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  1. Rockwell Firefly liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Yayo   
    I was listening to the fabulous Rich Whores recording of Yayo today, and it set me thinking about this song -- I think this is THE definitive Lana song.
    It ought to speak to its incredible significance that it's been the ONLY consistent returner throughout nearly the entirety of Lana's career -- it was still new and shaky at the Union Pool show in June '07, and it's since reappeared time and time again, in demos, two studio albums, and live performances ranging from the Lizzy Grant club shows to the stadiums of LA to the Moon.
    It's got all the signature Lana lyrical hallmarks: the color blue, bad boys, dependence, trailer parks, escape, hope, drugs, daddies, and a scoop of retro Americana. And, all along, it has changed shape to reflect Lana's current obsessions and styles: it's been an acoustic folk ballad, a heavy metal head-banger, a jazzy torch song, and a spooky, otherworldly laptop demo. It could fit on the kaleidoscopic debut album and the doomy pomp of Paradise just as well as it could slide into the confessional-surf sound of NFR!. 
    In short, it's everything Lana, with none of the era-specific quirks that restrict or date her other songs -- an absolutely gorgeous anomaly in her catalogue. It's sexy, it's sad, it's wild, it's cinematic, it's timeless. 
    I'm in awe of Yayo. 
  2. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Prettiest Girl in Country Music   
    Can't stop playing the unreleased country classic. Had this idea

  3. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Prettiest Girl in Country Music   
    Standard edition

  4. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Prettiest Girl in Country Music   
    A concept I came up with for an expanded edition of the album for its 10th anniversary.

  5. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Prettiest Girl in Country Music   
    A Lizzy Grant-era Lower East side classic I know that's right
  6. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Prettiest Girl in Country Music   
    @Lindsay Lohan inspired me to try to make this photo look good. I actually spent a stupidly long time on this... Voilà
  7. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by blackenedrussianpoetry in Los Angeles, CA @ Mulberry SS12 Dinner at Chateau Marmont - December 8th, 2011   
  8. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Nectar Of The Puss in A note about the recent drama   
    Idk if anyone remembers and I really hope no one does but I’m way past the stuff I said a few weeks ago that was crazy. I’ve definitely reevaluated myself and although I’m not completely there I understand a lot more about myself and the relationship I have with that topic 🫶
  9. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in A note about the recent drama   
    Anyway, in the spirit of squashing the drama, here’s The LanaBoards, so confusing version with Elle 
    Fan, it's so confusing sometimes to be a fan
    Fan, fan, fan, fan
    Fan, it's so confusing sometimes to be a fan
    Fan, fan, fan, fan
    Fan, how do you feel being a fan?
    Fan, fan
    Fan, how do you feel being a fan?
    Man, I don't know, I'm just a fan
    Fan, fan, fan, fan
    Yeah, I don't know if you like me
    Sometimes I think you might hate me
    Sometimes I think I might hate you
    Maybe you just wanna be me
    You always say, "I love Lana"
    So we go post in the topics
    Sometimes it feels a bit awkward
    'Cause the posts can start drama
    People say we're alike
    They say we've got the same fave
    We talk about all her music
    But I don't know if it's civil
    Can't tell if you wanna see me
    Getting warnings and mod queues
    & you can't tell what you're feeling
    I think I know how you feel
    Fan, it's so confusing sometimes to be a fan
    Fan, fan, fan, fan
    Fan, it's so confusing sometimes to be a fan
    Fan, fan, fan, fan
    Fan, how do you feel being a fan?
    Fan, fan
    Fan, how do you feel being a fan?
