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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. Ugh do something you crack hoe it’s been 10 years!
  2. We need a Free Britney style campaign for sky, but .I doubt she has enough fans at this point. Maybe a couple of gays could go stand outside Capitol records with some banners lol
  3. Boz saying soon or we won’t have to wait long…I’m pretty sure he’s said this several times before. Then stuff came out 6 months later. So I’d take it with a pinch of salt. If Lana does move to capitol records these leakers will get blasted, I remember them pursuing someone before quite awhile ago who posted info. Interscope are pretty useless in regards to leakers and turn a blind eye a lot of the time. So make the most of it!
  4. Remember when we all joked almost 10 years ago that the album would be out in 2023…who would have thought that would be a possible reality
  5. ChaoticLipster


    That’s the worst part that people care, he has zero knowledge of music. His channel is more about provoking a reaction and views. Hate is how he get’s numbers, he’s a troll and I’m sure he does it on purpose. I last watched one of his videos like years ago and when he gave the album like a 5 for no apparent reason and was saying such frat bro things like ‘yeah it’s just meh, and hmmm well I give it a 5’ like no intellectual criticism at all or attempt to understand the music or lyricism. The misogyny also, always giving females very harsh scores..I’ve seen a table on Twitter of scores and it shown how bad he is. When he reviews a generic white male artist he acted like the album was Thriller or something it was vomit inducing. So I always say do no click on his videos or give him views!
  6. ChaoticLipster


    I don’t like players of games much, any song from ARTANGELS slays it to death. Having said that Fantano has the worst taste in music so he can stfu
  7. ChaoticLipster


    We can agree to disagree I’m not starting this off again on here Anyways I was watching the truth or dare documentary film again recently… simply ICONIC
  8. I don’t really like Fiona Apples music it just doesn’t do anything for me, but she’s very different to sky like why the fuck we bringing her up lol
  9. Sky should be on Unsolved Mysteries, ‘The Sophomore Chronicles’
  10. Anyone but Migos or other associated artists. She names some weird artists that she wants to work with. I’m surprised she doesn’t say Paris Hilton ….tbh that would probably be epic.
  11. ‘ she’s influential Thanks to her grammy nominations’ No she’s influential because she’s talented and is like nobody else!! Not because of the scammys.
  12. Happy Loner is cute but it feels like we already have 5 songs in her discography like this , I guess this is why she didn’t add it to the album in the first place.
  13. ChaoticLipster


    What a horrible song so generic and boring …what happened to her production and creativity. This sounds like some average 90s trance music.
  14. Gaga is one of the best music Icons of the last 20 years she’s a super star, she’s not a Carly Rae Jepsen one hit wonder..(not that I dislike her just a comparison). It confuses me when people still call her a fad..is it an attention thing? Idk
  15. I don’t know how anyone can call someone who’s won 300+ awards and sold 200 million records with mutiple recent number 1 albums and singles a fad. Calling Gaga a fad is so 2013 get with the times. That’s exactly what Jazz music is tbh background music to relax to
  16. The Grammy’s have already ingraved the awards in Adeles name it’s that set…..it’s a complete scam. No offence to Adele but there will be better albums released that deserve recognition.
  17. Justin being nominated for anything given his very minimal talent is hilarious….
  18. ChaoticLipster


    Quite a boring album, Adele has an incredible voice one of the best of the generation. But she lacks the visuals, excitement factor and versatility of genres. Easy On me still the best song.
  19. ChaoticLipster


    I agree it’s all very oversaturated and a bit much
  20. ChaoticLipster


    You both have different tastes, Miss A was an ok album but fairly average really. I thought WAP was pretty good.
  21. ChaoticLipster


    A drug from god is awful, she’s really not produced anything that great since We appreciate Power. Elons watered down her talent it seems…maybe this divorce will get her attention back on the music.
  22. I’m not actually personally attacking them as I’m a fan of both, I just think Lana deserves more appreciation. It’s a comparison really of how some are praised and equally talented artists are just left at the curb.
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