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Everything posted by SuperMegaStan

  1. COME TO MAMA live LDR festival tour realness
  2. Asylum is the best normal story telling season Roanoke is the best experimental season the others can seethe and rot in hell I DID NOT EXPECT THAT after ep6.... the plot just goes so fast that i could not catch a break... Negan could take a seat.
  3. am i a psychic after all? still can't get over the Blue Jeans elimination. you all should be ashamed of yourselves KILL: Carmen
  4. the only things i missed for the BTD/P era are the visuals and the promo sonically, UV and even HM are way better
  5. watch her cover DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO and make a moviemaker MV with Kanye's footage
  6. too bad rick nowels and his intern have been booked forever by our legendary fav - Lana Del Rey her Ultraviolence (Mark Ronson assisted) follow-up won't come soon
  7. still remember that Honeymoon was around 80 and then Slant came out with a 60
  8. I need Lana to cover Come To Mama, a cinematic remix would suit her so much, reminds me of some of her AKA/demos!!!!
  9. can't wait to see all the best songs are eliminated in the middle of the game and the mediocre songs become the survivors. Eliminate: Lolita Immunity: Born To Die
  10. wow between Body Electric and Burning Desire now i start feeling.... like an american life imitates art i guess anyways, Ride for the win other lessors can die. edit: Burning Desire is slightly better than that sh*t so let's let her win.
  11. Eliminate Body Electric You guys really need to enhance ur taste in music. this bitch should be deleted in the first round instead of American.
  12. Immunity Ride Eliminate Body Electric Burning Desire I'll eliminate whichever u save if u try to do something to RIDE
  13. Save Ride Off Body Electric Burning Desire I dare u all if Ride gets eliminated before these mess, i'll quit this game. RIP to American (Round 1-1) and Blue Velvet (Round 1-2), u two deserve more.
  14. still wondering what is wrong with this base how dare you eliminate American, Cruel World and God Knows I Tried at the early stage of the elimination games Delete Cola, Body Electric Save Yayo
  15. just eliminate everything except Ride and maybe American, Bel Air (wait, why is american eliminated?) anyways, Save Ride Off Cola Body Electric
  16. it would be something like tom ford tobacco vanille mix with tuscan leather coz her daddy issues are REAL
  17. as an atheist... i have to say ELIMINATE RELIGION!!!!!!!
  18. i can't at "once ur well-known for your wealth, you deserve to get robbed" opinion nor the "there're people dying in Syria" thing this is just sad, but how the hell could this made to the World News section, does LB have a Celeb News section?.
  19. i think she didn't want to answer or show her stance may just because: 1)She still hasn't decided yet 2)She doesnt want to influence others' stance (e.g. her fans) since she believes that everyone should seek information themselves regarding the areas they're interested in instead of being told to vote which candidate
  20. this is what the ultraviolence / honeymoon promo should be...
  21. Eliminate: Music to Watch Boys to 24 Immunity: High by the Beach how the hell was GKIT eliminated in round 2.
  22. queen of raising civil awareness!
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