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Everything posted by ChaoticLipster

  1. The vocals are soo good…best she’s ever performed ?
  2. If she’s not on in 10 minutes then I’d say it’s cancelled
  3. She’s only gonna have time to play video games and summertime sadness, blue jeans and born to die. How convenient!
  4. She clearly does it on purpose…it’s no coincidence. The latest anyone has been is 5 minutes so far. If she doesn’t want to perform why agree to it?
  5. Not Lana being late so she can skip songs and get off the stage faster
  6. Heard their might be JustStopOil demonstrations…..I bet Lana is crossing her fingers it’s just before her set so she can cancel.
  7. You can set up email alerts…that works for me instead of checking constantly.
  8. Yikes…what was this guy thinking. The sub is like a hot water boiler he got from home depot and turned into a sub controlled with a 10 yo games controller💀
  9. He has been to wreck many times, for the film and for research. But the difference is he went down in a much more advanced and safer submersible. Not something made of carbon alloy (more prone to hull breach) and controlled by a game’s controller.
  10. Right sis, a boat filled with immigrants with FIVE HUNDRED people went missing and you barely hear a whisper about it. The media has spoken very loudly, and it’s saying only wealthy lives matter.
  11. In a way it would have been better if it imploded cause thats instant death and hardly any suffering.
  12. No that didn’t happen, they never locked the 3rd class away, it was only in the movie for dramatic effect. John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus some the world’s richest men at the time died on Titanic.
  13. This is so funny lol cause my second lighter just arrived 1 minute ago and it’s even more damaged then the first! I’m definitely gonna complaint this is not right.
  14. Slightly more reasonable, but the inside of the lighter is really bad the metal is flaking off. I’d be scared to actually use it incase it explodes in my hand. My dumb ass also bought two of them
  15. Her Merch is really poor quality tbh, just really cheaply made for like 2 dollars and then charge 30x more. It’s a rip off but we are all such suckers for Lana Merch we can’t stop ourselves. My only hope is that they have great resell value one day.
  16. A lot of very rich people died on the Titanic, so Irony indeed. Seems the waters around Titanic are going for one last kill
  17. Praying for Windwaker and twilight princess HD on switch
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