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Say Yes to Heaven

The Greatest + Fuck It, I Love You RADIO 1 PREMIERE

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Same time as the MV!



I just remembered I moved some stuff over to my new dormroom last September while hearing MAC... I finished the school year, moved houses once again, passed some classes, failed some classes, just signed up for this year's course, and NFR wasn't released between all of this.



I moved TWICE, done and entire 2nd year of uni, am preparing for the third and she's still not here so same!


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I have no clue!!!! did the leak really kill the excitement THIS much

I bet they're in the pre-thread, tsch.



"This is 'I love you', new music - Lana Del Rey"


Nnnnnnn not Annie saying the wrong name for the track. x) Oh well, I guess she's not even allowed to say "F it, I love you".

Was that it? I thought they'd talk a bit longer. Maybe they would've if The 1975 weren't the "hottest record", hm, a shame. Oh well.

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Here is the full interview to listen to & also transcribed by me if anyone missed it:


Annie: Delighted to say we have Lana Del Rey on the line from Los Angeles. Hello, Lana! How are you?


Lana: Hello, hello! I'm good. Thank you!


Annie: It's an exciting, well, evening here in London for you with two tracks dropping right now, "I Love You" & "The Greatest."


Lana: Yep!


Annie: There's so much to talk about, I don't know where to start, but tell me about first of all "I Love You" 'cause we're going to press play on that. Tell me about that.


Lana: That one was the last track I did for the record, and I wanted also something with some surf drums. So, we did that last. It's just a little bit of a mood track, and I knew I wanted to do a video where I was surfing in it. (laughs) So um, it was more of like a fun thing to put together, and then as we were shooting the little music video, were were shooting in Long Beach and I was like, "You know what? We should also just do a quick video for this song called 'The Greatest' also." 'Cause that one's about Long Beach. So, luckily we got to do two, and put them together as one 8-minute video, and yeah! I just thought they were two good tracks to put out next.


Annie: And the world is going to see you surfing?


Lana: Well... (chuckles) Trying.


Annie: (laughs) I can't wait.


Lana: Yeah, I mean, you know, something like surfing. (laughs)


Annie: So, the album you're talking of - Norman, I can't say, I wish, I wish I could say it as it should be said, but 'Norman Rockwell' is dropping Friday-week. 


Lana: Yeah.


Annie: Your sixth album, and it just feels like you're in a really good place and enjoying your creative process.


Lana: I am, and I was before but there was just so much more to it. You know? There were just so many more layers I feel like over the last maybe 8, 9 years. I think one thing that makes it a little easier now is there's so many more, like, eclectic artists that people don't, they don't really ask as many of the harder questions, as in, "What's wrong with you??" (laughs) You know? If you write a sad song? It's a little bit easier to just be like, "Well that was the mood I'm in, and that was just what I wrote." So yeah, I am enjoying it more because I know that transitional period between writing and putting it out is just a little, little smoother.


Annie: Lana, you mentioned earlier on in the conversation about the idea of this being your sixth album and the idea of the complications around making an album and the creative process being stripped away. How can you tell me more about that? I'm interested in how you've managed to simplify the process and kind of evolve as an artist and know exactly what you want and how you want it done.


Lana: Well, I think that the creative process while I'm alone and with whoever my producing partner is has always been, that's always been easy... easy, easy, easy. It's more like afterwards, just kind of, you know I don’t know always want to talk about it afterwards. So, that's the part where, um, you know, I used to think more about, but in terms of putting out each record like whether it was 'Ultraviolence' that had a little bit of a different sound to 'Born to Die', or this one which has a little bit of a different sound to all of the other records. I never worry, I never worry too much about it, which is probably why it's so easy for me. Like, I don't really worry too much about whether it will fit in to the rest of, you know, what's going on.


Annie: I think that's key. I was talking to someone about you today, and we were both saying the reason why you stand out as an artist is because you stand out for not fitting in, if you know what I mean.


Lana: Mm-mm. Yeah.


Annie: It never feels like you've ever wanted to do that or aspired to. You kind of, you're in your own lane - happily, it feels.


Lana: Mmm. Yeah. You know, I really treasure, like, my friends and my, you know, fellow artists who I know who really value like that place of coming from, you know, like, what you're authentically, what your soul's feeling, turning all the way inward and putting that down and knowing that there's like real, real merit, real value to just telling your own life story and a life examined through song and dance, and it's really... Sometimes like when I'm on stage with my two girlfriends who dance with me on, like as our show has progressed I think, "Isn't this amazing?" Like, my life has become about like self-expression through song and like, this kind of interpretive dance, and it's very, sometimes I just kind of feel so lucky, like it's just a really creative process.


Annie: Well listen, Lana, it is always such a pleasure to speak to you. Thank you for your time.


Lana: Thank you so much. Thank you for playing the record. I'm so, so excited about it.


Annie: So let's play this track then off the album dropping Friday-week. This is 'I Love You.' This is Lana Del Rey, new music on Radio 1.


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