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Posts posted by sparklrtrailrheaven

  1. I know I posted my own iTunes library pretty recently, but I rearranged all of my unreleased albums so they play as albums much more smoothly and cohesively (look out, I'm a wannabe @@SitarHero :creep:): 


    Methamphetamines (2006/7):




    ^ "The Revenge of May Jailer"-- acoustic tracks with an eerie, dark edge.



    Pin Up Galore (2006/7):




    ^ Some acoustics and acapellas, with a taste of an AKA vibe in the more produced tracks.



    Lizzy Grant: Live (2006-2009): 




    ^ Thanks to @@evilentity 's killer "Early Shows" section, I've been able to devise a chronological (and complete, as far as I know) album of all of Lizzy's existing live performances. (with a gorgeous @@Trash Magic cover, I believe!)



    Motel 6 (2009): 




    ^ All of Lana's 2009 tracks, which ended up making a perfectly weird album-- I tried to intersperse acapellas and less produced tracks throughout, and the only sequencing I'm not satisfied with is 'Oooh Baby' moving into 'Boarding School'.



    Dum Dum (2010): 




    ^ The first out of four 2010 albums, this one is quintessential Lana-pop. Very flirty and fun, and more than a little trashy  :hooker: 



    Noir (2010): 




    ^ The second out of the four 2010 albums, this one is a strange collection of tracks, but works sooooo well together. I live for the sequence of the last three tracks.



    Us Against the World (2010): 




    ^The third of four 2010 albums, this one is primarily sweet, girl-next-door Lana  :flutter: Perfect for reminiscing about your high school days and either getting dumped or laid on prom night-- there's songs to suit both :legend:



    Velvet Crowbar (2010): 




    ^ The last 2010 album, and my very favorite-- jaded, bluesy Lana with a liiiiitle bit of a twang  :hoe: Really hoping for good leaks to fill this one out.



    Back to tha Basics (2011): 




    ^ One of two 2011 albums, this one contains the more poppy tracks of the two. (I love the cover for this one, too  :flutter:)



    Queen of Disaster (2011):




    ^ The second 2011 album-- not much to say about this one, but I still enjoy it a lot  :creep:



    Starry Eyed (2012-2014): 




    ^ All of the 2012-14 unreleased, which all sounds really good in this sequence-- except for the two Barrie tracks being stuck together, but what can u do



    Life is Beautiful (2015/16): 




    ^ The (mildly disappointing) 2015 and 16 album, with three songs, only one of which is complete  :creep: At least the cover's pretty, tho



    I hope everyone enjoys these! Any suggestions on sequencing, covers, or anything else (including comments on my ratings for the songs-- drag me pls) are welcome and I'd love to hear them! 

  2. So, after a lot of struggling with it, I finally got all of Lana's unreleased stuff the way I wanted it: 





    (The Instrumentals/Demos/Misc. covers are all pics from Lana's sparklejumpropequeen myspace.




    Look in the spoiler below for tracklists for the albums:



    Like the good sis @@SitarHero, I tried to create albums with a little bit of variety, (and listenable tracklists) but mine are also split up into ranges of 1-2 years per album for a more chronological feel. The covers for each album are each pics from the era the album represents (i.e. a 2006 pic for a 2006/7 album).




    ^ 2006/7 songs, all acoustic (or acapella). Think 'The Revenge of May Jailer'-- like 'Sirens' with an edge. 




    ^ 2007/8 songs. Not much of a theme here, but it was a good way to finish off the 2007/8 songs, and they all work fairly well together. 




    ^All of the 2009 songs-- again, not much of a theme here, but that would be hard to do while encompassing all the songs from that year. 




    ^ The first of four 2010 albums-- this album is Lana's "trash bops"-- the poppy, flirty stuff. 




    ^ The second 2010 album, with less of a theme than the other three-- still, this tracklist is one of my favorites out of all these albums. 




    ^ The third 2010 album, centered around Lana's sweeter, "girl-next-door" songs-- while the title is UATW, the inspiration came more from "Marilyn Monroe". 




    ^ The final, and my favorite, of the 2010 albums-- and the one with the fewest songs. I wish I had more to add to this one-- it's Lana's songs that border on a country sound, with a twang to them-- it also has a slightly downbeat, melancholy tone to it. 




    ^ The first of two 2011 albums-- not too much of a recurring theme, besides being the more upbeat, poppy 2011 songs. 




    ^ The second 2011 volume, with a richer sound than the one before it, and more of a Hollywood glamour ambiance. 




    ^ The 2012-2014 album, with another of my favorite tracklists. 