    Man, I don't know, I'm just a fan
    Fan, fan, fan, fan
    Well, honestly, I was speechless
    When I woke up to the notifs
    The mods gave warnings to members
    Let’s work it out on the remix
    You’d always say, “unlock threads”
    But then I’d re-lock last minute
    I was so lost in my head
    & scared to be in the chaos
    ‘Cause for the last couple years
    I’ve been at war with my power
    I tried to keep myself neutral
    & then I made site announcements
    I was stressed by the hatred
    Missed just being a member
    But never thought for a second
    I’d ever leave you all
    “Girl, you act like a fascist”
    When it was June, someone said that
    & it’s just keeping peace
    Until you’re placing a mod-queue
    They believed I was biased
    Just trying to stop the drama
    Forgot that inside the admin
    There’s still a fangirl of Lana
    People say we're alike
    They say we've got the same fave 
    It's you and me on the boards
    The Lipster-verse loves to flame
    & when we put this to bed
    The mod team staff will go crazy
    I'm glad I know how you feel
    'Cause I ride for you, LB
    Fan (LB, LB), it's so confusing sometimes to be a fan
    Fan, fan, fan, fan
    Fan, it's so confusing sometimes to be a fan
    Fan, fan, fan, fan
    Fan, how do you feel being a fan?
    Fan, fan
    Fan, how do you feel being a fan?
    Man, I don't know, I'm just a fan
    Fan, fan, fan, fan
    Fan, fan
    It’s so confusing
    Fan, fan, fan, fan
    You know I ride for you, too
    It’s so confusing
  10. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in A note about the recent drama   
    Thank you!! It’s from the best day of my life aka back in May when I partied with Lana at V12 club in Atlanta  I was hesitant to change it because tbh I don’t like how I look in the picture considering I sloppily did my makeup in the car on the way there skfnsk but it’s such a beautiful reminder of my happiest moment (on what actually began as a terrible day) so I wanted to finally make the change ♥️
    Skfndks sorry, I made the post on my laptop so it looked better there, but I wanted to have a larger font to really get the point across. I also keep LanaBoards at 75% on my mobile browser (I use Safari) which tbh I recommend you all do, the site as a whole looks so much better at a lesser zoom once you get used to it x
    Love you too babe - and all of you, seriously. Even our troublemakers, I have so much love for you all. This community is so special to me and it’s all because you all make it what it is. Even though it can be really stressful at times to be the owner, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s always my honour to continue hosting this place for everyone and I don’t take it for granted x
    Unfortunately, I don’t see this as an option, but I’ll reach out to the forum software company we use to see if this can be implemented. I’ve actually been preparing for a pretty big site update that will introduce some new features. I was originally planning to do this back in May, but we kept running into issues with our hosting server provider, so I postponed it. I still haven’t been able to find another host that’s suitable for us but I still really want to do the update, so I may attempt next month. I’ll make a proper announcement when I get closer to doing this as I’ll have to take the site offline for some hours while I make the updates x
    I want to reiterate this - this post was definitely influenced after cumulating events rather than one single isolated event. The mod team has been discussing this for awhile. Things weren’t dying down and drama was still sparking all across the boards, so this post was necessary. However, I am happy to see some members taking accountability for their actions. To members involved in recent drama, don’t be afraid to ~work it out on the remix~ and perhaps DM some apologies to members you feel you may have upset. I really do hope things will calm down from this point forward as I would love nothing more than to see LanaBoards go back to the safe, fun, and kind community that I know we are and have been over the years x
  11. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in A note about the recent drama   
    lets all take a trip to indeed.com !!
  12. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by southbeachswing in Naomi Elizabeth   
    Im obsessed with her brain...  every little while i discover a new song of hers and i love it  i also listened to her audiobook and its pretty funny
    From what i can gather she's not really making music as much anymore and she re-released a bunch of old tracks in 2022 but everything she has on streaming is kind of a gem!!
  13. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in A note about the recent drama   
    Hi all,
    I wanted to check in with you all about the recent rise in drama that the mod team and I have noticed over the past couple of weeks. It appears that drama on the site among members is at a peak, so I wanted to pop in and remind you all that LanaBoards won't tolerate certain types of behaviour.
