the record.
    I have no interest in Damn You, it’s a weak song with bad production and i think it’s been singled out as such a coveted song because that’s what previews do--they whet the appetite and make anything more appealing. I think there's a need to fill in the gaps and a desire to grab hold of the dangling carrot. That song stinks.
    I think Lana can be incredibly cheesy and i love it. I also enjoy all of her paradoxes. I actually love that she has terrible songs sitting right alongside amazing ones.
    I often wonder if she’s mentally unstable. She seems a bit off.
    I don't know if this is an unpopular view or not, but she's weird, genuinely weird. Not Lady Gaga/Marilyn Manson weird, which isn't weird in the slightest. That said, what the hell does it even mean to be weird anyway? But yeah, she's a weirdo.
    There are a few interviews in which i cringe because she comes across pretty dumb. I think she plays that up though and uses that as a sort of tool to be evasive.
    I wonder why people--if they’re interested in this sort of thing--almost never bring up her nose job and instead focus on her lips. Anyway, discussion about her lips and nose is boring.
    That's it for now.
    P.S. ednafrau, it’s nice to see you again!
  13. Guy liked a post in a topic in Vogue Intervew : Will Lana Quit Music?   
    Maybe she'll be like Fiona and put out a great album every few years. I'd be fine w/ that
  14. Guy liked a post in a topic in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I'm not at all a fan of (most of) the lyrics in Born to Die. Lyrically, the best song on the album is Video Games. I think most fans choose something like Off to the Races or National Anthem, because of the quick succession of references/"pretty lyrics". That's probably what I dislike most about the lyrical content of the album -- most of lines seem "tumblr-ready" to be made into edits with muted colors and the lyrics in Helvetica transcribed on top.
    I'm not sure what Lana's writing-process is like -- she's spoken about it a few times, but has never gone into great detail -- but her lyrics make me think that she thinks of "pretty" lines/phrases/couplets first and foremost, and then strings them together. Something along the lines of, "Oh, I like the lines "soul as sweet as blood-red jam" and "every inch of my tar-black soul", how can I incorporate these into a song?" I think many songwriters use a similar technique, but it just seems like the entirety of most of her songs were written like this. (Again, I admit that I don't know her writing-process and this very well may not be the case). When I listen to a song like Video Games, I don't have the same thought. It strikes me as a very organic song to write, very natural and just... sincere.
    Sure, the lyrics are simple, but I like the simplicity. You don't need to be trying to cram in every pretty phrase/60s reference/hip-hop slang into every damn line you write! I'd like to state that I don't inherently hate 60s references/Americana... but I do think that Lana has approached this theme before with much more positive/beautiful results. LDRakaLG is a great example of how the Americana themes and "pretty lyrics" can marry a much simpler songwriting style and have the outcome be something incredibly beautiful, more beautiful than Born to Die. This is the Lana I fell in love with, and will probably always be in love with. <3 LDRakaLG is just so beautiful and sincere and ...not contrived. How someone can listen to Oh Say Can You See and Raise Me Up and believe the lyrics aren't as good as those on Born to Die is beyond me! O _ O
    So, you can imagine that after having heard Body Electric the first time, I was so, so disappointed. I still am. I think the music is beautiful, but the lyrics really aren't. I was going to type something like, "Lana's becoming a caricature of herself", but I realize now that she already is. :\ I know that this song is on a re-release, so the new songs will be in the same vein of those on Born to Die. I've accepted that whatever new songs will be similar, as disappointing as it is. So instead of bitching and moaning about how the lyrical content on the re-release is horrible, I'll be looking forward to her next effort and hoping that unlike the time between LDRakaLG and Born to Die, she grows as a songwriter. And instead of complaining and writing long-winded rants on forums, I'll appreciate Born to Die for what it is -- just one "phase" in what will hopefully be long-lasting career -- and a phase that is necessary and on route to Lana's future definitive masterpiece.
