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Say Yes to Heaven

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Everything posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. After School era has the worst songs as a whole.
  2. My family is looking for me? I felt this love. i felt the need for me back home. Goodbye girls…. find the peace you desire and love you crave except for Mirdana cosgrove despicable young lady with a ‘tude . My aquatic look asked of me “dont make waves, makes WAVES BYE.” Shout out to the great RuPaul , Ms grant and Mitski with the leaves. Love, THE Jane Fonda.
  3. wow i really did not like this album but These Walls and Happy for You are EXCEPTIONAL.
  4. Childish. Pragmatic. Annoying. Not a fan. Consider me a hater. quite unladylike too. Be more aware.Love, Jane.
  5. Confessional: So shaken up I forgot… Love, Jane
  6. Hello to all, it is I, Jane Fonda. For my look, I wanted to go with an homage to my personal career by combining various items into one cohesive and summer-y outfit. Firstly, my hair is very reminiscent of my acrobatic era, paired with a leotard under everything for some under the cover shade #trees Seconadly, I topped my hair with my very own personal hat which I also wore for my movie 9 to 5 featuring the lovely dolly Parton and Lily Tomlin and speaking of the lovely Lily Tomlin whom I adore I stole one of her cardigan shawls from the set of Grace and Frankie (which also had RuPaul , one of the contestants here, hello Ru.) and I modified it by cutting it up into a cut little crop top moment. My earrings come straight from the set of Monster in Law, I was gifted them by the director after my character wore them and Jennifer lopez was really mad becuase she did not recieve gifts in the same fashion as I did but thats what happens when you're a fraud and I'm a beauty maker. This skirt here is just from Target but it reminded me of my role in Klute, where I was a fashion queen so I put that on it too and also found a telephone with a cord to give some homage to that film............................................... The gun is from Barbarella where I was a beauty queen but in space. Thanks all hope to see who wins this week , possibly me if it is me then thats great but if it isnt im Not mad . Love, Jane .
  7. When I initially became a fan, she only had BTD and Paradise out alongside her newest hit (and what drew me in) Young and Beautiful .. A lot of unreleased tho and I listened to that.. A LOT. While it may be unconventional for other artists, Lana has such a plethora of classic unreleased tracks that I’d actually recommend checking them out alongside her released discography. Many of them stand up, or are even better, than their released counterparts.
  8. Nice to see you make your way here from GGD! Was really surprised to read your name.
  9. And here, with the person that corrected them, I responded too. Then the OP really had the audacity to respond with this as if their original post wasn’t written in such a way that is LITERALLY saying its new and from 2024. God, I feel like I’m an old bat just hating on the younger / newer fans but jesus… there’s no shame
  10. I feel like some know and some just genuinely make things up for the hell of it. I try to comment and correct it everytime I see it because its actually annoying when it gets taken as fact and then these SAME oblivious new fans try to CORRECT OTHERS with bullshit, as if they know better. Its why I stopped posting on my fan account on Instagram, the fanbase changed so much after 2020 and TikTok. As much I love the app and use it often, its a cesspool of misinformation especially in focused topics like a fanbase for an artist.
  11. Another post with the exact same lie pulled out of their ass, actually crazy the amount of post-2020 fans just believing it. Of course its being spread on TikTok like clockwork where all the new Lana fans congregate to make things up 24/7 Luckily on this one, someone actually corrected them and it got enough likes to now show up first.
  12. I genuinely can’t stand this new generation of TikTok Lana fans that literally lie about the most random shit and then all of the comments just believe it with no question. The amount of posts like this I’ve seen ranging from fan accounts (who became fans in 2020+) making up stuff like collabs, song titles, what outtakes are from what album, and now… when pap shots are from…. actual brainrot. And yes, all 900+ of those comments are believing it, with maybe only a handful correcting them.
  13. Say Yes to Heaven


    oh baby, the delusion lies in the thought of there even being an album
  14. Because shes still a nominee of several big categories, hope that helps
  15. she said she’s been working on it for 4 years now which is very plausible considering Hey Blue Baby and I Must Be Stupid are from 2018 (which are very country themed)
  16. Only Lana would give us a cunty Kim kardashian collab and country album in the same year
  17. Hopefully it’s not just one vocal track and a guitar Sure, that’s country but give us your touch on it! Some dark instrumentals with heavy ambience would be stunning ex. Yosemite
  18. May we PLEASE get a Valentine's Day theme for LB with these pics? @Elle May we PLEASE get a Valentine's Day theme for LB with these pics? @Elle
  19. People are taking this case to the extemes and the internet is doing what it does best in being complete animals and have a lack of any humanity. The things I’ve seen regarding her or her husband is sickening and its a cultural phenomenon now so it’s suddenly cool and a meme to say horrible shit. I’m just happy she’s happy, she deserves it.
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