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Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Blue Banisters  

899 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Blue Banisters?

    • Text Book
    • Blue Banisters
    • Arcadia
    • Interlude - The Trio
    • Black Bathing Suit
    • If You Lie Down With Me
    • Beautiful
    • Violets for Roses
    • Dealer
    • Thunder
    • Wildflower Wildfire
    • Nectar of the Gods
    • Living Legend
    • Cherry Blossom
    • Sweet Carolina

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Just now, Marius said:

It’s user score. They gave 1.5 for Chemtrails which is 30 on Metacritic and 3.7 for NFR! (68 on Meta)

wait so where is the critic score? :lange:

As i remember they actually did use the scale of 1 to 5 (because i remember they gave FROOT by Marina 4.9/5)

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

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Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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4 minutes ago, Marius said:

It’s user score. They gave 1.5 for Chemtrails which is 30 on Metacritic and 3.7 for NFR! (68 on Meta)

i saw the users' scores tho. And their... ignorant comments as well 🤮🤮🤮

A disgrace,  these users does not even review the album, they literally throwing insults at her online. God, i hate these so-called half-assed music nerds

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

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Just now, Whore of Tropico said:

wait so where is the critic score? :lange:

As i remember they actually did use the scale of 1 to 5 (because i remember they gave FROOT by Marina 4.9/5)

Unfortunately yes. I smell 2. 3 at best because they’re tasteless rats. 


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7 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

Lana is and has always been an album songwriter and her whole discography is the different stages of her life. To me, critics and scores aren’t the big picture in the end. BB might not score as high as Norman or even Chemtrails (although I prefer BB to COCC), but in a couple of years, their vision of this album might completely change, just like BTD got a much higher score 10 years later. 

I love how healing is the core of this album… and it already got me wondering what LDR9 will be about… :brows: Good thing we’re getting a cover album in between, so she might have longer to see what she wants the next one to be about.’

Your POV is interesting. To me, BB is all about healing… which can be painful, but there’s a lot of light at the end of the tunnel that I feel on this album. 


The lyrics definitely contain a lot of healing, and I think they’re the most mature of any Lana album so far. But sonically, it just feels very heavy to me. 

  It’s not about having someone to love me anymore

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I've said a lot of this already in the pre-release under spoilers but here are my expanded thoughts now that I've really had time to absorb the album. Sorry it's so long, just wanted to get all my thoughts down somewhere!


Overall I think it's really spectacular, one of her best, though I find it very difficult to rank her albums because they are all so special and serve such specific purposes in her overall discography. This album manages to be deeply personal and fascinating, sad and funny, angry yet deeply loving. It is such a beautiful portrait of the various sides of Lana, and I think she absolutely succeeded in telling us her story the way that she wanted to. 


Text Book is a beautiful opening. She gets right to it with a song that opens the door to a ton of issues that she'll explore on the album. Gorgeous in every way, and the outro gives me complete chills.


Arcadia is a magical work of genius. The way she starts things so simple and cute with this patriotic sound before slowly revealing that it's actually a take-down of America, and a sad realization that despite the deep connection she's formed to it, she has to leave for something better, is honestly just incredible songwriting.


Interlude - The Trio is out of place for some people, but I think it fits perfectly. After the gentleness of the first three tracks, this interlude rings the alarm bells and tells us that we better be paying attention because a lot is simmering beneath the surface of this album. It's a great moment that picks up the pace and demands focus before leading into the standout track of the album.


Black Bathing Suit might be the most important song of Lana's career. It's one of the most fascinating and vulnerable songs ever that invites you right into her psyche as she reflects on a very complicated existence. She manages to blend all over her previous sounds into one song, with unexpected tempo shifts that don't click on the first listen, but once they do, they could not be more perfect. The outro is stunningly chaotic and even though she's got the last laugh, you can really feel the emotional damage that the hate she receives causes by the way she chooses to let the song spiral out of control in those final moments. This song is just devastating and brilliant, like she mocks the haters while also revealing the pain that they cause. One of my favourite songs ever, and complete proof that Lana is so much more than a musician. She is truly an artist and is willing to lay it all on the table and experiment with her sounds, her words, and her performance, to create something so unique and powerful.


If You Lay Down With Me is such a great song to come next, giving us this absolutely beautiful and classic Lana vibe, while also feeling so fresh. The lyrics are adorable and warm and truly make me want to spin around the room like a ballerina super high. The instrumental outro is a highlight of the whole album.


Beautiful is so special. It didn't make as strong of an impression as some of the other tracks at first but the more you hear it the more it breaks your heart. The piano raindrops are so gorgeous, and the sentiment behind this song is extremely important. She's speaking to all of us and asking us to stop trying to change who she is as an artist. She's never going to change for us, nor should she ever need to.


Violets For Roses expands on the themes explored in Beautiful. It wasn't one of my immediate favourites but the more that I listen the more addictive it becomes. Simple and beautiful and very classic Lana sounding, with a melody that's to die for, especially in the chorus.