  15. Guy liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Gq Magazine (Interview And Photos)   
    One doesn't even have to read a single word, just taking one quick look at that set of covers suffices. Again, this is not about nudity. Nor is it about dignity, or any moralistic link between the two. For me it's not even about Lana Del Rey's choices, because a big part of what i like and appeals to me about her is that there's something fucked up about her--so many of her lyrics, even her persona itself, often leave me feeling somewhat uncomfortable and confused. There is nothing safe about her.
    My contention here is how problematic and transparent this magazine's whole approach is. This is the sort of thing we see everyday everywhere. But, still, it's upsetting, frustrating, and exhausting to continually see it--in this case in such an unmistakable and blatant fashion--men's control of the media (read: everything) and heteronormative male fantasy as the cultural norm. I mean, really, four "men of the year" uniformly displayed in tuxedos and the lone "woman of the year" naked, looking coy and vulnerable? Really? Can you dig a bigger hole for yourselves, GQ? This is a text book example of patriarchy, androcentrism, the media reducing women to their sexual capital, and a bunch of other insidious, poisonous things that sadly most people either don't notice, don't care about, or dismiss altogether.
  16. Guy liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    This is some next level National Treasure shit. Only Lana
  17. Guy liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Possible Albums Before Sirens   
    I've mentioned this on Twitter and SIN, but I thought I should post this information here. Before the "List of unreleased Lana Del Rey songs" Wikipedia page was recently deleted, it mentioned a 7-track audio recording called either "Rock Me Stable" or "Young Like Me" registered with the US Copyright Office by Elizabeth Woolridge Grant in 2005, which I believe would pre-date "Sirens". The Wikipedia page had also mentioned an unreleased song called "From the End", also registered with the US Copyright Office by Elizabeth Woolridge Grant in 2005. However, the notes in this listing say "Words & music (collection)", so this may also be another album and not just an individual song. Before we get too carried away, it is possible that these songs may all be on "Sirens", or there may be significant overlap, but the possibility of two more early albums is exciting nonetheless.
    To view the copyright listings, click here. Type "Grant, Elizabeth Woolridge" in the "Search for" field and search by name.
    I've already made inquiries with the Library of Congress and the US Copyright office as to whether there is any possible way to listen to these recordings. I'm not optimistic, but I should get an answer within a few business days.
    Also, note that the 2005 listings show her birth year as 1985, not 1986, which indicate that she is really 27 years old, not 26.
  18. Guy liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Gq Magazine (Interview And Photos)   
    It's very subjective, but I agree there's a bit of an unsettling vibe to this shoot, especially the cover, that I don't get from the "Kill Kill" outtakes, for example. For me, maybe it's because I don't think the cover photo is that flattering even though it's revealing? I don't really blame Lana. It's probably difficult to ascertain how photos will come off while you're being shot.
    But I do find it problematic on GQ's behalf. I couldn't agree more with Monicker on that point. @TrailerParkDoll (forum user MissDaytona I believe?) posted this link on Twitter, which I think really says it all.
    Now I'm probably going to trash whatever feminist cred I might've garnered with this snarky, juvenile, and objectifying observation: I don't understand the fuss about the "boob-grabbing" picture in particular-- she has no boobs to grab!
    (Aw, don't hate me. I'm sure I wasn't the first to think it.)
  19. Cleopatra liked a post in a topic by Guy in Book Thread!   
    I've just finished George Martin's A Storm of Swords, the third Ice and Fire book, and it was just amazing! Now I bought A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons
    I really want to read Lolita and The Wheel of Time saga, but I haven't found them here in my city
  20. Guy liked a post in a topic by Cleopatra in Book Thread!   
    Okay so this summer I've read:
    George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series which Game of Thrones was based on. Consists of five books so far (more coming in) -- Awesome awesome obsessed with those
    A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan -- loooove
    Please Look After Mom by Kyung-Sook
    The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht
    Currently reading: State of Wonder by Ann Patchett
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