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Posts posted by sparklrtrailrheaven

  1. I actually turned my mom into a stan :toofunny: My mom and I always share whatever music we're into with each other, so she's heard a good mix of all of Lana's music from me, and ended up liking it-- now, she watches the entire "Ride" video every morning ("Luke, I feel like she's talking about me!!!") and sings Lizzy-era stuff all the time (PMIAM gets stuck in her head a lot, and I'll hear her singing it while she cleans-- I never expect to hear "you can be my daddy" come from my mother's lips, but what can u do). Besides "Ride", her other favorite track is "Kill Kill". And, I've told her enough useless Lana trivia that she knows it by heart now-- the other day, I was playing "Yayo", and she says, "Hey, wasn't that in the Keds ad Lana did?" and I cried a little bit inside because I stan that obsessively and she knows it :rollin:


    My dad knows she exists, but that's about it-- and my brother doesn't really care for her music, aside from Y&B and the SS remix :toofunny: 


    As for what music I grew up listening to, my mom listened to a bit of everything-- but it may have been some of the 50s/60s pop she listened to (The Shirelles, Elvis, The Beach Boys, etc.) that really turned me on to Lana's vintage/retro vibes. :)

  2. Sorry to revive a *very* old thread, but I was wondering if anyone had any more information about this sampler-- this is the only mention I've ever seen of it. I'm thinking about putting in my iTunes because it's a very nice tracklist IMO, but I wanted to make sure it's real and also know what to title it.


    I'm also curious to see how some of these tracks are titled-- "Paris" vs. "Take Me to Paris", for example-- or "Puppy Love" vs. "Marilyn Monroe", "Kinda Outta Luck" vs. "Kinda Out of Luck", etc.


    also, not gonna lie, I really admire the research/discovery and collaboration that went on here way back when! it would be nice to see a return to such collaborative information finding and knowledge-building now 

  3. I still really need someone to direct me to a good Kali masterpost or send me Drunken Babble + her unreleased, please! I'm desperate to listen to more than just Por Vida :defeated:

  4. be quiet before @sparklrtrailrheaven hears you


    Consider me summoned :creepna2:


    Don't even get me started on what kind of meltdown I'd have if this album had any AKA vibes, y'all :defeated:

    I think LOVE is incredible and I'll be so happy if the album sounds like it but y'all know I'd straight-up die if she went surf noir again

  5. Gave the queen some promo at the pizza place I ate at today :creepna2:



    (excuse my messy handwriting; i was trying to give the good sis a mention before my brother left me behind :toofunny:


    Also, just realized:


    "I catch a dollar in the wind and I buy a cup of coffee

    There’s a place on Valentine that still charge ninety cents" 
    "To go nowhere in particular
    Back to work or the coffee shop" 
    Queen of coming full circle-- "Fordham Road" was recorded in 2005, when Lana herself was a kid "going nowhere in particular", wandering aimlessly to the coffee shop on Valentine-- and now, twelve years later in 2017, she's looking back on those days, and smiling for all the kids who are living it themselves. I love her so much <3

  6. Love and Anger is something else!! This song speaks to me


    Yes!!!! Love the video, too. For TSW being one of Kate's albums I listen to the least, I really love a few of the songs from it-- esp. Love and Anger, the title track, and The Fog  :worship:


    (and This Woman's Work, of course)

  7. I really want the new album to sound like wayamaya or the fake snippet of morricone but im 99% sure that it wont :defeated:



    2 things i could really settle for are 1. an 80s album where everything sounds like bbm baby 2. a kinda lofi beachy surf album where everything sounds like wayamaya


    i mean regardless of what she releases its gonna be good so i dont care, i just really love those concepts



    Since pop Lana is dead and buried I'd love something between Wayamaya, Mermaid Motel, Salvatore, Off To The Races, Brooklyn Baby, Sad Girl, Caught You Boy and Elvis, I think it would be interesting to explore the mix between the UV and AKA aesthetics but with the maturity of Honeymoon and maybe even the energy of Born To Die


    :derpna2:  :icant:  :thankyou:  :cumming:  :whine:  :suicide:  :pray2:  :crying5:  :dance:  :justride:


    i'm dead and in the ground what if it actually sounded like any of these??? get out of my head y'all

  8. I think my biggest hope for LDR5 is that it's a fun record. I haven't felt a lot of whimsy or fun in Lana's work since BtD, honestly, which is okay-- Paradise, UV, and HM are all very rich, beautiful, but pretty serious albums, whereas Born to Die had a lot of playfulness and flirtatiousness that made it very exciting, even in tracks like NA and Blue Jeans. So did AKA, and a lot of the unreleased. I'm not saying she needs to put out a purely pop, dance-y record, but I would like a return to some excitement and attitude in her sound, which seems like the direction LDR5 could be going in, judging by certain *winks* ;) and some of her insta vids. 


    Fingers crossed :pray:

  9. David Kahne haself?


    I always felt like they were early productions of his because (I believe, on @@Monicker's authority) the beginning of Brite Lites samples the demo. Which would make the Mertens "final" earlier? Idk its kinda confusing. He could just as easily sample/recreate the "1-2-3" having received this demo CD.