    ^ The (hopefully!) growing 2015/6 album. I love the sound of this one already, and here's hoping Lana gives us more to put in it! 




    ^ Finally, an album where I can stick everything that has no other place-- I still need to add "Cola (Farmer Remix)"  :creep:





    I don't know if anyone else will understand the albums/tracklists I've made (or with what vision I made them,) but I enjoy them and maybe you all will too!  :kiss:

  3. I relate to Lana on a much simpler level than a lot of you, but I think I'll still post it here-- also, kudos to everyone who shared on this thread (especially those who were so brutally honest about themselves! That's not easy :kiss: )


    The aesthetics of Lana's music and visuals are what initially drew me into her music, and are likely what have held me the most fascinated-- like Lana (and especially Lizzy!) I've always been fascinated (read: obsessed) with kitsch, Americana, and white-trash living-- probably why songs like Trash Magic and Pin-Up Galore rank among my favorites. Maybe it was growing up in a mobile home (in the American South, no less) that gave me this fixation, and so I connect very deeply with the images that run through her early work. I don't think it's any coincidence that trailer-trash Lizzy is my favorite era of Lana's work, and that the happiest time in my life was when I lived in a trailer that we decorated up with Christmas lights year-round. (No kidding-- looking back, we also had a hallway we called the "Florida hall" because it was so beach-kitsch-- and it looked straight out of a Lizzy vid-- teal walls, curtains with palm trees and flamingos all over it-- the works.) 


    So, videos like the ones for 'Gramma' give me an almost painful sense of nostalgia, not only for the times when I lived like she did, but also for a time I'll never get to live in-- the same idealised, past world that Lana has written about-- one where JFK is still king, the open road is still alive, and motels still have their own seedy glamour, among other things. Maybe it all sounds pretentious, but I am so genuinely happy that Lana has recorded and created such a wealth of material that speaks to me on such a personal level. Do any of you connect to these aesthetics and visuals the same way? (If so, hit me up, because we're moving into the nearest trailer park ASAP :yesnod:)


    Now, y'all better start leaking some more 2007/8 Lizzy for me after this heartfelt piece of work-- I need white-trash Lana in my life  :oprah3:

  4. this season was the best yet, definitely, but also the darkest and most emotionally devastating. 



    i don't know about y'all, but the final shot of the finale (w/ya girl poussey looking right @ the camera) gave me chills and i cried all over again. mess.


  5. @@National Anthem do you have her demos and home recordings? The '73 and '76 demos are like Kate's version of Sirens-- stripped down piano (in this case) tracks that are simple, but they all have really great concepts and stories, plus there's some really interesting early versions of later songs. 


    (btw, if anyone can direct me to hq versions of the tracks NA is looking for too, I'd be much obliged-- "Passing Through Air" especially  :derpna2: )

  6. But don't you agree that she lost her magic she spread back then while performing live?

    She used to appear really energetic, but since last year's tour she kind of looks like bored


    I don't really agree, but I'm totally cool with that viewpoint. I think Lana's performance at the festival was great (from the lq vids I've seen), but I think it's fine to think otherwise as long as you're not catty and hateful about it.

  7. I'm honestly amazed that so many people here talk so much trash about Lana to be "fans" of hers. I get that she's not perfect, and it's totally okay to critique her, but a lot of you all seem to take this authoritative tone with it. @@Flipflopfan, I'm sorry, but your post really rubbed me the wrong way for those reasons-- why can't everyone be thankful she's performing, instead of being petty and saying she has "no excuses"-- uh, I think she has a perfectly good excuse, and it's that SHE'S the artist and WE'RE the fans-- it's her show, and I don't think she needs us to tell her what she's doing wrong.


    Critique her, express your disappointments, but don't be a jerk about it. Remember that she's an artist, and instead of always assuming that she's lazy or giving up, perhaps think that maybe this is just what she WANTS to do right now. Only Lana understands her own motivations and choices, and perhaps we all need to take a step back and remember that. 



  8. Good post. I use Trash Magic (Miss America), Marilyn Monroe (Puppy Love) & Bollywood Hawaii (Maha Maha) tbh. Wasn't theres omething somewhere about Is It Wrong? just being titled Wrong?


    Thanks! And, yeah, I've read (on Lanapedia, for example) that Is It Wrong is alternately registered as just Wrong, but I can't find that alternate title on either BMI or the Harry Fox Agency, so any receipts from anyone would help! 

    This was done by Ahmed (Lana Del Rey Daily).


    Thanks for telling me! It's one of my favorite covers-- do you know if he has done any others, and if so, where could I find them? 

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