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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Mirjam Weichselbraun it's his wife oops

Miisfmsinfsjfnsjfnsjfnsjfns WTF I know her, she's kind of a celebrity here, why did nobody ever tell me she's dating Ben? :rip: :rip: :rip:


Here's a video of her pole dancing.


Anyway, she's a sweetheart and deserver better, so y'all better exPOSE HIS UNFAITHFUL ASS!


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is he really dming fans about the bj? and.... underage fans on instagram? that's disgusting, if he really is doing so he deserves to get exposed, if y'all are lying then you deserve electric chair. other than that i must i agree that dealing with lana stans is hard, just seeing the way some of you behave here is kinda gross, you are so entitled lmao

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Future fans will look at this thread, see Terrence saying "February 22nd... something is coming guys" and then get to this page and realize the bitch was psychic


what exactly happened today besides stupid comments by B**? I'm not interested in reading yall's shit, nothing is coherent, no news about NFR and Venice Bitch is actually a bad song. Oops! just a reminder

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Off topic but idk why the line "and I watched the skies getting light as I write as I think about those years" annoys me a bit. It just sounds redundant from a grammatical (?) pov

"and I watched the skies getting light as I write and I think about those years" sounds much better


Are you trying to come for the best song on this album? oYKZv7m.gif please dont

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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is he really dming fans about the bj? and.... underage fans on instagram? that's disgusting, if he really is doing so he deserves to get exposed, if y'all are lying then you deserve electric chair. other than that i must i agree that dealing with lana stans is hard, just seeing the way some of you behave here is kinda gross, you are so entitled lmao

I'm 18 :sluttybunny:

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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what exactly happened today besides stupid comments by B**? I'm not interested in reading yall's shit, nothing is coherent, no news about NFR and Venice Bitch is actually a bad song. Oops! just a reminder

The news is Lana, her team, and Interscope don't have a date for NFR, and that the album isn't finished and Lana is adding more. It's not good news but it's news!


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what exactly happened today besides stupid comments by B**? I'm not interested in reading yall's shit, nothing is coherent, no news about NFR and Venice Bitch is actually a bad song. Oops! just a reminder


The news is Lana, her team, and Interscope don't have a date for NFR, and that the album isn't finished and Lana is adding more. It's not good news but it's news!

Also, that her poetry book will be available worldwide.

48K6p1K.gif    70SP18s.png

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The news is Lana, her team, and Interscope don't have a date for NFR, and that the album isn't finished and Lana is adding more. It's not good news but it's news!


LMAO the mess! I can't believe people are still excited for this album! Not criticizing you guys, tho. I just mean... this era is S to the H to the I to the T. Baaaaaad. Mediocre single releases, followed up by a period of dead silence, and then a probably mediocre album. I'm getting tired of being a Lana stan. That's the tea. PERIAAAAD!

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Lana in september: the album has 11 tracks

Lana in february: the album has 13 tracks!

Lana in april: the album has 16 tracks!!!!!!!!!!!

Lana in july: i'm scrapping the whole thing

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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