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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I don’t agree with everything you’ve said but it’s refreshing to see a fearless review that isn’t a 9-10 calling it the greatest album of all time. I think it’s a fan bias to want to score your faves music so highly every single time.
  2. Thought I’d do a short review and brief opinion about each song. 1. Textbook - 7.0 (it’s a bit all over the place in terms of structure and lyrics) 2. Blue Banisters. - 7.5 (A solid title track but drags in parts) 3. Arcadia 7.5 (beautiful song, but another piano ballad we didn’t really need) 4. Interlude - The Trio 7.5 ( just so random but I love it makes you shake your ass) 5. Black Bathing Suit 9 (An epic song, definitely should have more like this on the record) 6. If You Lie Down With Me - 7.0 (Catchy but a little repetitive, love the outro trumpets) 7. Beautiful - 8.0 (I just love the lyric’s in this one simple but meaningful) 8. Violets for Roses 8.5 (this feels like a classic Lana song, like BBS we needed more of this) 9. Dealer - 8 ( For me Lana killed it here with Miles they work so well together) 10. Thunder -9 ( This reminds of Ultraviolence a little and I adore it) 11. Wildflower Wildfire -9.5 (HOT FIRE HOT WEATHER HOT COFFEE-…what else can I say) 12. Nectar of the Gods -7 (repetitive & generic on the chorus but it can get stuck in your head) 13. Living Legend -6 (Never really likes this song it drags, but it’s ok) 14. Cherry Blossom - 5.5 (horrible boring production compared to YT versions) 15. Sweet Carolina - 6.5 (cringe inducing lyrics about iPhones and crypto but emotional) Overall it’s an 8 out of 10, It’s definitely an album I’m enjoying, but it was never the direction I wanted her to go in and I’m a bit fed up of piano ballads as I’ve said 1000 times already. I don’t know how anyone could call this album a ‘masterpiece’ as it has glaring flaws but I respect this opinion. Living legend and Cherry blossom should never have been added to the record they don’t really add anything. I’d have preferred she did something with more energy ‘Rock Candy Sweet’ grabbed my attention. A psychedelic alt rock album with lots of songs like Dealer and Thunder is really what I’d love..an Ultraviolence inspired album. But Blue Banisters still fits well in her discography and it’s better than COCC in my opinion. I just hope on the next record she makes a change in direction and I’m sure it will pay off.
  3. I had a dream she released an album called Matrimony about her desire to get married and have kids
  4. No it’s because she doesn’t like promoting stuff she’s nervous and a sensitive person. She’s still traumatised from SNL and the harper brazer review. She’s keeping her circle close and deactivated her social media to block out negativity during the album release so she isn’t as badly affected. The music is personal to her and it can hurt to hear negative shit being said about you especially when you have a sensitive personality. I also don’t think singing about suicide and depression are cringey, they are dark and challenging themes yes, but they can also help a lot of people cope and deal with emotions. I like music that is brutally honest.
  5. She legit looks like she’s about to hurl…who edited this video? Nobody? More like Lana botched it
  6. My impression was it is Harvey in the sky seeing as she retired use of the song. Why would she do that otherwise?
  7. Is it me or does Chuck look like she’s trying to hold in her baby for the entire BB music video? She looks uncomfortable as fuck..
  8. ‘Harvey's in the sky with diamonds and he's making me crazy’ > Ah, he’s in the Sky with diamonds and he’s making me crazy
  9. You don’t have to like every album from an artist to be a fan. I think that is something which is forgotten about in this fan base. It’s rare for me to like every artists record. Maybe the next one will suit you better.
  10. I think that would have been a bit much with Nectar Of the Gods
  11. Other fan bases making fun of Lana for doing only 30k when their fave is struggling on there 3rd album. I’d like to see Halsey or Billie do next to zero promotion, disable social media still sell 200k on an 8th album…them girls would drop fast.
  12. I’m actually disappointed their is no ‘Candle in the Wind’ on this album
  13. It is a song that creeps up on you, I like the song but ‘I get wild and fuckin' crazy like the color blue’ feels a bit generic and cheap lyrically…it’s classic recycled Lana.
  14. And imagine if she scrapped vinyls on the next record…girl will be doing 5k
  15. I have a feeling with each album she’s gonna promote and try less and less, like LDR11 you will find the album in a paper envelope at the library for 1 dollar…and nobody will know about it because she’s been off social media for years and living in the back of a Volkswagen going from city to city.
  16. I think it’s going to be another piano ballad album but with more country elements..think an extended COCC with more country . I think she’s heading more towards minimalism than more heavier production.
  17. From her store Lana Del Rey store universal
  18. Thank God Lana is known to lie
  19. My CD’s arrived damaged…like they came without any packing just thin cardboard. Really appalling.
  20. 1. Text Book 15 2. Blue Banisters 14 3. Arcadia 16 4. The Interlude - The Trio 2 (-1) 5. Black Bathing Suit 21 6. If You Lie Down With Me 18 7. Beautiful 15 8. Violets for Roses 15 9. Dealer 16 10. Thunder 16 11. Wildflower Wildfire 17 (1+) 12. Nectar of the Gods 15 13. Living Legend 15 14. Cherry Blossom 14 15. Sweet Carolina 15
  21. 7.7 Pitchfork isn’t bad. BB will probably end up with 80-82 on MC
  22. The Guardian Journalists I’d not piss on if they were on fire, real nasty hatful bunch who seem to detest when an artist doesn’t follow the grain.
  23. The guardian at this point are giving Lana a 3 every time because they know we will get angry and march over there. Whatever you do don’t click on there site or give them attention
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