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Say Yes to Heaven

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Everything posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. I want my 1000th post to be in the lyric thread for Lana's best song
  2. Oh god I hope not, will not let that fettuccine dicked man touch her!
  3. It's true, I went to go see her yesterday, and I was recording with my MacBook Air and she saw and threw her microphone at my vagina! It hit like right on my clit or something because I queefed and it echoed Embarrassing! So after that I tried leaving but she turned me around and started slapping my cooter so hard, it really made me bawl. I went home and got an email the next day from her calling me fat and ugly, I think i'll file a restraining order against her mom tomorrow.
  4. Yes and I admitted to that Plus nobody trusts me anymore, so i'd be in the same deal as you. Your point?
  5. just had to look at the poster to figure it out
  6. Lana's best track, hands down. I still don't get how this turned into Delicious.
  7. I loved this show! I can't wait for S.2, I really hope *someone* comes back, but I don't see how they could pull that off
  8. I was thinking about it! If I do i'll make sure to include all the info about them OMG!! Nice find
  9. I'll add to a couple of things I'll be the first to say I volunteer in doing this but only as long as it get the recognition, feedback, and help it deserves. Creating a timeline of Lana's life/career is NOT an easy thing to do, because we don't really have an exact idea on a lot of things. I also have no idea where it would go, Lana Thoughts? I do have 2 willing people that will help me in creating this, i'm all for it already (and we can most likely start very soon and once it's complete we can regularly update it with only the big things that happen, not just 'Lana goes to get coffee') On the community idea, I adore game nights. I love the idea but it could get messy as to who hosts it. If one person hosts every game night it would get stale sooner than later, so my idea on that is that we have any number of members come forth and say they'd like to host. We then take those members and put them into a site such as random.org and that's how we choose a host. After they host that game night, they won't be allowed to host another one for 2 more game nights. Although we'd probably have to have a post requirement so we don't get someone who'd just be wanted to sabotage the game. (maybe 100 posts?) Another idea is that we could have a (stickied) voting topic for each week where the game with the most votes gets chosen to play?
  10. New snippet!!! https://soundcloud.com/surfnoir2/ryn-weaver
  11. can you die please, no one believes your shit
  12. Here you go guys! https://soundcloud.com/afraid-of-kali-uchis/ommas-kali-paradise
  13. nnnn not my message, someone sent that to me when I asked for proof, i've only talked to Kali about 2 or 3 times. Plus she doesn't approve of a lot of great songs, and it was already out there (and many people have it) so why should I be bashed for letting people hear it?
  14. Her debut is such a mess honestly, I like the little material she has out now but I just want the album already
  15. The feature was taken down because Pac didn't have permission to even use her vocals and the song that was used was recorded 3 years ago. If you would like the track PM me!
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