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Your interpretation of Lana in Ride. Prostitute or girl with many lovers?

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I know the British press is obsessed with the idea that she plays a prostitute in the video, but in the credits to ride, the men are listed as lovers and not customers or hobbyists or johns.


Yeah she is walking along the street in short shorts and a dude in a car pulls up and she gets in and they go off to play pinball and kiss and so on, and she is at the truck stop wearing short shorts like perhaps a prostitute would at a truck stop and the bikers pick her up.


I don't buy the "she's a prostitute" angle 100 percent. But I have no problem with it. I think in the video intro she's a singer on a world tour. Why would a singer on a world tour turn to prostitution? Or as she says a series of unfortunate events has led her to be a prostitute.


Either way the three lovers are pretty good to her and yes she's with one in a hotel which suggests prostitution, but I tend to think of them as more as lovers and Lana has a heart of gold. LOL. But she does seem distracted or not quite into it when she's with her lovers like she's going through the motions as a prostitute would. She seems distant when the lovers are kissing, caressing, or being tender with her.


Maybe the video should have had a happily ever after ending like Pretty Woman. Where the prostitute finds love with a customer. LOL.


If I was directing the video I would play a lover she runs away with ala Pretty Woman. LOL.

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you can put clothes in a monkey, a wig, sit him in a table and give him a fork and a knife. He is still a monkey. Lovers or not lovers those Johns have some pretty good fun with her. Hope she and /or her character had at least some fun with that mess. Kiss Kiss


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Sometimes I think Ride combined with Radio are her answer to the media or and fans.. The prostituition is not really sex but the character she created for her music to be heard. Lizzy Grant was the unsuccessfull poet who had to prostitute herself (in the case her music) to become Lana Del Rey. Lizzy is a soul with no home since her body know belongs to Lana Del Rey. Life on the open road is actually the nomadic life of a singer. The tribe she encounters on the open road are the fans or people she meets among her way. Or maybe she just thought that the words and the visuals were "sonically"and "visually" a good combination with no hidden meaning


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Sometimes I think Ride combined with Radio are her answer to the media or and fans.. The prostituition is not really sex but the character she created for her music to be heard. Lizzy Grant was the unsuccessfull poet who had to prostitute herself (in the case her music) to become Lana Del Rey. Lizzy is a soul with no home since her body know belongs to Lana Del Rey. Life on the open road is actually the nomadic life of a singer. The tribe she encounters on the open road are the fans or people she meets among her way. Or maybe she just thought that the words and the visuals were "sonically"and "visually" a good combination with no hidden meaning


Yeah, maybe you're putting too much thought into it, but it's a visually stunning video. Maybe she just thought it would be cool to be in a motorcycle gang and ride the open road and thought that maybe a prostitute would best fit in with the motorcycle gang. Or maybe she's the gang's woman or earth mama who softens their rough edges. LOL.

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Honestly, I don't think any of them applies to the actual story. I know it may sound absurd to some, but I buy her story of "seeking safety in other people." She may have romanticized it a little, but I do believe that she was riding 'round the coast, whatever it is that she says. She surely got intimate with a couple of the guys she encountered, but I doubt she was taking advantage of them, nor was she a prostitute.


Art is always subject to interpretation and ambiguity, I know that, but this time, I think, we can take Lana at her word.

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No, lana isn't for me a prostitute girl in her music Video Ride. She is more the girl with the many lovers. Someone on the search for the big love. After reading a lot of interviews where she talked about it I tink that's logically.

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