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Everything posted by KremlinChaos

  1. Has anyone played Ni No Kuni? I bought it recently and I cannot put it down. It's such a beautiful game!
  2. I actually really love Controversy
  3. Maybe Feel Myself will end up as a bonus track for iTunes. Either way, I'm happy with the tracklist.
  4. Now we just need the tracklist
  5. Oh wow, the poster is beautiful and it's going to be 30 minutes .
  6. I saw this a few days ago! We need to introduce this rhyme to the school system.
  7. It's coming out sooner than I expected! Can't wait to hear the new single.
  8. I've been listening to Namie Amuro's new album FEEL on repeat since yesterday and it's flawless.
  9. Namie is going to slay with FEEL https://soundcloud.com/shawn-l2/alive
  10. Congratulations to America! This is fantastic news.
  11. I like the second version but can I ask for one more edit. Can you just remove the text and the half circle around the text. I think it will look much better without any text. Please don't kill me!
  12. Could you put more of a focus on Natalia Kills and make the font bigger/stand out more. Kind of like this: http://chaoticdusk.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/banner14.png. Sorry to be so picky .
  13. Do you do banners? If you do here's my request, please and thanks . 1. Type of Graphic: banner 2. Image(s) to be used: http://nataliakillscontroversy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/background1.jpg 3. Text: Chaotic Dusk 4. Mood: Dark 5. Border: None 6. Size: 951 × 160
  14. I can't wait for more flawless videos. They look like they're going to be fantastic.
  15. The only song that feels like filler to me is Acid Annie. Everything else is fantastic. What songs feel like filler to you?
  16. Thanks lanaboards, I have a new fetish now
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