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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. I’m not sure how you read that much into my comment, but I think even if Lana did more promotion she’d never be as popular as Adele or Taylor, Adele barely does anything but release the same old black and white music video, visual imagery… she’s hardly a bastion of art. Lana has put effort in right up to the Chemtrails video, since then she’s had a break probably because she doesn’t have a high budget and because she is effected by negative press, so the low key albums and lack of promotion are a personal decision and probably her not being ‘lazy’ or ‘doesn’t care anymore’. By niche she has a dedicated fan base that appreciate her talent that keep the wheels moving I’m not saying that it’s niche that she has decided to do the bare minimum. it’s just interesting how interesting that the general public have consumed Adele and Taylor whole without question. But Lana it’s like ‘meh’ ..I guess the former are more palatable I don’t know.
  2. Adele and Taylor getting all the fame and support Lana should be getting…just makes me sick. But then again being a niche artist has more charm and artists tend to produce the best music when under less pressure.
  3. I bet I don’t get my signed art card 😢
  4. I think Living Legend is worse, Nectar is tolerable but has repetitive cringy lyrics.
  5. Wow this is so disgusting, not only that but ALL of my CD’s have arrived damaged. TWICE..even the replacements.
  6. She’s never gonna release that she wants as far away from the ARTPOP era as she can…that shit was traumatic
  7. Text Book 27 Black Bathing Suit 40 -1 If You Lie Down with Me 28 Violets for Roses 10 Dealer 28 Thunder 33 Wildflower Wildfire 37 +1 Living Legend 21
  8. I’d like to see more of that vocal style…but not an album of ballads we have two of those already.
  9. Ya’ll acting like it’s a good thing Halsey has released albums..her contrived try hard music never needed to be released.
  10. Your interest really made stacks out of it for me (So, thanks for that)
  11. She’s not out fully though she’s still on the honeymoon account with the same obsessive stalker fans that have said nasty shit about her.
  12. 1. Text Book 15 2. Blue Banisters 14 5. Black Bathing Suit 28 6. If You Lie Down With Me 22 8. Violets for Roses 19 9. Dealer 21 10. Thunder 21 11. Wildflower Wildfire 27 (1+) 12. Nectar of the Gods 11 13. Living Legend 21 - 1 14. Cherry Blossom 15 15. Sweet Carolina 13 I can’t believe living bore had 22 points
  13. 1. Text Book 17 2. Blue Banisters 15 3. Arcadia 13 5. Black Bathing Suit 25 6. If You Lie Down With Me 20 (-1) 7. Beautiful 8 (1+) 8. Violets for Roses 13 9. Dealer 21 10. Thunder 17 11. Wildflower Wildfire 18 12. Nectar of the Gods 15 13. Living Legend 20 14. Cherry Blossom 8 15. Sweet Carolina 14
  14. You are not Lust For Life is an solid record It’s better than COCC or BB any day. With songs like 13 Beaches, Heroin and Get Free alone make it a great record. It has so much more variety and intrigue then BB also. It get’s unnecessary hate by this fanbase.
  15. Yeah it is her teams fault, but if I were Lana I’d never let this shit pass and tell them to do better.
  16. The new merch is uninspired and worse then something on Etsy..she’s using old photos from 10 years ago.
  17. That’s it I’m sending Halsey after you dressed as Michael Myers ..
  18. I will say that if any of you manifest or wish for another piano ballad album there will be consequences….
  19. The best thing is to just buy another CD, I know we are not all rich. But you can sell it again later on Ebay. Streaming helps but it’s so poor compared to buying the record.
  20. Lana’s team and label must be worried to organise a listening party, like they probably didn’t expect it to debut outside the top 10. I know Lana doesn’t give a fuck, but her label will they are a business.
  21. He’s a misogynist so I’m not surprised, rumour has it if you knock him on the head it echos because his brain is walnut sized.
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