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Say Yes to Heaven

LDR Finally Spotted After A Month...

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Be careful with all the conjecture in this thread. Your appearance is scientifically linked to your vocal abilities and expression of talent.


There are studies pointing to a mechanism through which essential acids and lipids are converted to energy in the brain that creates inflammation in the areas responsible for creativity. Specifically, the process of having silicon implants and botox injections dissolve, can involve the broken-down toxic molecules transporting into the bloodstream and crossing the blood-brain barrier, causing dysfunction of the frontal lobe. I suspect this is what is happening to Lana.




Think back at Jennifer Hudson and Adele: they both lost some power in their previously-iconic voices when the pounds started flying off. Similarly, when Gaga got fat she released the horror show that is Cheek to Cheek. Katy got a lesbian haircut and dropped the total bomb that is Witness. Miley grew out her hair and consequently released Younger Now, the major flop of the century.

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She's just not using makeup, lol. I'm glad we finally see new pics!


Also, her hair looks great. :)

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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Prior to dropping West Coast, Lana had paparazzi photograph her chiefing on some parliament cigarettes while she walked around listening to her own music.


Is this a less subtle nod towards a proper Yosemite release?


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I know that she's not having make up on, but something makes me feel worried. I hope that she's doing fine and everything is good, but you know... We will be able to say something after her concert in Prague. 


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People already diagnosing her with depression based on paparazzi pictures LMFAO

She looks fine. No makeup + harsh lighting. I don't think she's gotten any procedures done that are out of the ordinary.


Be careful with all the conjecture in this thread. Your appearance is scientifically linked to your vocal abilities and expression of talent.


There are studies pointing to a mechanism through which essential acids and lipids are converted to energy in the brain that creates inflammation in the areas responsible for creativity. Specifically, the process of having silicon implants and botox injections dissolve, can involve the broken-down toxic molecules transporting into the bloodstream and crossing the blood-brain barrier, causing dysfunction of the frontal lobe. I suspect this is what is happening to Lana.




Think back at Jennifer Hudson and Adele: they both lost some power in their previously-iconic voices when the pounds started flying off. Similarly, when Gaga got fat she released the horror show that is Cheek to Cheek. Katy got a lesbian haircut and dropped the total bomb that is Witness. Miley grew out her hair and consequently released Younger Now, the major flop of the century.


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I honestly don't think that she looks that bad, her fillers seem to be fading as others have mentioned (I hope she's letting them fade and that they'll be gone for good lmao, that's up to her though), but she's in some casual attire, with no makeup, and picking up food. Not really expecting much, but good to see she's alive.




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Even if she was ugly, she’d still snatch wigs because of her talent.


Y’all are untalented and ugly, sorry

exactly! Why do people think that women always should look beautiful or that women HAVE to be beautiful? Fuck off, bunch of assholes

Even if Lana wasn't pretty, why should it matter? 

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omg y'all so fucking strange, you see two pictures of Lana who didn't even know she was being photographed and now you're all like "i'm so worried, she looks so sad" and so on.



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Ya'll i actually think she's in a really dark place right now, we all know that Yosemite was the happy place that she wishes to reach. High above everything else. I think her wearing it is like a safety blanket for her in these dark times, like a reminder that everything will be okay. Let's all send her some love and positivity today


Idiocy at its finest

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Um so can we all just get along and focus on the positives about these pics?


1) skinny

2) walking



Just say you hate disabled fat people and go! 



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lol I don't even want to comment on this thread. I'm glad to see new pics of her because it makes me happy, but trying to speculate on her mental health based on like 4/5 pics taken prob less than 3 seconds apart is just a mess. 

Exactly this. There is WAYYY too much armchair psychiatry going on in this thread.


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