Dealer is an absolute knock out. Miles sounds great but Lana is obviously the real star here by a long shot. It's a complete thrill to hear her on this track. I understand people wishing that she sang the whole thing, but I think it works really well as a duet, and Miles' verses only make us long for Lana's return, which makes her moments even more rewarding.


Thunder is amazing. I loved the original, I love this version too, and think it overall suits the album better. As many of you have said, the progression is excellent and the result is less repetitive than the song once was. She could have maybe kept a couple of the previous details to allow the song to build to something even rockier, but it's still wonderful as is.


Wildflower Wildfire is another standout and almost like an initial climax of the album for me. The lyrics are some of her best and I absolutely love the way the song builds with her powerful declaration to be a wildflower, not a wildfire, even if it's a promise that can't last.


Nectar of the Gods has always been one of my favourite unreleased. The stark guitar and vulnerable lyrics are out of this world gorgeous, and the final line is one of the most devastating moments on the album. It's like she needs the fire that she's abandoned in the last song after all, and by trying to tame herself, the flame that keeps her alive has gone out.


Living Legend has also always been a favourite, and with its placement on this album, it's what brings her back to life. She struggles with her guilt and complex feelings, while admiring someone of inspiration to her, and comes to the realization that she's always been stuck between heaven and hell and she's tired of it. I think realizing these things about yourself helps lead to acceptance, which leads to healing. The electric guitar vocals are another highlight of the album and let her bring that burning passion back to the forefront.


Cherry Blossom is so delicate and beautiful. After she goes through this journey of ups and downs through her life, to end on a touching lullaby to her future child, or to anyone who needs her, is really moving. The sentiment in this song is so important and it feels like a lesson that she's really learned through all her hardships, which leads us beautifully to the end of the album.


Sweet Carolina is surely Lana's warmest and most adorable song ever. I love everything about it and it closes the album so well. The title track so early in the album shows her sister coming to save her, and here Lana returns to the favour with this beautiful love letter, assuring her (and us) that she'll always be there, and when sadness comes we can always dance away the blues.






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1 minute ago, landofGodsandMonsters said:

First week sales are saved! Just got notification that my exclusive vinyls from her store have shipped! Physicals will count! Hallelujah! 

Elton John is still blocking her on iTunes 💀

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8 minutes ago, Marius said:

It’s user score. They (Sputnik reviewer) gave 1.5 for Chemtrails which is 30 on Metacritic and 3.7 for NFR! (68 on Meta)


They really gave Chemtrails a 1.5? Jesus, that's harsh

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Text Book: great opener and lyrical masterpiece. 9/10

Blue Banisters: I found this one kind of boring when it dropped but now shes grown on me. 7.5/10

Arcadia: GORGEOUS and confident track, really like its melodies. 10/10

The Trio: bop 9/10

BBS: its darkness and chaotic soundscape are it. The outro is one of her best. 9/10

IYLDWM: nice melodies but it's kinda boring to me. 7/10

Beautiful: I find this ballad cheesy and monotonous, but she's there!. 5/10

VfR: another gorgeous song & I really appreciate her vocal delivery and lyrical content. 10/10

Dealer: I got shocked by her screams tbh. I couldnt stand Miles' voice but I currently dont mind him, both snapped. 8/10

Thunder: I prefer the demo but the album version is lovely and fits better into it sonically. 7.5/10

WW: her most unique masterpiece production-wise. I really really love this tune sm. 11/10

NOTGS: wish she would've re-worked her but still a nice track since its leak. 8/10

Living Legend: ^

Cherry Blossom: ^^

Sweet Carolina: kiiinda meh to me but she's there! 6/10


"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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4 minutes ago, Whore of Tropico said:

Elton John is still blocking her on iTunes 💀

trust me, elton john will not chart better than her LMAOOO 

like i don’t think literally anyone is buying physicals of his album

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Just now, brandon said:

trust me, elton john will not chart better than her LMAOOO 

like i don’t think literally anyone is buying physicals of his album

Elton is so irrelevant. He is forcing his voice in dua piper and Charlie push's songs just so people can recognise him. but the sad truth is :scoff: no one likes Elton :byeh8rs2:

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@Marius honey i don't think the site literally rates her album negatively at all.

Here's how it works on sputnik

 5.0 = classic / 4.0= excellent meanwhile 2.5= average. 

Think of these as "stars" 





And some of these assholes might be too dumb to rate it right on Metacritic's scales?! 🤔 idk but there must be some mistake.

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1 minute ago, brandon said:

trust me, elton john will not chart better than her LMAOOO 

like i don’t think literally anyone is buying physicals of his album

He doesn't have vinyls for this week either I think and all the songs with the big artists were already released as singles so... she'll probably get blocked by Drake or somebody already charting in the top 5, but not by Elton john :thumb3:


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