    It seems that the drama is especially high in other artists' threads and in world news threads, especially when it comes to hot-topic debates. While LanaBoards welcomes opinions and discussions of different viewpoints, it is important that these opinions are shared and discussed in a respectful manner. As stated in our rules, LanaBoards will not tolerate any posts that are meant to be purposely inflammatory (flaimbaiting to intentionally start an argument) rude, hateful, insulting, or otherwise crossing a line, and members violating this rule will be warned and given restrictions at our discretion. This is something the moderator team is going to be taking very seriously as it is our mission to have LanaBoards be a safe and welcoming space for all.
    Something we've especially been noticing a rise in is personal attacks towards other members and people including other artists, which is something we won't tolerate. Let this serve as a reminder that behind the usernames and profile pictures, we are all real people with real feelings. There's no need to make things personal. Please be mindful and respectful of this when communicating with other members. Again, we do welcome varying opinions and healthy, constructive debates, but please keep these respectful. Think before you press reply.
    Something else to keep in mind is that not all intense debates need to be made public, especially if they're veering off-topic of the thread. We encourage users to make use of our personal messaging system to have private discussions, but again, please keep these respectful.
    We understand that news is slow at the moment on the Lana front so tensions are a little high, but please don't let this translate into disrespect towards others. 
    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns - you all should feel comfortable to reach out to me or another staff member at any time about anything. We are here to help and keep this place safe and enjoyable at the end of the day.
    I hope to see things become more peaceful. I'm sending you all lots of love and I hope you all enjoy your weekend x
    Let's work it out on the remix~
  14. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    This was soooo random. Like it made more sense when she also performed Serial Killer & You Can Be the Boss during Endless Summer since those were the most popular unreleased songs during that time, but Us Against the World was just such a random choice. I was so happy about it though because that song has always been in my top 10 favourite unreleased. Another random one though is when she performed Paradise, another not-as-popular unreleased song, during a show in 2018. Apparently she had been heard sound checking it at other shows during LATTM but only performed it that one time. I wonder what made her decide to perform those, I guess she just really likes them. Anyway, give them all the SYTH release treatment! Xx
  15. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by blackenedrussianpoetry in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    The fact that Lana acknowledged and performed Us Against the World, a mid-level deep cut song, in 2015 still boggles my brain
  16. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lies Lana Has Told Us Thread   
    Lana reading this thread:
  17. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Embach in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    You said I was the most exotic flower, holding me tight in our final hour
    You smell like a million roses bathed in rock 'n' roll, ours was the greatest love story ever told
  18. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by meIanchoIia in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    Are you gonna hurt me now?
    Or are you gonna hurt me later?
    I don't really want to die
    I just want the pain to be over

  19. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by taco truck in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    Lost but now I am found
    I can see but once I was blind
    I was so confused as a little child
    Tryna take what I could get
    Scared that I couldn't find
    All the answers, honey
  20. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by laurita in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    I drive fast, radio blares, have to touch myself to pretend you're there
    Your hands were on my hips, your name is on my lips
    Over over again, like my only prayer
  21. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    Scowlin' like the sunshine set on Sarasota
    Happy like a twister over Oklahoma
    Clear as Benny Mason lying in a coma
    This is how I feel when all my hurt is over
  22. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Norman Fucking Rockwell Trailer   
    That was my first year of college, right before the pandemic hit, and it was such a great summer/fall enjoying NFR! for the first time  So much freedom and sunshine that all made the album sound even better!!
    I found this picture my best friend (and fellow Lana fan) took of me the first time I came home from college and we listened together... bliss 
  23. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    The fact that this album is about to be 5 years old  It still feels like a "new" Lana album to me, but at the same time, every song feels so nostalgic and brings me back to summer 2019
  24. Eugene liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Norman Fucking Rockwell Trailer   
    That was my first year of college, right before the pandemic hit, and it was such a great summer/fall enjoying NFR! for the first time  So much freedom and sunshine that all made the album sound even better!!
    I found this picture my best friend (and fellow Lana fan) took of me the first time I came home from college and we listened together... bliss 
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