    Then again, they might just be a band-less session with Steven Mertens because a few of the NKF demos were posted on her MySpace before known Mertens songs Trash Magic (as Miss America) and Wayamaya (as W)--but after Disco session songs had been posted, and who knows his involvement in those...


    The timelines are so strange. I've always wondered if it would help to organize a timeline of known Lizzy/Lana dates and try to organize some tracks/photos/live dates/etc. where it's possible. Has anyone tried that? It's a heavy undertaking, but there's so much of her past that is cloudy. 

  10. I've been pondering something...


    Despite a lack of information surrounding the "No Kung Fu" EP, it's been said that it was a "demo tape" of sorts, that ended up catching the attention of David Kahne, yes? So, if this is true, this would obviously mean that the No Kung Fu tracks are *not* Kahne productions. So, it could be speculated that the producer of No Kung Fu could be Steven Mertens, as he was a producer working with Lana at the time, and produced an early version of the album that became AKA-- we know that the No Kung Fu tracks are likely not from his finished version of the album, however, since there are snippets of a Mertens-produced "Brite Lites" floating around. 


    The wrench in this theory is this: "Ruby", the demo of "Put Me in a Movie" featured on NKF (which is also notably more produced/polished than the other NKF tracks), also appears on a CD burned by Lana c. 2008, after she'd begun working with David Kahne. So, this brings to mind several theories:


    1. No Kung Fu was not a "demo tape", and was produced with David Kahne after Mertens' AKA was scrapped. 

    2. "Ruby" was a holdover from the Mertens sessions, and Lana (being Lana), still enjoyed it, including it on a CD with Kahne-produced tracks.

    3. No Kung Fu is a fanmade EP, with mostly Mertens tracks and one Kahne track slipped in, from a different session.

    4. No Kung Fu is Mertens production, and "Ruby" is noticeably more produced because it comes from his finished version of the album. 


    It would help to know what we know about NKF... When did it leak? Who leaked it? What information was with it when it leaked? Do we have any definite, concrete info on it?


    So many questions :really: I'd love to hear any insight/ideas y'all have on this! 


    Leave it to Lana to leave her past "stranger than a stranger" for us to decipher  :hooker:

  11. okay i take that back about the whole "your not a true fan" thing. It just baffals me because i find it so beautiful lol


    I totally get that! That's absolutely me when people say they don't like AKA... I think it's unbelievably well-done and gorgeous, so it boggles my mind that anyone could dislike it! But, I've got to remember that we all see things through a *~different lens~* :heart:

  12. I seriously DO NOT understand all this hate towards Honeymoon? Most of ya'll are complaining that it was boring, but it's funny because it was the first album that got me into Lana. You can't be true fans if you can't appreciate what a beautiful record it is. Just because it's slow doesn't mean it's boring. Not everything has to have big beats and fast paced random lyrics to be enjoyable.


    The Honeymoon record is all about capturing a certain mood, creating an atmosphere with very few words. The instrumentals in Honeymoon, MTWBT and Art Deco are haunting and very dark. I am so confused by some of you guys saying you dislike it. I personally love every aspect of Lana. I feel as though if it were another singer doing this record, i probably wouldn't enjoy it as much. But it's Lana, so what's not to like?


    Honeymoon was a wonderful, beautiful and creative era and i'll forever miss it. :kiss:


    I don't think it's fair to claim that someone is not a true fan because they don't care for one of Lana's albums. You can be the biggest fan of an artist and still not like everything they've put out-- it's great if you do like all of Lana's material, but it's a stretch to say that everyone must like it simply because they call themselves a fan. 


    Basically, I think it's fantastic that you love HM and see a lot of beauty in it, but you can't shame others for not sharing your tastes. Please be respectful of the fact that we're here because we're fans of Lana, and we're not all going to have the same opinions and preferences :kiss:

  13. Truthfully, HM is my least favorite Lana album, but I still think the album and era had some redeeming qualities. Probably my biggest qualm with it is that everything still felt as if it were in a transitional phase-- the songs didn't quite sound *finished*, the videos seemed thrown together, the visuals weren't as dynamic as they have been for past eras, and Lana never seemed to settle on a certain style/mood/aesthetic for the era, as she had previously. 


    That being said, I think the HM era had some high points! I felt like the unreleased Honeymoon video was an extremely beautiful, and an interesting route that I wish Lana had explored further. The V Magazine and Marfa Journal shoots were some of my all-time favorites, and the songs from HM are beautiful, even if they are enjoyed in small doses due to a bit of monotony and repetitiveness, imo. Also, Lana served some beautiful  looks this era (the blonde!!!!!) and some gorgeous stylings (whatever event this was from: :um3:)! 


    And, despite being a bit of a side-note to the HM era, Lana's little Instagram videos have been so sweet and cute :flutter:


    All in all, I think the best word to describe my opinion of the HM album/era is solid. After a staggeringly incredible run of albums by Lana since 2010, HM didn't blow minds or achieve any levels of perfection, but it wasn't bad by any means-- not a great hit, but not a miss, either. I think it may have provided a bit of respite for Lana, who's been producing knockout albums and dealing with all sorts of publicity ever since Video Games hit it big-- this era was calm, cool, and maybe even sedate-- but, as they say, "solve et coagula", and hopefully LDR5 is a bit more exciting and dynamic ;)

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