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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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16 minutes ago, ultrablvd said:

it’s giving a chrysalis :tiffany4: what is she planning

one of the snippets had the lyric ‘I’m a butterfly’ and on the book tour she said she had a song called ‘butterfly’ so maybe that’s the first single?

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6 minutes ago, AllForYou said:

one of the snippets had the lyric ‘I’m a butterfly’ and on the book tour she said she had a song called ‘butterfly’ so maybe that’s the first single?

ouuu katy perry come collect your sons

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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she wiped her instagram and one of the 4 posts is betty boop as a butterfly so I guess she's embracing the butterfly/cocoon aesthetic 



"Don’t forget me"

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Actually I kinda hope the album is called CHRYSALIS cause it’s such a beautiful word?! And fits perfect with the theme and the new aesthetic 

Dying by the hand of a foreign man, Happily
Calling out my name in the summer rain, Ciao amore

13.04.2018 | 04.06.2024


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7 hours ago, Fireffie said:

Actually I kinda hope the album is called CHRYSALIS cause it’s such a beautiful word?! And fits perfect with the theme and the new aesthetic 

I think she has changed locations in all of her 4 only posts on her Instagram and one of them was Chrysalis. I think the album is actually called Chrysalis, my other favorite artist Nostalghia has an album called Chrysalis too and it's so fucking good :popcorn:


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I'm so excited :party:

19 hours ago, Fireffie said:

New post from the new official fan account:




omgggg it's happening!!!

So something should happen in a few hours??? :trisha:

23 hours ago, Fireffie said:

Marina's website is now private!!


And they updated the favicon:


This is so pretty!!


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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at this current moment… and i have not had a thought like this since about 2016 but…. i feel more excitement for M6 than the right person will stay……


however knowing marina i could very well be taking that statement back as soon as we hear the first single :toofloppy:

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1 minute ago, Embach said:

the torture of being a non-american fan :cryney:

right? this is a cute idea but surely she could have done it in a few major cities… what’s the street name? maybe that’s a clue

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5 minutes ago, AllForYou said:

right? this is a cute idea but surely she could have done it in a few major cities… what’s the street name? maybe that’s a clue

honestly the la obsession is weirdddd


anyways one of them is princess drive, the other is 6th street by macarthur park and the hungarian liberation statue

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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